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- This topic has 2 replies and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
so I was hanging out with this boy for months. He had all the qualities I searched in a guy. Smart, kind, humble and so on… I thought it was a “top block:. I really believed we were supposed to be togheter. But things went worse. First he started to act distant without any reason. Short texts, few words. He was doing the less requirement for a relationship. In my head I was feeling “ok, maybe he’s only moody”. But this attitude was not for a day, it longed for weeks, and weeks became months. Surely there was something wrong with him. In all this relationship I’ve always had the shadow of his ex girlfriend behind me. She broke up his heart very badly, and he always told me that was difficult healing even after years. But I never thought he was still in love with her, just because she treated him so badly. One day I was scrolling instagram posts. And I saw he posted a new picture,one really cute of him . but then I read the caption ……. ” I miss your blue eyes”.
Guys, I’ve brown eyes. This was an explicit reference to his ex girlfriend. You can imagine how I felt, the world fell down under my feet. I really liked him, and I confessed I was a bit in love him. The right a bit that made me feel so bad reading what he wrote. It was like he played with me all the time just to have someone to be with. I felt so stupid. From that moment I started to act distant and I ignored him in many ways. But during these days he’s back to me, and he’s angry by my attitude. He gives me all the faults for this situation . He has this hate against me just because I ignored him. So this is for you, reader: why does he act like that? Why does he so angry with me ? What I should do now? How should I act?*I want to specify : I never done anything like cheating, texting other boys,or even talking bad about him to others. I’ve always been so respectful with me.
So, why exactly do you want to be with this guy?
You dont say a lot about the status of you and the guy. were you officially a couple or was it casual as in he never made it clear he wanted you as his gf and vice versa? Because you left that out im going to assume it was hanging out and he was never that into you. He already started to pull back gery soon after you hit ot off. Thats not the behaviour of a solid bf. So you should have walked away at thaf point. If he was more serious then i think you were played as a placeholder gf. Anyway i think you did a good job distancing but you need to do a step more: block him out of your life. He is confusing to you and he will never commit to you. So protect yourself and move on. Right now you have a guy Who doesnt want to commit and has anger issues. I mean, who needs that in your life?