Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › We hit it off, and then he pulled back and ended it and I'm gutted
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hi there, I met a guy online a few months ago, and we hit it off, same humour, great at chatting, similar life views and relatively open about what we both were looking for – a partner.
We dated and before the 3rd date we were already planning the 5th date. He was in contact all the time, and if I wasn’t with him, he’d call every night when I was in.
I’ve been single for a while so was far more guarded and wanted to take things at my pace and he was totally cool about that, didn’t rush into sex at all and it was on my terms. I have good gut instinct and really enjoyed what this was and could tell for the most part that he did too. I was not pushy and still had my own life, we both have very busy lives and would talk about our days easily together and have lots of laughs, a lot.
Things started bugging me, but I thought it was too early to pay too much attention to them, but essentially, the closer we got the more I felt him hold me occasionally at arms length and then he would do something lovely to put my mind at rest. I broke my foot in the middle of our dating time and he was incredible, would look after me, cook for me, bake and just try and cheer me up. I felt very comfortable in his house and he would make sure that he gave me a toothbrush etc, quite early on – which seemed sweet, I then did the same.
We spent a few days apart over Easter, he on a boys trip, but he still wrote often and called when he could and we spoke about our excitement to see each other. He even bought me this giant easter egg from france and said it was to make up for his short comings, in that he openly said he struggled to articulate how he felt and I always said there was no pressure from my side.
Anyway, after the trip something changed and work got busy and he got ill, his messages became a little less kind and a little more passive aggressive and I was determined to not react to it in front of him and just carried on doing my own thing and chatting to friends about it. There was one night that he disappeared and had told me he would be with his parents and that his phone wasn’t charging, but the very next day he contacted me straight away and said his phone had been ridiculous, and to be honest I had no reason to doubt him. The messages from him were far more as if we were in a relationship than mine, which at first made me feel good, but then I felt that we hadn’t really discussed anything. When he was ill, I didn’t push seeing him, but said if he wanted company I would be happy to spend time with him as I know what being ill can do and he said he would love me to go around, but when I got there it felt tense occasionally.
Things seemed tense between us so I invited him to a dinner and was going to bring up that I wasn’t enjoying things as much, until he walked into the restaurant with a beaming smile and we ended up having a great night, there were times when things were quiet but both of us seemed to be having fun again which is what I wanted. He spent the night at mine and things felt back to normal, if not even more so and we were all over each other. The next morning I opened up a little about my fears of the night he disappeared and very unemotionally said that exclusivity was something I felt strongly about and he said he didn’t mess about and wasn’t seeing anyone else and didn’t do that sort of thing.
He worked that weekend and again because he was quieter than norma, my gut started to say something wasn’t right again. We were in contact on the Sunday night and he called me and sounded terrible (this is after randomly texting each other) he sounded broken up and said that he was in turmoil over us and wasn’t feeling towards me the way he thought he would. It had been on his mind and he’d been going back and forth unable to figure out what was wrong and he said I was great and that he hadn’t wanted to hurt me, but his heart wasn’t in it.
I handled it very calmly and said if he didn’t feel it there was nothing to discuss and we said out goodbyes and haven’t spoken since. That was 10 days ago. The truth is however that although this was a short and brief romance, I am torn apart by it. I clearly cared deeply for this man and of course I complimented and told him that i liked him, which was reciprocated, but I was always putting my life first, but I feel blind sided and am trying to not make it all about me. The truth is, he wasn’t a great communicator and even though he would apologise for it, it was never pushed at by me. Did he really just not care about me at all, or can feelings change that fast?
I have done NC but miss him dreadfully, he became part of my life and I feel that I am so easily forgotten that he has simply walked away from something, even though he was in contact constantly.
I know this is long and I apologise, but I’m shocked at how hard I am struggling to get over something so short and fleeting and honestly feel like my heart is broken over someone I didn’t really know, but clearly had very strong feelings for? Any insight?
