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- This topic has 69 replies and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
Do. Not. Return.
Its time to cut this guy off. This whole situation has gone way too far.
He is now punishing you for something you didn’t and his friend is full of BS too.This guy is insecure and should you date him further this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I’m saddened that you stayed and allowed him to blame you. Why on earth did you stay the night?
I would him cut him off mid sentence and took an Uber home.I get that you like him but, you need to love yourself even more and never take disrespect from him or any man.
Dump him!
I’m so sorry this happened to you… I can only imagine how you feel because just reading this is getting me so angered!
It almost sounds to me like this was a setup.. a “sh*t test” if you will. After spending 10 weeks getting you sufficiently hooked, he was fishing for some info that he could suddenly use against you and cause you to fear he would dump you which shifts all of the power over to him. This is incredibly manipulative behavior. And, it’s working. (You’re human and have feelings so it’s understandable)
What you need to do now is turn a 180 on him and say that you’ve thought about his reaction and you find it insulting, judgmental and sexist and you may not be able to forgive him. Then let him squirm for as long as you want before you dump him.
Mod edit: Hi Lala, I’m sorry it wasn’t letting you post before. The forum filter was improperly triggering on something in your post. That wasn’t your fault! That’s fixed now.
I’m going to tell you what I think.
I think you were BOTH WRONG discussing this type of topic because it goes into details that is best left unsaid if you don’t want to cause this kind of unnecessary drama. I don’t believe either one was *wrong* for feeling the way they did with that information as we are human and react or feel strongly about some things and less strongly about others depending upon the topic or subject matter.
You left an indelible vision in is head and its his right to react to it to the way he did based on the way you described it. In *his mind* its not something he can just erase and pretend its not there, or it would be, instead of reacting to or ruminating over it. We’ve all reacted to certain visions, that we’ve either seen or created in our head based on information told to us so that and was difficult to remove, especially if something or someone kept that vision in the forefront of your mind. I won’t hold him to a different standard just because his mind works in a different way than someone else’s, that’s what ultimately sets us apart or we all look, think, or be the same.
I don’t know if you can move forward or not as you both brought a big elephant into the room and it looks like he’s not leaving anytime too soon. Honestly, I wouldn’t waste my time going into *convincing mode* (look it up) if he’s unable to shake the imaged on his own and decrease the magnitude of it. Whatever happens, I would chalk it up to a hard life lesson and avoid these discussions with a man you’re romantically interested with in the event that topic comes up again in the future.
You weren’t grossed out by his carrying on?!
Liz Lemon
I have to disagree with Lane. This guy is in the wrong. His reaction is totally disproportional especially considering he is reacting to an event THAT NEVER HAPPENED. The issue of whether or not you should discuss your sexual past is separate from the fact that this guy is way out of line. Whether or not the OP should have told him is irrelevant now, as he has revealed himself to be irrational and manipulative over a non-issue. Don’t blame yourself OP, just get out.
Sorry but woman are very different than men when it comes to these sort of things just like woman are very different when it comes to other things.
Look how many woman have “freak outs” if a man doesn’t text them after a date, they said something stupid, reached out and the man didn’t respond? They triple post and still post a month or so later trying to find a way to “fix it.”
Sorry but she explained to this man, in detail, about two men she almost had sex at the same time but decided not to go through with it. You think this is perfectly “OK” and nothing he should have reacted to?
There’s a term for this “double standards.”
Key word: Almost…
Liz Lemon
A double standard is him telling her about his extensive sexual experience and the fact that he had done “everything in the book”, but when she shares something she *almost* did (but did not actually do)– he emotionally punishes her in a drawn-out way, and tells her he’s angry and he feels like she cheated on him.
His behavior isn’t normal. It’s abusive. It’s gaslighting. I’m not saying he isn’t allowed to have any reaction at all to the information. It would be one thing if he simply expressed discomfort with what she told him. That would be a normal reaction. But he’s emotionally abusing and punishing her for it. That is not a healthy or normal reaction.
