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- This topic has 107 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
*me not my
Ha ha Juliette. ..I’ve given thought to the same. it’s just got sooooo surreal!
Bonnie and Clyde.
Thelma and Louise.
Bangkok Hilton
Midnight Express.
Take your pick.
Wall Street never ends.
The Wolf of Wall Street.
sorry…my humour. I can’t resist.
Sweetheart I was in a relationship for two years. It was after two years that my boyfriend told me we weren’t even dating. That he had a girlfriend and they just broke up and he is not ready for commitment. I lost my virginity to him and did an abortion for him. It all started just the way yours did. He was nice sweet and gentle. I was very protective of my emotions but he was so sweet and romantic I fell head over heels for him.
I’d read several meanings into his texts and how long he took to text back or why he didn’t text back and the relationship became my burden. Eventually he saw my desperation and absolutely took advantage of it. I’m a 6ft 1 talk girl and I’m very attractive. Most people over emphasize my physical appearance just to paint a picture, I don’t mean to brag. This guy absolutely wrecked me. He beat down my self Esteem and made me feel really needy and clingy and even told me to my face. Every bad thing he said and did to me was very gently and seemingly unintentional. The summary is that it all started like this, like yours.
I think you should sincerely forget this guy and cut him off, if he tries to reach out again explain your insecurities. Only if he really tries to reach out after you have gone away. When a guy likes u sincerely he will make out time for you. No human being is just so helplessly busy. And d part where you said he was online and didn’t text you, sweetheart that guy is not so into you. Make sure you pay attention to those signs. He isn’t too busy to be online, but he is too busy to chat you up. His attention is divided and I’m not sure you wanna share him. When he sees you are in love with him, he will capitalize on the fact that you told him at first that you didn’t want a romantic relationship and he would gear you up to chase him. My own case the guy said he loved me and I didn’t love him as much and he fell out of love, butt then he stayed back and enjoyed all d benefits of a relationship while avoiding the responsibilities.
Don’t stay in any god damn relationship that makes u overly anxious and stressed out! It will NEVER end well. Oh yes and it will end eventually. You deserve a man that can text you. That can stay up at night talking to you if his day is sooo busy. You deserve a man that will chase you without reservation. A man that will show u how crazy he is about you. If he is getting you to like him too much by being romantic, he should follow up with compliments, appreciation and real sacrifices! Don’t let him stand you up again! Never again! No matter how nice he pretends to be. If you let him draw you into a relationship and drain you, you will have yourself to blame.
My current boyfriend is a lot older than me. Has 3 jobs. He is super busy and makes out time for me. He calls me, tell me he loves me and looks after me. I know I’m beautiful cos I have a mirror but since I met him, I feel like a fairy queen! I feel extra gorgeous. I love him a lot also which is very important but this guy is my healing and consolation from my past.
Sweetheart I can’t say this enough, the fact that you feel overly anxious shows you should call it quits. Leave before you get burned. Sorry if I sound paranoid but I went through this hell and torture for 2 good years! And my experience is a replica of yours. I may be wrong though, your case may be different but you really should be careful.Diane
Soooooo well said…. If I look back at my own experience, those that stressed me out and got me analyzing never ended well…..
Also the fact the he promised to meet that night but ended up online without a word tells me this is a man who does not take his own words seriously…. How can you trust someone like that for anything?
Wow this was a very interesting story.. curious how the ending went? He seemed very interested at first until he saw the neediness then backed down. Hope you found a genuine guy.
It sounds like this guy really likes you but you are way too overzealous, way too invested, never ever say anything like I miss you, hug you first at this stage. I still rarely, maybe I have once said I miss you. But your anxiety level, desperation can also be felt. Chill. Everyone is right, you will chase him but only away. Stop this please, no texting and not in a more excited way than he does, ok?
The only thing that concerns me is why he is going so slow with the physical and that he is so rich, these paired together could be a red flag, do you know for a fact he has no girlfriend? Sometimes you have to be really careful with this. I just had a bad experience with this so I would make sure you go check out his place before you get physical and at this point pull back for sure not invest more! You could get really hurt and you know nothing about this guy.
I do think that introducing to friends is totally different from family. Family is serious, business partners are serious, friends to certain people are but not to all.
I apologize, I just saw this was a very old thread and now responded to half of the first page but since it has recently been updated or so it seemed I will try to read through it and find out what happened. Interesting story!
I was curious too as I found out that this was an old revived thread, I was looking for something else. I think Samantha is long gone now.
I think it was typical, guy was a real player, typical rich guy with many women interested in him and him using them. Believe me I have had the kind, he even bought gifts, trips planned, etc. Sounds like he slept at Samantha’s, hard to say why he backed off even before sex, maybe he had a little bit of a heart for her and saw she was googoo gaga over him and did not want to use her. I bet he had a wife or a girlfriend at home. These type of guys usually do. Fortunately he made an exit before too much damage was done. Samantha made her share of mistakes but she was likely better off chasing him away.:))) Now onto people that need help now.