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- This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by
i’m in a bit of a confusing situation right now. i’m not sure how much anyone can help me here, because i’ve thought about this a lot and most likely the only way to get a straight answer is to ask the guy myself. but if anyone could tell me their opinion of what might be going on, especially a guy or girl that’s dealt with a similar situation, it would mean a lot to me.
so i know this guy from work. he’s 25, and i’m 18, which i know is kind of a big age gap, but i’ll be in college soon, and i don’t really want to date him, at least not seriously. i work at a restaurant, bussing tables, and approximately a year ago, this guy started working in the kitchen doing food prep. we didn’t talk much for a while, but he seemed to like talking to me and teasing me, which i liked too, but we couldn’t really interact too much since we were both working. i thought he was cute and kind of had a thing for him for a little while, especially during the few months where my boyfriend and i were broken up.
lately, we’ve been talking a lot more because he’s started working as a server and isn’t back in the kitchen anymore. in a few weeks we’ve kind of become friends, and some of the signals i thought i might be getting when he worked in the kitchen have been getting stronger. i catch him looking at me a lot, and he flirts with me and uses any excuse to talk to me.
the other day, i was pretty high, and i decided to message him on Facebook (i didn’t have his number) just to say hi, i guess. we talked a little and he gave me his number, we talked more and he was hitting on me pretty obviously. he mentioned something about the pros of having a fwb. after a while he asked if i wanted to get some food and watch a movie on wednesday. i said yes, thinking it might be fun.
the other thing is, i know he has a girlfriend. i’ve never met her and she lives far away, and when i’ve asked about her, he’s said they’ve been fighting lately, and he feels trapped by the relationship. i did question him a bit, wondering if he was ok with sort of cheating on his girlfriend, which he brushed off, and said, in different words, that hooking up with someone casually is better. i’ve had a long term boyfriend up to this point, i actually broke up with him the day before, because we’ve been discussing it for a while anyway and neither of us wants to do long distance. i wanted to end things on good terms and not because he found out i went out with some other guy.
so he picked me up wednesday night and we went to see a movie, half of which we just talked through. he really seemed to like me, said i was cooler than half of the people he hangs out with. he was driving me home and was about to turn down my street, but i said i thought we were going to his place. since we’d discussed it before and he’d said it was up to me. maybe he didn’t want to do that at that point but didn’t want to say no, i don’t know. so we went to his house. we hung out for a while sort of watching tv but mostly talking, and he was still giving me all kinds of compliments and telling me that he likes working together because he gets to check me out. and there was physical stuff, like playing with my hair or touching my leg or cuddling, but he never made a move despite there being many opportunities.
after a while, he drove me home. as he was dropping me off, he reiterated that he had a really good time and he thought i was really cool, and also said that he’d had to use all of his willpower not to hook up with me, which i had kind of assumed was the reason he wanted to hang out in the first place. then he said basically, “i’m confused about a lot of stuff right now and i don’t want to lead you on–it’s not that i’m not comfortable around you, i just don’t want to hurt you because i think you’re really cool. we should hang out again and i’ll talk to you more about it then. just don’t feel weird about this and keep talking to me at work because you didn’t do anything wrong.”
so yeah, i’m just not really sure what he even wants. he says he wants a fwb and doesn’t like his relationship, but seems to be into me more than a fwb would be. maybe he doesn’t know either, yet. i’m just really confused.
This is inappropriate. He has a girlfriend and you both are walking a VERY fine line here. If he’s unhappy enough with his relationship then he’ll dump his gf. Until then, he is off limits and you need to steer clear of flirting, touching, or anything beyond friends.
And he’s already made his intentions clear with you; he wants a casual hook up, FWB. And if he dumps his gf you will most likely be the rebound. Don’t put yourself in that situation.
Strike one you work with him, strike two he has a girlfriend, strike three you just broke it off with your bf and you’re vulnerable.Three strikes and he’s out.
Don’t even go there with this guy or even entertain anything further.
