We're in a relationship, but he blocked me on Facebook..

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  • #382365 Reply

    I met this guy, and we instantly connected. We hung out for about 2 months and it was great, he came over all the time, we went on dates, I’d hang out with him and his friends, we could talk for hours, it was great. Then we started dating “became boyfriend and girlfriend” he was the one who said he wanted to advance the relationship. Anyway, after about a month of being “official” he started to become distant, and over the following month he came even MORE distant. Finally, after racking my mind and going crazy trying to figure out what was going on (because when we were together it was normal, but when we were apart he was practically non existent) I ended it. We decided to stay friends. Well what ended up happening was that we basically went back to how it was before we were “official” and now it’s better than it ever was and he refers to it as a “relationship” although there are no titles. ANYWAY the weirdest thing of it all to me is that a few weeks ago he told me he was deleting his Facebook, but he actually just blocked me. I know this sounds silly, but why would he do this? If I call him out he’s going to make up some reason, or get upset that I snooped and figured out it was still there. I know this guy genuinely likes me, but I’m just so confused by his actions.

    #382368 Reply

    A guy blocks you on FB when he has something to hide. Question is, what is it? It’s deceit either way and that I just don’t tolerate/ trust.

    #382369 Reply

    I wish I knew what it was he was hiding.

    #382370 Reply

    Are you really this dumb? He’s seeing someone else. And you’ve accepted the crumbs he’s tossed you by going back to the way it was with no “title” – no, honey, it’s not a relationship.

    #382372 Reply

    Yes Jenna he seems very untrustworthy I’m sorry. I would dump him because he if he is not showing you off to the public then he is hiding something. Understandable if he doesn’t have a Facebook.. but if he does and he BLOCKED you and LIED saying he didn’t have a Facebook, then it means he does not want others to know you are seeing each other/ he does not want you seeing he is talking to other girls.

    #382436 Reply

    It sounds like he demoted you to FWB and is keeping his options open.

    When you accept going back with a man ‘without title’ he believes you are ok with the arrangement.

    Blocking you on FB is suspect. It does give him a chance to friend other women and chat with them, without your knowledge… but who knows what he is doing?

    The bigger issue is do you want to be in a non-label relationship? Because it gives him an out if he does meet someone else and wants to date her. He can fall back on the fact that you are not BF/GF.

    #382906 Reply

    I was seeing a guy for 4 months and then one day out of the blue, a week before my b’day he blocked me on FB. No reason given as he wouldn’t return my calls, texts. I knew something wasn’t right, but didn’t know what. I found out in the end, when his wife msgd me on FB!! They weren’t in fact divorced as he had stated, but still married. This guy was the biggest liar I’ve ever known (even more so than my ex husband lol) and he didn’t even have the balls to tell me what was going on, just gutlessly blocked me on FB. Non-one needs men like these in your lives….if they can’t say whatever it is to your face, but just block you on FB, then yes, I think they’re hiding something. And who wants a dishonest partner? Not me ! :)

    #382939 Reply

    Lucy, did you never go to his house? When I am whetting a guy that is also one of the things that I do and I make sure they understand that it is just a visit or a home date but sex is off the table.

    #382940 Reply

    I would also actually reply to his wife and thank her for letting you know and that if she wants to divorce him or take action against him that you will support and side with her. What an A******e

    #660217 Reply

    I got to know this guy in fb and we liked each other and became in a relationship but he is a foreigner.We are in a relationship for past 2 weeks.We have lots of arguements lately but it was all solved before he goes back to his country for festival.Once he went to the airport he blocked me in fb i just don’t know why he did that.But when he was in airport i messaged him,he was just behaving sweet and said that he loves me.I seriously feel so upset once i got to know he blocked me in FB.What should i do and why he did that?

    #660219 Reply

    hate to break it to you, but you’re not in a relationship.

    HE is in a relationship — it’s not with you though.

    the only guy iv’e had block me on facebook was still dating his girlfriend when he was talking to me. the kicker to this? he didn’t block his ENTIRE facebook – just parts. photos/relationship status. the fact that this homeboy cut you off entirely shows he’s REALLY trying to hide something. also, the guy that had blocked parts to my visibility wasn’t even dating me. we were talking. this guy is “in a relationship” with you.

    I suppose you could do some creeping through a friend. he likely didn’t block your friends, check out what his page looks like through them. granted, it’s probably private, but your friends likely can see more than you — messed up, right?

    oh, and be prepared for him to say something like “I like my privacy” if you do decide to confront him. I don’t even think it’s worth it, though. i’d cut my losses and move on.

    #660237 Reply

    Let him go. Not worth your time. Creeping around his facebook is not good for you. You’re now in a position of needing to validate yourself through this guy. Why tho? Is he really worth it? He sounds fishy to me. Start finding someone else.

    #660258 Reply

    Why would he block you on FB? Because he’s hiding something. This happened to me with someone I thought I was working things out with. He got back with an ex and blocked me out of the blue. I confronted him and he had to come clean. If a guy can’t be transparent with you he isn’t worth it.

    #660259 Reply

    And this is an old post. Still true.

    #733516 Reply

    My heart goes out to you. I had a “boyfriend / relationship “
    Like this that dragged on for two years shattering me and ruining my self-esteem. I finally figured out that the pattern of the behavior you described above is known as a personality disorder called Narcissism.
    I read many books on it and it took me quite a long time to untangle myself from the charming handsome liar that threw me crumbs instead of treating me like the queen that I am. There are many books from Amazon on the subject. All I do know is that I would never ever again deal with a man that is childdish enough To not speak to me like an adult and instead block me on social media.

    #754011 Reply

    create a facebook page with different name and you will see his page

    #784075 Reply

    I didn’t know that men do this so often. I never heard about it or experienced it myself. Until the beginning of this year.

    I’m not that close with him. Sometimes we bump int each other. Hi, how are you….
    I sometimes wonder if he likes me. It’s the way he acts towards me that made me wonder if he has feelings for me.

    I like him, but he is in a serious relationship. It’s nice to sometimes see him for a quick chat. But as I’ve a feeling that there might be more from his side. I just keep my distance from him. I’ve to admit I do like him. But I really don’t want to date a cheater. So I keep my distance. My gut feeling might be wrong as he never even asked me out or anything.

    Sometimes I don’t even see him for months and then on a party with friends.. There he’s! Hi, how are you….

    In short, apart from my gut feeling I really don’t know if he does like me and I barely know this man.
    On facebook he wished everyone a happy new year. I barely every write something to him. But now I replied with. Best wishes …..
    That was it, he blocked me from his facebook page?!?!?

    I was like, what the hell is this? Why did he block me?I can’t imagine that I did something to upset him. Why is he really friendly and maybe even flirting with me when he sees me. But then he blocks me on his facebook page.

    After reading all these stories. I guess my gut feeling was correct and that he wants to hide me from his girlfriend.

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