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So my ex and I had sort of had an on and off relationship that finally ended in February and we haven’t spoken since. A week ago I had to put my cat down, I posted about it on social media and my ex commented with his condolences (which is normal and expected). Yesterday I get a text from him saying he’s so sorry about my cat and he hopes I’m ok. I thanked him and said I was ok. He then asked if I had moved yet (I was in the process of closing on a place right before we broke up), I said I had moved about a month ago and am loving it. He responded saying he was glad and that I deserved it. I thanked him and that was it. I thought it was weird to send a condolence text a week after the fact especially when he had already said his condolences on my post. My sister said this was clearly an excuse to start a conversation with me, but I’m not sure since we didn’t have much of a conversation. Does anyone else find it strange he would send me that text a week after my cat died?
Tell us more about your on / off situation…
A little odd, but not really-
He broke up with me right when the pandemic started then he would text me every 2-3 months with an apology and saying he missed me or asking to see me (I wasn’t giving in), I finally agreed this passed winter to get back together with him, it was brief since we both agreed we want different things and broke up again.
I don’t think he is interested in anything except to let you know he’s sorry. If he is interested, he will reach out to you now he knows you’ve responded positively to his text.
Liz Lemon
I don’t find it strange. It sounds like he just wanted to give you his condolences personally and check in to see how you were doing (buying the house, etc). He didn’t continue the conversation after you thanked him for his good wishes, so I don’t think he was looking for conversation.
I wouldn’t overthink it. If he were looking to engage in further conversation, or see you again, it would have been very easy for him to do so- and he didn’t. I would just take it for what it was, he was giving his condolences and wishing you well on the new place. I assume you didn’t have a bitter/angry breakup, if you’re still following/commenting on social media? So he’s probably just being friendly.
Nope, not strange, fairly typical for an on and off guy, and your sister is right. He’s probably got no one else around right now and is curious enough about you to check in / is seeking attention and validation that you don’t hate him and aren’t “mad”. Your conversation was short because he was sending breadcrumbs to feel you out, and you satiated his curiosity. He may pop back up a little more often now that he feels you won’t emotionally unload on him if he reaches out, but this doesn’t help you at all because he hasn’t changed and isn’t looking for more (nothing to do with you, he can’t handle more or you wouldn’t have been on and off to begin with). If you are looking at this with optimism, he’ll just repeat the behavior and you’ll go back on the off and on and off merry-go-round again. You can be polite and respond if his texts don’t get to you and get you thinking something can rekindle, but if they make you miss him as more than a friend you should really keep him cut out of your life for the time being. I speak from multiple similar experiences.
I guess I wouldn’t have though much it if sent that text the weekend my cat passed. I just found it strange he would sent it over a week later, sort of out if the blue. Everyone else who called or texted about my cat did so the weekend she passed.
We broke up over the issue of having children. He wanted to get serious with me as long as I was ok with not having kids, I wasn’t so we broke up. He told me to let him know if I ever change my mind.
Right, and that’s okay, I didn’t mean it as he doesn’t care and is disingenuous about your cat and move, but he’s fishing and breadcrumbing, too. If he’s still stuck on you and was trying to make this happen in hopes you may change your mind (since what else is going to change?), that’s actually reflective of weak boundaries and pursuing unavailability on his part. There’s reasons for that, on his side. When there’s a very clear dealbreaker for me, but I want to stay friends because the person is cool and I care about them, there’s no on and off and ambiguity. You can be friends in that situation, but it doesn’t come with let me know if you change your mind or a subsequent power struggle (which may not be happening here, but I’ve seen it come to that before).
At this point, what do you want? I’m assuming you’re still attached to be asking the question. If you can’t hold your own strong boundaries around just being friends, I’d steer clear until you’re over it so that you can be emotionally available enough to meet a man who shares your goals.
HI. Differences in desire to have children is a dealbreaker/no go situation. This relationship has no future so best to leave it as was.
I agree with Maddie about breadcrumbing,seeking validation and wanting to check your ‘temperature’ and he’ll keep doing it again in the future. His condolences provided a perfect opportunity to do it without making it obvious. It’s similar to the ‘hey I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d say hi’ thing exes pull all the time.
I’m not sure what he was checking my temperature for, we ended on ok terms, so while I don’t think we’re friends, I’m not angry at him over the breakup (and I think he knows that) and would respond appropriately to a condolence text from him or anyone else who sent me one.
It’s a guy thing, a man can sent you a text because he needs an ego stroke, validation and attention. Doesn’t matter what you reply him with, the fact that you engaged him is enough, he’s already got his fix. Which is why he then just stops replying or goes quiet again then you see him a month or 2 later.
unless your having 2nd thoughts and want to get back with him, this over analysis is rather irrelevant. you guys dint break up because he dint care for you. it was for another reason. so just take his message as concern by a friend and put it out of your mind.