Home › Forums › Texting Advice › Ways to stop yourself from texting them?
- This topic has 95 replies and was last updated 7 years, 7 months ago by
cindy cooper.
What I do is that I text my female friends whenever I feel like texting the guy. And then once I begin to chat with them I lose track of time and whatever I want to tell the guy (in case I am angry and I want to vent) I do it with them. Try it! It helps! x
I tell myself that if he is not pursuing, then he is not mine anyway. If he is meant to be, he will be back.
And I keep my attention on things I like to do…the same things that I liked before he walked into my life, ..I just return my focus to all the constants in my life. My family, sports, work, hobbies, friends.
Till then, men will walk through the doors and it’s upto me how much they receive or take from me. How much fun I want to have is my choice. The right guy will stay and I will want him to stay.Vpink1986
I’m currently doing the no contact thing with a guy who’s only in my life part time at the moment. And thats not enough for me I want more and have expressed this to him. And he haven’t done a thing so I’m falling all the way off the radar he’s not gonna know what hit em.. If he can’t be with me full time he doesn’t need to be apart of my life at all… I’m Gonna go out and meet new people.. Be strong and think about him in a negative way. That would narrow your urge to text him. Well at least that’s what works for me.
I like and have to agree mostly with redcurlysue.
If you already know he won’t text back, or won’t give you the answer your looking for and how it will make you feel…..that for me makes me not text. Also like others posted, I text my mom , sister, friend, brother….anyone other than him. I sometimes email myself or write in my journal just to get off my chest what I want to say to him. Then delete it after a while and the urge to send to him is gone.
Sometimes I find that just writing is the best therapy and gives you the release you need without the pain you don’t.
Having other things to do and not texting or returning the call right away is also poignant. I had a guy who just stopped calling and took too long to return my calls. So when I stopped to see how long it’d take for him to call me, it was like 2weeks. But even then, when he did call or text, I ignored it for at least a day or so. He’d call again, then I answer/text.This all sounds trivial and childish but the bottom line is if he’s interested he’ll never want to be out of touch with you. REGARDLESS! and that’s my take.
Don’t put more effort, thought, energy into it than he is.
I’m on day 10 and haven’t sent a txt to a guy who is walking away! Right now I have no interest in contacting me. Hold your appaulse.. Thank You, Thank You!! Lol!! My birthday is Monday and I know he knows when it is. I know I won’t hear from him but I am waiting until day 15 to confirm that he had no interest with him not contacting me. All I can say is I’m glad I am not desperate to have someone in my life but having fun testing the system.
Don’t start yelling about my thought process. There are so many variables about this situation that turned against me and this guy getting connected.
My last txt discussion with him was him saying he’d talk to me later. That was 10 days ago.
It’s funny I just received a txt from an ex. Dated him a gazillion years ago, lost my virhinity to him and he walked away from me and dated another girl shortly after.. Ouchh! But we reconnected in April when he sent a fake txt giving me some stupid story about something we did. I responded and ended up going to see him when he was in town. Slept with him.. Ugh. Not what I remember about him it was worthless. We stayed in touch but never the sex thing.. Oy! I have no interest. He just sent me a txt and knew where he was going with the txt to me. I was very brief, very nice and wanted to keep it brief. I have no interest in him. I guess what I’m saying is I now know what type of txt I will receive from guys who are not interested. I just sent one. I don’t mind seeing him but that is it. It was 30 years ago when I met this guy! Seeing him in April healed a little piece of me. I am Thankful for that!
Same thing k did delete the number it also feels good to. And you really just move on with your life and find a real man who is actually interested..
Same thing i did delete the number it also feels good. And you really just move on with your life and find a real man who is actually interested..
I’m a psycho, I make him admit to jerking me around then pound it into his head how easily I spotted every bullsh*t move he ever made, every lie he ever told. How easy it is to see right through it all to the small insecure boy inside. Then I feel free of all counts and questions but I still look back tryin to figure out what signs I missed.
it does feel great to delete his number from your phone. it makes you feel empowered and you feel so much better knowing of the shitty feeling you get when you didn’t get the response you wanted, lack of response, half assed response IF you had sent one text. without sending one at all, you’re in the clear and it’s your way of saying fuck you, i am not wasting another minute, pulling teeth to have a conversation with me if you don’t want to. sometimes, it’s so easy to get warped up into this, but going on this forum, reading that others have experienced if not similar guy situations makes it better. i use this as a way to stop myself from over-obsessing about him not texting me what i want/what i want him to ask me/ initiating. if you’re diminishing texting and contacting altogether, he will FOR SURE notice. men aren’t stupid. and if he truly wants to stay in contact, believe me he will make sure to keep you around. it’s very important to keep the mindset of being a woman who is valuable, who needs to be earned, and actions need to prove that you will let him in/allow him to be a part of your life. i think a lot of women tend to think of it the other way around…that the men have the power in doing the choosing. even if you’re feeling like shit at the moment, make him believe that you’re doing the choosing (which you are), and YOU need to be able to decide if HE fits in with YOUR life, not the other way around. life happens, but the right guy will stick around no matter the petty hiccups, texting madness/misunderstandings. he will stick around if he really, really likes you. enjoy your Saturday night girls!
