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- This topic has 10 replies and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
ANM Staff.
February 4, 2020 at 9:03 am #784540
Me and my ex broke up 3 weeks ago.
We had a big argument and both said some nasty things.
He said not to contact him again.
I respected that and didn’t text /call etc.
Yesterday he blocked me on WhatsApp.
Bare in mind I hadn’t messaged him and respected the fact he wanted to be left alone.
Why feel the need to block me?
All the good times thrown away just like that.February 4, 2020 at 9:31 am #784544cupcake
What was the argument about?
February 4, 2020 at 9:33 am #784545Grace
He was purposely making me jealous.
Telling me how women were texting him etc
I told him to stop telling me and it blew up from there.February 4, 2020 at 9:45 am #784547cupcake
So he was texting women behind your back? or did he just make that up, because…reasons? Either way, he doesn’t exactly sound like a catch if he is acting this way.
February 4, 2020 at 9:47 am #784548Grace
He was texting these girls but told me as friends.
He didn’t hide it ..but kept telling me they wanted more than friendship.
Obviously I wasn’t comfortable with him continuing talking to them when he knew they wanted more,out of respect for me,I told him he shouldn’t be talking to them.
He said I was trying to control him.February 4, 2020 at 10:08 am #784551cupcake
This sounds like a lot of unnecessary and immature drama on his end. Was there something leading up to him behaving this way? like where you controlling in any way? If you think you might have played a part in his behaviour try and be aware of it next time. If however he did it out of the blue ( which sounds likely since he blocked you out of the blue as well) than he is an immature drama-queen/ man-child. Good riddance…next!
February 4, 2020 at 10:25 am #784554Lane
In a nutshell, he lost all respect for you. When you engage in heated arguments and/or say things in the heat of the moment, your words can cut like a knife and if you cut or go too deep with them, its impossible for a man to recover it, they are ingrained in their brain to the point they can’t be wiped out or erased. Men can be white elephants when it comes to this, where even a innocuous statement can cut them so deep they are unable to recover from it. I said something to a guy friend that he still brings up THREE YEARS LATER to a mutual friend, and I’m like seriously, let it go dude, I was just being sarcastic and didn’t mean it literally but he refuses to let it go.
The one thing that is high on a man’s list of needs is RESPECT. If you say or do something that they deem so highly disrespectful to them, they can and will cut you out of their life forever. This is why you need to be very careful in how you state something to a man, whether its platonic or romantic; whereas if they feel so disrespected by something you say or do, they can easily sever you from their life.
You need to learn how not to fight dirty even when a man is acting like a jerk. For instance my BF was being a jerk over my driving in a city I had never driven in, with a rental car I had never driven before, so of course I was at driving disadvantage. He sucks as a passenger, and knowing this, I asked if he wanted to drive but he said no, you go ahead and drive so I did. In the three plus years we’ve been together I had never seen him get so riled up before where I tried to ignore it until I no longer could. In a firm but calm voice I told him “I am not going to kill us. I am trying to navigate the best I can in a city I have never driven before where the streets are confusing so either help me get to where we need to go or be quiet and let me figure it out because you are not being helpful to me right now.” What did he do? He calmed down, helped me to navigate and even apologized for being a jerk lol.
What I’m trying to say is there are better ways to communicate without having to get in the mud or be disrespectful even if they aren’t behaving or acting nicely to you. The best method when you reach the point you risk saying something mean or disrespectful is your cue to “take a time out.” Best to remove yourself and allow the emotions to cool down until the both of you are in a position to calmly articulate [communicate] and listen [look up “active listening”] to what each of you has to say without tearing each other down. This is a hard life lesson and a teaching moment to seek out and develop better methods to diffuse a tense situation before it escalates to the point of no return; OR keep making the same mistakes and going through more breakups.
February 4, 2020 at 11:07 am #784560Lane
I didn’t see your response before responding.
How old are the two of you? Seriously, if my BF told me that women he was texting with wanted more than just a friendship, and he was actively engaging with them to get some kind of ego boost, I would call his bluff and say “Fine, then let them have you” and walked out. I’ve always told every man I’ve been in a relationship with that if you need to go elsewhere there’s the door, just give me the respect to let me know before you walk through it.
I do believe its controlling to tell an SO (married or not) who they can text or not text with as they are grown adults—if they are paying their phone bill then they are free to use it how they want to use it no differently than you are free to use yours how you want to as well. I have no desire to tell a grown up person what they can and can’t do—that’s what mommies do to their young children, not with an adult partner.
It sounds to me as if he was looking for an out. A man who wants to keep his lady around isn’t going to do stupid stuff like this knowing he would risk losing her which is why you call their bluff and do the walk first instead of getting in the mud with them.
February 4, 2020 at 11:28 am #784564Lala
Hello everybody… he was texting other women… and this is her fault? Not only was he texting them, he was telling her they wanted more than friendship from him. Again, this is her fault? Before any harsh words may have been said, he was acting like a next level d bag. He was cheating, period. Please stop with the victim blaming.
OP, you are much better off without him, he sounds manipulative and abusive.February 4, 2020 at 1:58 pm #784587Lane
No one said it was her fault, not sure where you read that? The initial post provided little details to work with other than they got into a major fight where mean words were said and he no longer wants to speak to her again.
After she provided more details I now believe the BF was trying to pick a fight so he could probably date one of the ladies he was texting with, the OP obliged him by engaging in a war of words thereby giving him exactly what he wanted; a break up and she looks like the bad guy too boot!
Their ages could be a major factor in why it went down the way it did. I suspect they are young and have had little relationship experience? I know she’s struggling to figure it out and knowing she was ‘set up’ might help her to see the warning signs of when a guy is looking to break up and hopefully deal with it better in the future.
February 4, 2020 at 1:59 pm #784588ANM Staff
KeymasterMod update:
Grace, it seems that you need clarity and hope for your situation, and reaching-out to the community is a good step. However, we have a problem here.
If you took the time to indicate to the community that you posted before as Gabrielle, Dee, and a number of other persons, then maybe the community would be able to give you advice and help you gain clarity on your situation.
But instead, we have a situation where you posted a thread titled “Why isn’t ex deleting /blocking me from social media?”, and then one day later, a thread titled “Why has he blocked me?”. Those posts, back-to-back, might give a reader virtual whiplash. Perhaps you were talking about two different guys?
You’re asking the same question in this thread, “Why did he block me?” You already asked that, and a community member has already called out the fact that you keep asking the same thing. You have several topics already going in which the community has given you feedback. This site is not a roulette wheel that you can keep spinning until you get the answer you like.
Your posting patterns and constant shifting of names make me suspicious of your intentions when interacting with the community. If you are genuinely seeking clarity and advice from the community, you are going about it the wrong way. You are not respecting the community’s time and emotional investment by shifting names and repeating topics like this. It gives me a sense that you’re here only to tell your story (repeatedly) but not to listen to any feedback. That’s a problem – that’s not what this forum is about.
If you are a person in pain and feeling lost in confusion, then I am sorry for that and I hope that our community’s responses have helped in some way. But this pattern of posting new topics like this cannot continue. Do not post on this site anymore.
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