Ms winterborn
I tend to agree w Liz Lemon. He seems over the top. Big red flags waving all over. He is acting very manipulative and immature. He said some really crazy stuff. He somehow feels like you cheated?? This guy will be nothing but trouble down the road. I think hes a very insecure person. First bragging about his extensive experiences then acting like there’s something wrong with your almost threesome. I think it was the fact it was 2 guys and not 2 women. I still think most people shouldn’t have these types of conversations.
Lane you give great advice a lot of the time but this time you’re way off the mark. She did absolutely nothing wrong by talking about what she didn’t actually even do after he brought up sexual experiences and shared a lot of detail. She didn’t “put pictures in his head” – he’s responsible for how he’s choosing to see her. You don’t see her complaining he put pictures in her head and she just can’t get over it and might not want him any longer.
This feels like some twisted Mr. Gray set-up to make her play master and servant or some crazy crap like that. I’m with Liz, this isn’t normal. It’s gaslighting.
Just don’t talk sexual experiences in detail with anyone other than your female friends!! Never with a guy. That’s kiss and tell. Also, don’t let a guy overshare. Just put your hands up to your ears playfully and say something humorous – don’t let anyone get into details like this. Guys who are secure in themselves never talk about other women in detail to their present partner.
I also agree with Liz Lemon. If he didn’t want to know then he shouldn’t have asked. He bragged about his exploits then had a problem with her considering doing something (but not doing) it and has been punishing her ever since. He must know he has a jealous streak. He was either looking for drama or he’s so insecure he needs his girlfriend to tell him she’s never looked at another man in her life. What kind of nutcase feels cheated on because of something someone thought before she met him? That’s way beyond jealous, it’s psychotic.
Also am I the only one who finds his comment about forgiving her eventually patronising?
Jade S
I agree with Lane.
No matter how we think that the things “should” run in one scenario, there are actually many things we cannot control, like how other people response or perception to our story.
Whatever this man do, it is one of them.
Of course, we would like to have “happy ending”, where this man would not react that way, more chivalrious and less hypocrite, however there are so very tiny number of people that can evolve in that level, where they can overcome all their basic wiring, nature, trigger and instinct.
Most people(like me too), when triggered by something that into our wiring, will have a lot of difficulty to get out of it or do things in perfectly acceptable scenario.As for Megan, I think your attitude and way of thinking so far after the damage has been done was correct. I see that you calmly accepted that if he cannot overcome himself, then it is over. Let him chasing his own tail and you keep observing and taking space like you do now
I agree, he’s insane. Not only because he finds it so upsetting, but also the way he reacts, with all this manipulating, patronizing, passive aggressive bs. I also *almost* had a threesome years ago – at a party, all drunk, we found each other in a room with a guy that I had flirted with a bit and his best friend, they seemed to suggest something so I decided to exit the room. Does it sound like a big deal to anyone? To me it doesn’t and if I shared it with my partner, he would laugh and probably forget about it the next day. And even if in OP’s case it was more serious than that… who cares, anyone who is more than 20 has a sexual past and we have to deal with it. It reminds me of a thread on some forum for players that I saw some time ago. A man complains about his girlfriend – he starts with saying that he is happy with himself, very secure, because he goes to the gym every day and he has slept with more than 200 women. But he just found out that his girlfriend slept with 20 men. He calls her a whore and asks fellow players what to do about it, because still, he has feelings for her. All players advise him to dump the whore (and not even one spotted the hypocrisy). Again, let me underline – this from a man who brags about having “screwed” more than 200 women. OP, you didn’t do anything wrong, he’s a jerk.
It means so much that you guys are taking the time to tell it to me straight. I haven’t been reaching out to him, yesterday was the first day that we haven’t spoken at all the whole day since we started talking 10 weeks ago. I decided to meet some of my friends for a drink, he texted me around 6pm asking me what I’m doing. I did not respond. He later texted me around 10pm asking me where I was. At this point I had statuses of me hanging out and he saw it. Honestly I didn’t put them for him to see. I was being my normal self whenever I go out. He later texted me again and it went like this;
Him: Megan!
