Want to meet her but she's reluctant

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Want to meet her but she's reluctant

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  • #827253 Reply

    Hello. Around 5 months ago, my wife left me and took our young children with her. I’m going through solicitors and the courts etc to get custody over them. Forbth last couple of months, I’ve been eager to start dating again. I met one girl online two months ago but after a couple of dates it came to an end (I want something serious, she didn’t!). Ever since then, no matter how many people I message, I never get a reply. A few days ago, I did start speaking to a girl online. She’s in a similar situation to me (both have children, not too long out of a long term relationship etc). We seem to get in fairly well and I really want to meet her. I’ve asked her on a date and she keeps saying that she doesn’t want to rush into meeting but she does want to meet. The thing is, she only ever messages me when I message her first and she doesn’t ask me things, she only answers what I ask her. I am worried that rh longer we go without meeting, the less likely it is that she will want to meet me. She says that I seem really sweet and that she does want to meet me, but I’m starting to think it’s never going to happen. If I didn’t message her for two or three days, I don’t think she would message me, so how do I keep any interest alive?!

    #827271 Reply

    You can’t make someone interested in you if their not. It sounds like you need to take a step back as you’re sounding quite intense. I would wait and let her come to you. If she doesn’t make contact then you have your answer and you have no option then but to leave it and move on

    #827273 Reply

    You’re still married…

    #827463 Reply

    Fake post, ladies. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

    #827473 Reply

    Unfair Emily! Women can behave just as chappy as guys in dating. Just because this post is a role reversal doesn’t mean its not real.

    OP take a giant step back and don’t initiate- you will know her interest level then

    #827683 Reply

    SS, I agree women can also behave badly. Other factors led me to speculate that this post is fake. Regardless, you could very well be correct.

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