Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › Was he no longer interested or could he be a narcissist?
- This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
I honestly can’t tell but it feels like a lot of games.
He got mad at me about four weeks ago over a statement I made. I kept trying to apologize as he ignored me for a few days but we eventually started talking again two weeks later.
I was always mushy a flirty when we talked in the past but recently he kept insisting we take baby steps to talking again. He admitted he was still mad but got mad every time I wanted to talk about it. Threatened to block me once but after I acted like I wouldn’t contact him anymore, said I could talk as long as I stopped being aggressive.
I have felt like he has played all these games. He insists he is not mad and want to talk to me but he’s not really talking to me. I’m initiating all the conversations. I feel like I’m jumping throu hoops. He’s not as warm as he used to be. He makes me feel like I can’t do anything right since we started talking. Every time I bring up these things he turns everything around on me. He says I’m to flirty, I try to hard, and it’s one thing after another. I ask if I should quit talking to him. He says no all good.
I finally blew up today and told him I was done with his games and never wanted to talk to him again. He said nothing. Since we started talking again he’s treated me like crap. It’s like he started to talk to me with the sole purpose of treating me bad.. Could he be a narcissist?Newbie
You have a bad case of infatuation on your hand and not on a good man. I know you posted before and the thing you said is at the tip of my tongue but i cant recall.
Your question is: is he not interested or a narcissist? Which of these two options would work for you to keep engaging with this man? This is about you. You let that man make you insecure, doubt yourself, say bad things about you, trying to control how you should act and you still talk to him?
Oh man, cant you see how deep in quick sand you are? You need to stop talking to this guy forever but for that to happen you need to really see this is a bad man. Narcisist maybe or emotionally abusive. Does the label really matter here? This is about your character at the moment: are you a doormat? Are you a push over? Probably not but you met this man when you were feeling down and now you have puppy love. Stockholm syndrome.
Im writing it a bit cruel i realize that. But its because i truly hope you will snap out of this and realize soooo much better. Really take care but first snap out of thisNewbie
Realize you deserve soo much better*
I remember your original story. I am going to be very blunt and harsh so you get it:
To be honest, this is on you now for engaging in this silly malarkey. And why would you date someone you actually think is a narcissist. Please get some therapy about all of this.
If you have been initiating, which we all told you not to do, you have zero leg to stand on here.
News flash:
– he is not interested
– he is not playing games
– he is not a narcissist
– you are chasing him and acting insane – pushing for forgiveness and engagementHe ended things, you keep chasing him. Stop it. I am surprised he responds at all.
You took that this man was not great, stop adding your own actions onto this.
I found your post. You have never met this man. This is all just text and its not even fun text. It only creates tention and anxiousness
You.are.losing.your.time. He s rolling his eyes every time he sees a message from you, but he s keeping you around as a ego boost..when he feels like and is bored he answers..you are a temporary amusement but not even good enough for him to wanting to meet you. You can keep being an annoying toy or move on to something more mature and more serious. Your choice.
Not the real Lilly collins
I can’t seem to find your original post, anybody able to give me a hand so I can refresh my memory?
Yeah dating and sex advice, jeanie, about 2 weeks ago, check for the pic. Could things end for someting stupid i said. Im sorry op doesnt respond. I worry she stays stuck in denial
Please stop engaging with this man. He is not interested. This was a pen-pal relationship to begin with, and he has never shown true interest. Your posting about it a second time—a month later—shows that this is obsessive and unhealthy on your part.
He didn’t seem like a great guy anyway, but you are chasing him and I, too, am surprised he’s even answering. This is all in you now. We gave you advice that you ignored and we are still giving you the same advice and you seem to be ignoring that too.
This is blocking the right person from entering your life. Make room for the right person.