Me: What?
Him: Where are you?
Me: Going home.
Him: Ok, but where were you?
Me: With my friends.
Him: Ok where?
Me: What does it matter? You dont care.
Him: Why am I asking then?
Me: I dont know.
15 minutes later..
Him: Already home?
Me: Yes.
Then I went to sleep. Woke up the next day with these messages.
Him: Today you went home straight. (Because before we would usually meet up)
Him: I feel like you’re treating this like I hate you or something. But I’m okay, I never wanted us to stop talking.
It’s just the two men show bothers me. Anyway goodnight, and I’m truly sorry about last night that I fell asleep mid conversation.
My response: I just cant keep hearing you say all these hurtful things to me.Hours later….
Him: I miss you though.
I didn’t respond. It’s taking a lot to not run to him. I’m trying my best to be strong but I know I’m not 100% strong. 10 weeks has been nothing but promising, we connect on so much. But this thing that he is so upset about, and all the flags that has now been raised … it’s all just F up. I have a lot of feelings for him. I’ve been single a whole year by choice before we got together, wasn’t even dating anybody. Having him brought so many happiness. And to have things different now it’s taking a toll on my heart. I miss him too but I’m not going to tell him that. And what if he really turns out to be an abuser, or what if he truly is honestly bothered by this at this extent? I dont know anymore. I dont know what he will do next. He hasn’t told me it’s over. Will more time help see things clearer? I’d like to know so I can start to heal as soon as I can but i dont want to ask him..not yet anyway. And if he really is grooming me to control me later on all of this makes me want to run. But sometimes I wonder if what Lane said could be going on here. But at the same time I dont want to accept this behaviour. I’m in a head space of wtf constantly! I just wish I kept my mouth shut but noooo I had to be honest didn’t I!!! I dont know what to do, I miss us terribly.
Oh god, quit with the poor little me. He blew it. How dare he say all that crap to you?
It’s not about your poor little feelings. Its about he has shown you who he is.
Open your eyes. Hes a joke.
I guess what I’m saying is he has now taken the fun out of things. Hes got you upset, and he tells you hes ok. What about you being ok.
A relationship should be easy and fun, not work.
Here’s my advice….. instead of discussing this topic EVER again with him, what will really pay him back is to wait until he contacts you.. then tell him hes no fun anymore.
The point being, don’t let him drag you down by permitting him to discuss it further. Make it about him, not the topic. Does this make sense?
Imagine this; You Two do get back together… He will bring this ‘almost’ thing up, each & every time you have a row…
You deserve better…
Also, guys who are really into you will never bring this subject up…
I didnt read this until now but i see he manages even in the last contact to bring up the two guys AGAIN. When it never happened. If you still have feeling for this guy i would tell him he is a hypocrite because you told him this after he shared his experiences and that if he wants to continu he will have to let it go and otherwise its over. If you dont have feelings anymore just break up. Him having imprints about two guys when it never happened can be unpleasant for a guy but he has taken it all over the top.
Listen, I’m just providing a different side to the human psyche. There are a lot of people who ruminate or can’t get something out their head. I’ve had triggers from something that happened a decade ago but although I’m able to absorb it and let it pass, not everyone’s brain works that way.
OP, this is still running through his head. He can’t seem to get the image out of his head and would, at this point, let this one go and never have these discussions because as you know, nothing good comes of it. I think Waresten, who’s a man, is the best one to help you understand where his heads at and how he himself was able to let it go. Although it may not fix what’s happened here but at least you’ll understand why it affects a man, more so than a woman as woman don’t have the physiology of men so don’t understand why they do the things they do no differently than most men have no flipping clue or idea why woman do the things we do.
T from NY
He is abusive or just incredibly immature and sexist. I completely disagree this is a man thing. This guy is a little boy. Although I think it is best to keep most of your spiciest sex tidbits to yourself until you’re in an established relationship (or forever lol) the way this guy is going on and on and punishing you and then expecting you to act normal and communicate the same after whining about his stress of something you only ALMOST did BEFORE you ever met him is not just him being a dude – He’s being a person who’s so damaged or un-evolved he can’t see past his ego or need to control. Super yuck.
