Very early stages of texting and calling/texting

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Very early stages of texting and calling/texting

  • This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 4 years ago by Sylvia.
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  • #831619 Reply

    So basically I have less crazy ideas now and if I have a bad one I don’t act on it.
    I’m seeing a therapist and it clears my mind makes me a better at communication.
    However, this guy loves posting instagram stories etc. He’s away. We made early plans to see each other when he’s back. I let him know I like quick good night text or call. Now he’s away but posting. I feel like by expressing my needs and not acting like “why men like bitches” hot & cold I lost a game and became a reliant but too available. He should be unsure of me and at least texting. It takes a minute.
    Am I needy? Yes because I expressed the way I like to be treated.
    I hate his insta stories because it takes like 30 second to msg me.
    What’s your take on this? He’s almost always the one who texts/calls first which I like but I dislike the waiting game. With other “dates” I always get messages and I know they think of me and the way to entertain me and keep in touch.
    I know guys might hate texting but he likes posting on Instagram so does the one cancel the other?
    He’s no longer on my pedestal.

    #831623 Reply

    Please don’t sit around waiting for this guy to text you… What other things do you have in your life?

    #831624 Reply

    Actually lately I’m very busy but today was Sunday so had a lot of time to myself. Also there is almost a 100% lockdown.

    #831663 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    How long have you been seeing this guy? How many dates? Are you exclusive?

    There is a world of difference between posting on social media and texting. Plenty of people use social media as a mental “break” and will be on social media instead of texting other people. Social media is more general and impersonal. Texting a message to someone (hopefully) requires some thought, more engagement, and is more meaningful.

    It’s hard to comment on your situation without more info. If this is a guy you’re casually dating, then this might just be who he is. He might not be much of a texter. Letting him know that you “like a quick good night text or call” doesn’t mean much if you are casually dating (in my opinion). A good night text/call is something a boyfriend does. So I think it’s not reasonable to expect stuff like that from a guy unless you’re dating exclusively and possibly headed for a relationship.

    Re “expressing your needs”, again, if this is a guy you’ve casually dated a couple of times then it’s not reasonable to expect him to meet “needs” per se. In the early stages of dating you’re barely getting to know each other. You should not be expecting a guy you barely know to meet your “needs”. Like Raven said, you should be focused on your life and busy with other things in the early stages.

    It’s hard for me to tell from your post, but it seems like you are having unreasonable expectations of a guy you’ve barely started dating. If I’m wrong and this is someone you’ve been seeing awhile, are exclusive with, etc, then please correct me.

    #831694 Reply

    You understood the situation perfectly. I don’t know if we’re even dating. (I mean he might think it’d lead to FWB or whatever guys think). The instagram thing annoys me because up to 6-7 insta stories a day indicates him being on the phone a lot. He used to text me a lot during his last holidays and then we moved it to real life and calls. Which is better. Having said that I’d also want him to chase me. If I’m being honest natural like my therapist says I don’t build up the momentum and I’m not like a prize. Which might be normal but a little game/hard to get should be ok. I want him to want me equally or more than I like him. By showing I’m always interested I’m losing my position. Or do I think wrong?

    #831700 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You “don’t even know” if you’re dating this guy, yet you expect a “good night” phone call/text every night? Surely you can see that’s a completely unreasonable expectation?

    “I want him to want me equally or more than I like him.” Dating doesn’t work that way. Either a guy is into you, or he isn’t. You can’t coerce or convince a guy to be into you. And if he is not into you, then you move on. You shouldn’t have him on a pedestal or get upset that he’s on Instagram instead of texting you. You’re not dating! You can’t expect boyfriend behavior from a guy you just hang out with once in awhile.

    From what you’re saying he used to text you a lot, you moved it to real life and calls, and now he’s dropped off contact? Maybe he’s losing interest. Maybe he wasn’t that interested to begin with. But you shouldn’t be this hung up on a guy that is clearly not that hung up on you.

    #831822 Reply

    If you’re already complaining about and nagging a guy that you aren’t even really dating; to do something to make you feel special; then you will make a horrible-clingy-needy-nagging-girlfriend!

    Did I use enough adjectives to create ‘a story’ that men are not attracted to in women? Why? Because ADULT men don’t want to date their mommy, or be told what they have to do just to make you feel better. I’ve been with my partner for over four years and guess what, I never once had to tell him to text or call me. Why? Because he *wanted to* (key words) of his own free will text and call me to show how interested in me he was and four years later and he still does it every single day, two or more times a day, without me ever having to say a peep!

    I think you need to remain in therapy and learn how to stop forcing men to validate your self worth or fill a void in your life. Until you become self-assured, confident, and so comfortable in your skin that you don’t *need* (key word) a man to do something because you are fully capable of validating your own worth you don’t have the desire to seek it from others.