delete it, respond only wen he texts immediately you done with the chat delete till worn you there
I reconnected with ex after 15 yrs. Still had feelings. We had nice conversation for a month. It turned into sexting we had an amazing sex life. As I started feeling closer I disclosed all my feelings,bad idea.I am bipolar and can’t be up and down. We live far away and never talked on phone. Couldn’t explain myself. I just looked pushy and defensive. I was disrespectful and bothersome. To the point he says I need help and he can’t help me and he thinks In a good person and hopes everything works out for me. Says no need to reply, yet I did I feel misunderstood, but it doesn’t matter. He says he’s scared of me. I have made a mess of this.I wrote things I thought but shouldn’t say. I’m adhd and impulsive.Im sad
I love what RCS said. I have no problem resisting texting but I guess I have very strong will power. I rarely text, first six months probably never. But also what RCS says, if you get no answer it is far worse than not texting at all. So stop it. If someone does not want you, no text will get them to want you, remember that you cannot force anyone to want you. If I am in a relationship and I feel that I have to talk, I will call instead of texting. One time I texted my boyfriend after we could not talk for two days and go no answer, turned out six hours later that he was on a plane. Had I not texted, I would not have gone crazy and he would have called anyhow once he landed. So, bottom line is stop the urge. Just do not do it. It is not hard at all, like others have said you decide what you will do, just decide not to do it. Yes you are pursuing the guy way too much by the way, you are way too available and giving in too easily.
This is what works for me:
I remember receiving so many texts from guys who were trying to get my attention, get me to be in a relationship. They would try being funny, flirty, friendly, romantic, even try to make me feel like I was a real bitch/loser not accepting their advances, or try to make me jealous.
I could always see through it. I would roll my eyes or feel repulsed or feel manipulated or show my friends the text and we would all have a good laugh.
Would you want him to respond that way to a text from you? As long as the energy is out of balance between you, he will likely have a negative reaction to a text from you. Don’t risk it. Let him come to his own conclusion in his own time about the relationship. Meanwhile, text your friends. A lot.
When you don’t grant someone space that they requested, their reaction to your texts will never be what you want it to be.
@ Leigh
Reading your response here was just what I needed. I’m will be seeing my first love after not seeing him for 30 years this summer at a reunion. He wants to rekindle. I’m skeptical. Your experience just strengthened my resolve to just say “no”. I can imagine myself being disappointed in the experience as you were.
Just keep your pride and dignity in tact. That is all.If a guy asks for space give him all the space he needs I would be too embartased to even want to call him. This should not be so difficilt. Just do what he asks. you may not even want to bother with him if and when he comes back.
Just fyi. This is a very old post from last year you all are responding to.
Trish bumped it up with her problem. Trish, create your own thread so you can get responses on your own situation.
All of these replies have helped me at a very difficult time. I gave been on and off with a guy for 6 years and I’ve always been the one to push him away, I’m scared to get close. This is probably due to my ex husband leaving me after 23 years I’ve realised I’ve never dealt with this emotional heartbreak. Now my guy has left me saying he needs time. I’m going out if my head and it’s only been 4 days. I want to text him so bad but I know it’s the wrong thing to do.
Thank you all for your ways of resisting to contact him you are all very strong people.
Hey, I really really have a big issue.
I have guy best friend and we get along pretty well but recently he’s not been too interested in you know, talking to me. He likes me but I don’t want to spoil our friendship so we’re not together.
He’s been rude and ignorant recently. Not replying on time, giving short uninterested responses and just avoiding the problem basically. And this problem arises after every few months and he just sort of ignores me till I text him and ask him or just taunt him. This time I really don’t want to be the first one to try and mend things first…
I’m hurt this time, how do I stop myself? I don’t want him to think that he can just ignore me everytime we fighy and I’ll come running back to him, so I haven’t replied to him yet..Raven
Your best friend treats you this way?!
Not a very good friend in my book…What do you do when you get the same treated from your girlfriends?
Are you sure you don’t have feelings for him?
Just dont do it.
Tell yourself you are tripping over yourself to make it easy for someone who cannot decide if they even want to be with you.
Realize how needy and undignified it makes you look to not leave someone alone who doesnt want you.
Imagine who you would feel if you were not sure about being with someone and they would not leave you alone. It would piss you off.
Keep your dignity at all costs. Insouciance is key.
Yeah! He can go on as long as 4 months with zero contact. And telling everyone that I ignore him and leave him hanging.
It’s so annoying having people look at me like I’m some sort of needy no commitment girl who has left him whereas its completely the opposite.
And no I don’t have feelings for him, I only consider him a very close friend so his behavior sort of hurts you know?All my girlfriends say that I should just stop and tell him to get lost, but can you really say that to someone you consider a very good friend?
I’ve started texting myself whenever I feel like texting him, I hope I’m able to hold on to my self respect this time..Poppy
I haven’t read everyone’s posts but I find a lot of the information given isn’t very helpful – but based on the information Liz have given I guess that’s all you are going off.
‘ Don’t text him ‘ a lot of you are saying.
Ok, so he texts and says lets meet like he did, Liz said she would let him know – who’s having the space here? I’m not saying jump and be like YES OK! But saying I’ll let you know or not texting at all is just game playing! And not texting at all just says to him that you aren’t bothered about him, but actually quit the game playing and pretending you don’t care, because you do otherwise you wouldn’t be here.Poppy
Tess – you need to make your own post.
Poppy- I don’t really know how this works but it feels good to vent it out here so sorry..
I do sound needy and clingy, God. -