Be proud of the sexual history you have and your willingness to be open. Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed.
Megan, it sounds like you’re doing really well. Time will give you perspective. It’s hard when all the chemicals are flooding your body. Let me tell you my story (well, one of them) in the hope it will convince you.
I dated someone with similar problems for about 10 weeks. Now when I remember that time I feel so ashamed and hope all my friends have forgotten it. It was 20 years ago and I still cringe when I think about how he treated me. He used to do things like talk to people about me as if I wasn’t there, apologising for me when I’d done nothing wrong as if I was behaving badly. For example we went into his corner store to buy some chocolate. They didn’t have the type I wanted, he suggested getting something else and I said “no thanks, I can probably get some elsewhere”. He apologised to the owner for my inflexibility, talking about me as if I was a spoilt child having a tantrum.
The final straw was when he invited me to his place for a weekend, then told me he had work to do and left me sat in his lounge for hours while he was working in the other room. I did some cleaning out of sheer boredom and instead of saying thanks he took me by the hand and led me round the house pointing out the bits I’d missed! I replied with one word “goodbye” and went home. He phoned me next day to ask what was wrong, and I told him we were done because he treated me badly. He told me that was my fault as I’d lost his respect by having sex with him too soon. I replied that he had double standards as I’d had sex with him about the time he’d had sex with me and hung up.
Once a bit of time had passed and I got some perspective I couldn’t believe I’d been that person. It never happened again and I’m now married to a wonderful man who treats me really well.
Liz Lemon
I agree with T from NY in that I don’t believe this is “just how men are.” That they can’t help thinking that way because of their physiology. The “boys will be boys” attitude excuses too much of men’s sh*tty behavior. Men ARE capable of hearing about this kind of stuff and not devolving into immature, jealous apes.
My boyfriend and I have talked about our sexual pasts, *in the correct context*, including almost-threesomes and other details. I have told him funny stories about weird sex fetishes ex boyfriends have had, and he thought it was funny. He’s told me stories from his past as well, including an almost-threesome story, which I found funny– again, these were all in the proper context. We weren’t comparing each other to previous sex partners or talking about how great this or that ex was in bed. But yeah, we’ve shared comical stories about our pasts. But my boyfriend isn’t walking around with an image of me doing this, that or the other with an ex, and I’m not walking around obsessing over him in an almost-threesome with two women. We’re over it. We’re adults. It was in the past.
And as Newbie pointed out, this dude is STILL talking working it into the conversation! Even when he’s trying to apologize to the OP, he can’t stop talking about it. There’s something wrong with him. He’s immature, controlling, obsessive, or some combination of the three.
Red flags are there for a reason. I would hightail out of this situation ASAP.
So I told him what Newbie advised and then left him alone no text or call.
He texted me on Saturday asking if I want to go out. We went. Promptly picked me up. We went for dinner then to a bar then club. Held my hand in public. Had the most passionate sex. Next day he woke up, and kissed me til I woke up. Had breakfast then spent the whole day together, we spent the day on the beach, got late dinner, went to his place again, watch a movie, more kissing more sex. And never once did we speak about that threesome again nor did I question. He was very loving and conversation flowed. Kept kissing me randomly and told me he doesn’t feel like doing these things or see anyone else in his car or his house but me. I only smiled. We were laughing and having fun. I even met his younger sister too as she wanted to come by his place and he didn’t mind if I was there. It’s monday mid day here and he just dropped me home and asked when he’ll see me again.
Took him exactly a week, and I guess he got over it. I asked him if there’s been anyone else while I was gone he looked me in the eye and said no. I dont know if I 100% believe that but i choose to because right now I’m overwhelmed by the affection after thinking I lost him to what I said. I haven’t forgotten all the flags that was pointed out, so its about seeing where this goes now.