He very much liked you but his feelings did not go into overdrive. Your gut was talking to you so next time listen to it….it may spare you some heartache.
You emotionally pulled ahead of him and that is why you are so upset….you loved him but on his end he was not feeling it.
The key for the future is to stay back in your emotions until you “know” a man is in love with you…then you either choose him or not.
Emotions are tricky things but the gut was right on…if you had protected yourself right at the time the gut started talking you would be in better shape. The gut sees what we cannot and responds…even if our heart is blind.
Thanks Redcurleysue, I totally should have listened to my gut and when I spoke to everyone around me they told me I was talking nonsense and was in sabotage mode as I have done that before.
The truth is, I really felt that I couldn’t be myself 100% with him and that’s not right for anyone.
I think I am struggling too, because he was a great guy and I am incredibly sad that his feelings didn’t grow into more, especially as he was using relationship terms when I definitely wasn’t, so I feel lead on a bit.
I’m sad that I may or realistically will never hear from him again or see him and that is terrible to think of, so I go into – is it worth getting back in touch in a few months, just to reach out and say hi, when I’m in a better place and not emotionally linked to him.
I’m so sorry Charlotte. I would feel the same way and I just don’t think you did anything wrong. Perhaps as red said when your gut sends out little warnings, check your emotions a bit. This could happen to any of us. It sounds like he really liked you, just not enough. Take care of yourself and try to view it as a learning experience. Don’t reach out to him.
Thanks Kay, I will act on my gut feelings the next time for sure. I can’t act out of fear for losing someone I don’t have.
i’m sorry that your situation played out the way it did. i feel like us women tend to ignore our guts and act w/ emotions, even though we know deep down what the answer is. i myself am feeling a similar way, and i don’t know how else to characterize these feelings, other than it’s a harsh and brutal realization. you don’t want to believe it, but you make yourself think that it’s not true, and that drags our hearts around even more. i think the only way to “lessen” the blow is to confront the issue or red flag, and to be truly honest. the fear of starting over, or looking for someone “new” is daunting so we end up settling or thinking back to the good times when it first started, and fantasize in our heads that it’ll forever be that way 2, 4, 6 months down the line. the best way to endure these situations is to be honest and move on w/ dignity. he will respect you so much more, and you will walk away w/ respect ….even though your heart is broken just a tad.E.
Keep this in perspective. You dated for a while, it didn’t work out. No big deal. Try doing some volunteer work. Seeing people who are experiencing real hardship will help you get some perspective. I’m not trying to be mean, but a breakup isn’t the end of the world and soon enough you will forget this guy and wonder what you ever saw in him in the first place.
That is why I don’t so much stock on what men say and/or do during the dating phase. I enjoy the moment I spend with them at that moment. The next date is just another new date moment and I don’t keeping adding what they said to me from the previous date and analyze where this is headed based on what he said then and now. I don’t assume he really really likes me even when he tells me and he does things that indicate he really likes me. At that moment, I believe he really likes me. Then let’s see what happens the following date. I don’t analyze his behavior pattern. I take it one day at a time. Until he asks to claim me as his gf, I don’t assume or expect anything other than what I see and experience at that particular moment I’m with them. The next date, we shall see if they still do and say the same. This approach is so much easier to manage and I wish I knew this during my early dating years. I’m in a bf/gf relationship now and I still treat it as one day at a time. I don’t analyze his texting, his tone, his words, his actions after we get together. I enjoy the moment I’m with him. If there is anything I didn’t like I bring it up not as complaining or criticizing but rather as an observation. He told and shown me the last time I was with him that he loves me. That was last Saturday and Sunday. I believed and relished it last Saturday/Sunday and he already told me he misses and loves me this morning (Monday). My point is, just be present, in the moment so you can spare yourself unnecessary anxieties about something you have no control over. Nothing is set in stone. We choose to be with someone. That’s about as much and only control that we truly have. Don’t make it any harder or complicated by worrying, analyzing their behavior. Just enjoy!