I promise you this will blow up in your face if you do.alexa
Gemini615– i see your point, and I have made that mistake before– the rebound one, that is. but even though he’s said that, when we hung out he was really nice, and we talked about pretty personal stuff. maybe i misinterpreted that stuff, but if he really was looking for a fwb, then why would he talk about all that stuff with me? and why wouldn’t he hook up with me? maybe he decided i’m not really hookup material, or he’s thinking about his relationship, or something else. idk.
Khadija– i mean, i work with him now, but i’m leaving for college in less than a month, so i figured i wouldn’t see him that much if things didn’t work out. also, for the last weeks i have to be at work and be around him, how do you think i should act? he’s going to ask what’s wrong if i totally shut him out.
Talk is cheap. For example, he SAYS he’s unhappy with his gf but he hasn’t broken up with her. Pay attention to his actions. When his actions and words MATCH, that is when you believe him. When they don’t, then you believe the worse of the two.
Him talking to you about personal things is not something you should read into. There are men who pay prostitutes not for sex but just for the companionship and someone to talk to. And guess what, they still go home to their wives after.
This is just a bad situation all around. Don’t be that girl.
Why would you want to hook up with a guy who has a girlfriend and you’re leaving in a month? Certainly you can’t expect that he’s going to try to have a long distance relationship with you AND his girlfriend!! First off I give the guy credit for not taking what you were clearly offering him by going to his place. At least he is showing some respect to his girlfriend. And yes someone who wants a friends with benefits is going to open up to you and talk to you about stuff. That is the FRIENDS part.
I guess that I see it slightly differently only because I give him credit for being very honest and open with you. Honestly he also seems more serious and I like it about him that he did not make a move on you but offered to spend more time together to get to know each other. One of the things that bothers me is that he keeps talking about a FWB arrangement but granted he did not act that way now.
But while I could say that as long as you could resist and he can stop himself then I think it may not be so terrible, problem is that even if he says so now, most likely you will end up in bed with him on the next date or the one after.
I think for now just give him space, do not see him outside work and if you, please let him know that he should figure out what he wants first and then once he has he can let you know and you can decide whether you want to see him.
But I also agree with the others that timing is really wrong for both of you, you are vulnerable now. I would actually give it some time, you said anyway that you are not interested in a relationship at the moment and also you will be going to college soon where you will meet lots of new potential boyfriends.
You have a lot to learn about men and dating. An FWB is not always some heartless guy only sleeping with you and then leaves when the act is over. Notice the word FRIEND in FWB. Some guys will enjoy your company but, don’t want a serious relationship.Don’t make the mistake again of being a rebound type girl. You are so much better than that. Learn to only involved yourself in situations that allow you to be of high priority and value. This is not one of them.
When you see him at work be cordial and professional, nothing else. If he asks say I had a great time hanging out with you. However, I think things got a little too personal and I don’t want to cross any lines with you. Let’s just keep it professional here.
Lastly, you may now think but, I really want to be friends with this guy. No, you have other friends and an adventure coming at university.He is not that special.
I’m sorry i’m going to be direct. Girls like you sicken me. He HAS A GF. Don’t be the other woman what the hell. That is just plain rude. He wants to have sex with you- there you go. What type of woman wants to have a guy cheat with her. You disgust me.
Gemini615, khadija, kaye, and SthrnBelle: thank you so much for your advice. i know that i have a lot to learn and sometimes make mistakes because i trust easily and try to see the good in people. that’s something i have to work on, or at least, evaluating people’s motives before trusting them. it also bothers me that he’s older, because i feel that a lot of older guys pursue younger girls because they can be easier to manipulate and have less life experience. i see now that this may be a case of that. i got excited about the attention because i am more vulnerable right now, but i value myself enough to know that a lot of guys have been and will be interested in me in the future. i have a lot to offer. right now, i think i might focus more on me, and not guys, because there will always be guys around. thanks again!!