    Continue your therapy and just focus on building yourself up, on your own, until you are so comfortable in your skin, you not only lost the desire to control what men do but wouldn’t even bat an eye (give any guy a second of your time) if they aren’t SHOWING you how wonderful they think you are and how lucky they are to be with you! That’s the ultimate goal to dating and relationship success.

    #831942 Reply

    Thank you! You’re right but I feel like maybe I was right by listening to my intuition something might be off. You can sense a guy who is into you and chasing and wanting to know what’s up hear your voice. He’s on a ski trip with friends or with female companion. He can do it as we’re not exclusive although I’m not happy he is probably hooking up with someone. Having said that guys are great at chasing and often become bad when they think they have me. We were supposed to meet up after he’s back and I’m not sure if I should agree IF he still wants to. Before we went skiing he called me for almost an hour (I ended it) and it felt nice and domestic. A trip and I’m not existing for him.
    My bestie forced me yesterday after terrible day at work to comment on his insta story “have fun” even though I didn’t feel like it. I asked no question, easy breezy. Before that he was almost always the one to call me/text me first.
    He didn’t respond. I didn’t asked anything but still our level of interest is clearly different. A few days of no contact. My bestie suggested that if he doesn’t book me before his trip ends I leave.
    Am I overpanicking or should I move on already?
    “I can’t make you love you”. I want to spare myself a heartache and learn a lesson, that’s why I’m asking.

    #831946 Reply

    You are overthinking/panicking!
    You have really high expectations of someone who is not your boyfriend. This guy is on a ski trip which means he’s out in the snow all day and probably crashes at night after hanging out with the friends he’s with. You’re not his girlfriend, so there is no need to check on a daily basis. And honestly, even if you were his girlfriend, I’d still give him a pass for wanting a few days to himself.
    Let him be and see if he gets in touch AFTER he gets back (why should he set something up while he’s still away? He doesn’t have his schedule in mind right now. At least I hope so, because everybody deserves a proper break once in a while). I have no clue if this guy is serious about you or not. This vacation is no indicator either way. What will tell you if he is still interested is if he gets in touch once he’s back. He will likely contact you a couple of days after returning and set up a date. If he doesn’t, you have your answer.
    What you are doing right now is sabotaging whatever it is you have with him. You want to close yourself off and move on because you don’t want to get hurt. But, right now, you are the one hurting yourself by telling yourself all these negative stories. This is your anxiety taking over and filling a temporary silence with self-doubt and negative thoughts about him.
    Once again, I don’t know how he feels about you! I am not saying that he is in love and you can’t see it! He might like you (if he does, it will show when he’s back) or he might want to let things go (he will also show this through ACTIONS when he gets back). All I am saying is that this is not about him being on a vacation and not texting every day. This is about YOU and your anxiety that is telling you to pull the plug right away when really you should just give it (him) time.

    #831948 Reply

    Sandybean, what you wrote is so smart and on point. You’re brilliant! I’m anxious and anxiety speaks through me. Also all the female games of hot and cold and men being hunters and I’m no longer a prey (but I don’t want to be a prey either because prey gets eaten).
    In the past I fell too fast and acted on it so now again due to anxiety I overcorrected and wanted to protect myself now like you said.
    So now I’m not thinking what happens in the future. I’m living my life. I know he didn’t fell for me that he needs/wants to hear from me, it’s a data but nothing is ruined.
    Thank you, otherwise even if he asked me I’d make myself unavailable and ruin it. (If he doesn’t text/call then it’s obvious)

    #831983 Reply

    Sandy really is on point and should take a break from thinking about him as its not helping you or your “vibe” as that will end up ruining it for you if you can’t learn self-control.

    Don’t you have other people, hobbies, work and things going on in your life to occupy your mind and time? Most of my relationship evolved from NOT looking for a relationship but living my life and if a man wanted to join me, great, if not…see ya!

    If they showed up, I showed up—if not, that’s OK too because there are plenty of guys to meet and greet when you’re out and about living your life with an “I don’t care” attitude. He’s not the ONLY guy out there, so get out and meet some and have some fun doing it :o)

    #831989 Reply

    Actually I have one huge trouble/problem and when I felt my therapy started working IT happened and I regressed. I tried SPA – my brain couldn’t let go so I LOVE working. and working out.
    I do have some friends I need self control. I can’t learn it! Working on it, searching for tips!

    #832012 Reply

    The only tip I can give you is to STOP yourself when you get in that mindset. Need to learn how to train the brain to not obsess by doing something, anything to get it to think of something else.

