Very confused, please help?

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  • #904193 Reply

    So I was introduced to this guy.
    We seemed to “connect” right away.
    There was a spark I guess.
    Talking/having a conversation upon first meeting was effortless (and usually I struggle with that) we have some things in common too…and he has a more quiet and sweet type of personality. Seems to be a genuine person.
    Well he has gone out of his way to hug me and practically runs over to me whenever sees me. He takes his time when talking to me.
    When someone else asked him if he likes me, he didn’t answer but supposedly smiled awkwardly. Anyway, I did feel that he was into me…but after he asked for my number, and we were texting…I complimented him saying “You already look nice” on a topic about dressing up to look nice occasionally. He completely ignored it. Didn’t say thanks even…and just went on to text about other topics. What does it mean? I really thought he liked me…he was giving strong signals that he did…but now I am questioning it.

    #904236 Reply

    HI Sel . M,
    I think if you have a good feeling about this guy and he does seem interested don’t overanalyze the rest.
    1- Having him answer to someone else if he likes you? Is not really the other person’s business and shouldnt be taken as an indicator because he is shy, you guys are not “together”. But, how you were on the date should tell you already. If my mom (for example) asked me if I liked a guy, I wouldn’t say much either.
    2- No, I dont see a problem if he doesn’t comment on “you look nice” if the dialogue is fluid. It would actually make me think he is not superficial and doesn’t think that is too important.

    #904272 Reply

    Where you expecting he compliment you back? Cause I believe he did not want to brag like Rox explained. Nothing bad here about him.

    #904273 Reply


    #904296 Reply

    Hi Sel. M
    I don’t see anything wrong with the beginning of this either.
    Being shy, he may not have known how to respond to the compliment. (except maybe to blush on his end of the phone)
    Definitely let it slide.

    #904645 Reply

    To Rox & N :
    Actually I wasn’t expecting any compliment back at all…I guess what made me start to question if he does like me or not, was because he completely ignored the comment I made…without as much as a thanks or even maybe a silly response. So the lack of recognition maybe stop and wonder/think

    #904872 Reply

    He may have just glossed over your comment — sometimes people do that. It doesn’t mean anything.

    I’m guessing you are young. I think it might serve your happiness and well-being better if you refrain from dissecting every single thing you both do and say.

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