DUNDUNDUN: saying sorry before saying something like that doesn’t mean it’s not offensive, and i think your tone was unnecessary. “no offense” doesn’t really cancel out, “you sicken me”. your input would be more likely to help me if you could phrase it respectfully.
i was concerned about the fact that he had a girlfriend, but the first time we talked about it, he said things weren’t going well, i thought they might not even be staying together too much longer. i realize this was naive and idealistic of me. but i’m ok with the fact that i make mistakes. i learn from them. yet, i didn’t actually hook up with him. i understand that i’m not a saint just for doing the right thing, but at the same time, i’m at a disadvantage here for a few reasons.
first, although i understand that the betrayed partner can place their anger on their partner’s lover because of jealousy. that makes total sense. but when you really think about it, the other woman didn’t force your partner to cheat. your partner made that decision. both parties are certainly in the wrong, but the cheater made the choice to be unfaithful.
additionally, this guy is older than me, and therefore has the advantage of maturity and life experience. no matter how mature for my age i may be, it’s still a little suspicious when an older guy is interested in a teenager. i think guys like that often take advantage of younger women. i’m not unintelligent, i just haven’t lived as long as he has, and he should know better than to be pursuing me. i do not excuse myself from all blame, i’m simply saying that it’s a difficult situation i’m not yet equipped to deal with, and i think your words were a little harsh considering that.
Your maturity did not come through in your original post but it certainly did in your last response! You have so much life to live and you will have many men to chose from in your future. Keep your eyes wide open and don’t let them take advantage of you. I know it’s easy to get excited about a guy but let him prove his worth to you before he can earn your trust and access to your body. Good Luck!!
He has a girlfriend. I don’t see what’s so confusing about it. Leave him alone.
Alex, I agree with Kaye that you are a very smart young lady and very mature for your age, your values are also in the right place and your thinking is spot on. Please do not take judgmental posts badly, ok? I have no idea why people like that even have to post to hurt a person asking for advice, just ignore it. Statements like “you sicken me” are absolutely uncalled for and have no place on a forum like this.
Nothing wrong with you Alexa. I did get it that you were concerned about the GF but also that he was thinking about ending it. Thing is that it is best to let it end if he was truthful about that and only then think about starting something. But in no way are you at fault in that relationship going South if it does. Some guys cheat because they are cheaters and some do because their relationship is already bad, some are plain and simple immature. Whatever the case may be here you will find wonderful guys to choose from, perhaps at college.
Going forward please don’t even get emotionally attached to a guy that is in a relationship (Even if it is on the verge of a break), it will result in only complication, just like your situation. I’d say keep busy and keep it only professional with this guy. In the event that he breaks up with his girlfriend, you could continue getting to know him better in a platonic way (to make sure you are not the rebound) and then see how it goes! xx
The problem I have is that you contacted him.
You said, “the other day, i was pretty high, and i decided to message him on Facebook (i didn’t have his number) just to say hi, i guess.”
This is where the rubber meets the road.
This is the mistake.
This is the pivot point and what you need to look at for the future. If a man has a girlfriend it is best not to contact them. It gives the wrong signal.
I don’t feel responsible for other peoples relationships. I’m not part of a big sisterhood. But i still wouldn’t mess with a guy who has a gf, for the simple reason they cant be trusted and its messy.
Alexa, I agree with the posters with positive advice. Also, know that a guy would need some time after ending a relationship. Avoid being the rebound girl.
Here’s my take:
This guy already told you he has a girlfriend. If you do hook up with him you have to deal with the fact that you might be helping him cheat. Personally I wouldn’t do it.
He sounds pretty sketchy- he has a girlfriend, yet he is clearly trying to hook up with you. He also told you he is looking for a FWB. I don’t think anything serious will come out of this. Don’t be fooled into thinking he will leave his girlfriend and want to date you instead.
The fact that he didn’t try to hook up with you right away shows that he has respect for you. Maybe because he likes you, he works with you, he thinks you’re smart. But that doesn’t change the fact that he is not trying to date you.
And I think you were spot on about the older guy taking advantage of younger women thing. He thinks he can get what he wants from you because you are less experienced and more willing to experiment and explore things.
Also, don’t focus so much on what HE wants. Focus on what YOU want from the situation, then act accordingly.