    Buying 5000 piece puzzles; watch a super funny movie or genre you enjoy; reading a lot of self-help books, on the areas you need work in, putting up quotes on your mirror and reading it until you believe it would be a good start to see if you can learn how to disengage the brain and occupy it with other things v. one, such as a guy. Just a few ideas that you could start by taking small steps until you master it—like they say “practice makes perfect!” :o)

    #832148 Reply

    Great tips. I tried the Wim Hof method due to my therapist and once I am angry I put my head in a cold water but it’s not exactly a preferable everyday method and it doesn’t work for sadness.
    My mental strength is my weakest point and unfortunately I believe that I was born and then socialised that way – it works when you’re a child. Although what’s surprising as a young teen I was insecure but I was different and aspired to be a sidekick bo queen bee.
    Thank you, I’m writing affirmations and fighting with my brain and giving it positive data instead of self doubt. Also I catch myself getting obsessive and decided to not check social media as often.
    It was easier back then, you had no idea other people had great manufactured lives!

    #832156 Reply

    Are you sure you are with a licensed therapist? Since the Wim hof method is not certified for anything. And what is its aim? To foces more? But anyway its good you find councelling but getting counseling doesnt mean insta fix. Some people will have counselors all their lives and not fully reach their potential for various reasons. I remember you, i stayed away from your new posts until now, because you felt intimidated by me. But now i changed my mind, maybe against my better judgement. I told you, your behaviour fits people with borderline. I still stand by that. If it is, it will take you significant mind training to improve your anxiousness, impulse control, excesses. I just read that 2000 dollar bottle a wine threat so that made me respond. Drink that bottle yourself with the best friend you can think of and who likes wine. How does you mind even go to posting that threat? Who is the one who gets the bottle? This guy who doesnt even seem to want to date you?
    Dont let my post beat you down. Thats not my goal. I think you are trying which is trully great but for some people life will be harder than for others. I think that applies to you (and me). For you for now i think you are too much of a dreamer. Which is nice as an escape but not nice when it comes to judging people. You see too much through pink glasses. What i think works best is cognitive behaviourial therapy where you retrain your brain. You clearly smart and sensitive but i feel your brain gets in your way, so you might give it a look. I wish you a big bottle of expensive wine in 2020 where you make plans for 2021 that are focussed on you!

    #832173 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I love Newbie’s advice so much! She’s always very perceptive and on point. OP, I hope you can take her advice in the spirit it was intended. She has great points. And NO, please do not share the $2000 bottle of wine with this guy you’re talking about in this thread, he is not worth it! Find a close girlfriend, cousin or sibling, whatever, and enjoy it with them. Someone who is worthy of something so special and expensive.

    #832189 Reply

    She is legit. She mentioned this method.
    About wine you got it wrong but that’s not important.
    My brain is wired incorrectly I do agree but for some reason I appear more sane that I am to my therapist if it makes sense.
    How many times can I repeat that while I have issues I’m not borderline?
    My therapist made me aware of catching my automatic thoughts level of intensity writing them down and then creating scenarios and arguments for and against.
    It’s turning out I always pick up the worst case scenario. I’m working on it.
    But deep down I know I’m naive and probably shouldn’t totally rewire my brain by giving too much benefit of a doubt since I’m often blindsided by people (not just guys but people) due to me being a dreamer etc. I know you mean well I can’t help being a bit scared of your posts!

    #832201 Reply

    Yeah i know i push you the wrong way so wont respond a lot. So just a few endnotes. Brains are wired differently not right or wrong. Like my man has ADHD and thats really challenging. But he and we can make it work. If you know yours is different then i assume you know how (diagnosed) and seek help that suits that diagnosis. Yes i believe you act sane, since you are sane. Sane/insane are obsolete words. So all the best in finding love:-) and dont let me stop you from posting

    #832341 Reply

    Thank you, Newbie, long story, don’t read it if you don’t want to/don’t have time.
    I remember back in high school going to get my dysgraphia paper so that teachers cannot punish me for my terrible doctor-like writing.. (It’d never happen today, I suppose paper is obsolete :) Of course I got mine because I was a true case and nobody had any doubts about it. Two women assessed also my IQ, my geographical, social understanding. They told me how difficult it is to be me since I’m burning myself out and they see how I want to get everything right. I was so angry at myself because I forgot who wrote “Paradise Lost” since literature was one of my strongest suits and I had to know it. So I came back to school with a “verdict” on me. It was very kind to me. It said I’m highly sensitive ambitious etc. One of my teacher who later apologised said “Ok, so you’re our special care case? How should we treat you” The first part was said in ironic tone. The whole class laughed. It also appeared that my dear classmates turned this (and others too) teacher against me despite getting almost straight As. Later on he was surprised how much I did know. He thought of me as a nervous lazy crazy chick. The story of my school life was also (from teachers’s perspective) “I’m in bad mood and want someone who I can get easy reaction from, ok – Sylvia”.

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