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- This topic has 254 replies and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by
We’ll miss you!!
Sophie-I think some people were mean on here ( no excuse for their name calling etc.) but mainly because you just were not getting the points we were making or you wanted different advice.
To break it down-you are over-reacting because some crap things ,including your friend dying have happened.
The guy is either an out-right lying jerk or wishy-washy or changed his mind. This is not unusual-there are lots of jerk guys around. We are not saying it is right for guys to do that, but it is what it is in this case and ranting on and wanting to text him about it is just giving him more chance to hurt you or screw you around again, so to speak. Also, you need to take some ownership that you trusted him too soon. Possibly too,you are arrogant and that attracts the same-just a thought. Anyway-move on, grieve and good luck in the future-do not let him make you cynical-just take more time to know someone before you trust.t
So many of the responses on here were incredibly cruel. Stop twisting facts to paint a picture of Sophie that fits your stereotype in order to make yourselves feel better by offering nasty “advice”. The fact that so many women on here are even on this forum and actively responding to Sophie tells me they must be drama queens, making themselves feel better about their love lives. So many unintelligent, emotionally fueled responses to the OP. Disappointing.
Also, Tallspicy…what do you mean by men will be men? That being a “man” equates to lying and deceiving women for sex? In other words, if a man did this to you, you would brush it off with a “boys will be boys” or “i should have known”attitude?
Apparently it’s ok for women like t, to call people names when she doesn’t like what they say. But for others it’s not ok.. how enlightening.
Hi Pip…where did I name call?
A lot of unuseful comments on this topic. I don’t think OP refused to listen to advice, she only defended herself from presumptions, patronising words, stereotyping and twisting of the facts. I am also disappointed and agree with t on the agenda here.
I also didn’t say anything about name calling in my post…..
Yeah, yet another “mean girls” post on this forum
Pip, I read this entire thread and you are one of the worst offenders. You came on and posted a LOL and told her to go and buy a funeral outfit as if the death was funny for you. I am not suprised she got very upset and intense. I also found myself extremely offended by your very cruel comments.
Based on pips responses I get the feeling she painted Sophie out to be some spoiled diva type who is mad she didn’t get what she wanted.
Y’all are relentless!
OP is long gone.
My point was focus on the important things like the death of a friend, not the fact some three date guy decided to talk your pants off (literally).. life is too short to worry about a man you don’t even know. Yet she focused more energy on here than I would have thought if she lost a dear friend. Go live life, console her fAily and friends, and stop obsessing because whom ever guy tricked you. I seriously wdon’t update not be worried about some guy I said I didn’t even like right now, if I had grieving to do and the opportunity to be supporting her family and friends. That whacked.
Well the way you went about making that point was judgmental and nasty….
It read back to me like a lot of people did that t.
The consensus seems to be that this is how men behave and to just accept it and smile and not trust people in future. I am not sure how that’s helping anyone.
The cruel comments to someone after a death though is disappointing even for the internet
All she did wrong was believe a man
Pip you know I’d find it a lot easier to believe your story of meaning well if you’d not called the woman ridiculous and laughed at her and told her “no wonder he did not want to date you”. Sorry, im not buying your good samaritan story today.
Yes, believe a total stranger u chatted with for two weeks and met online!!!
Believe everything people tell you. That’s the trick to life and going somewhere. Believe whatever you read, see or hear!!! No one shmatter our ever believe a person could lie.
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Pip, I don’t think it is wrong to hold a human being (yes, even a man!) to a certain moral standard. Shouldn’t we expect good behavior from humans and not accept bad?
Yes, you have to be careful as you navigate the world, which does not mean believing everything people tell you. I don’t think that has to do with the point Andrea or I was making.
It’s a matter of opinion of though. I have slept with men who lied to me and it does hurt. I even married one :) people can lie or hurt you at any time. All you can do in life is hope for the best and keep your eyes open
You don’t inherently trust someone unless they prove they are worthy of your trust. And if you read enough on here you know that there are thousands of women meeting men on th Internet with shady intentions. But women just TRUST and don’t think with their heads. That’s my point … you don’t trust someone just because they say it, have them prove it over time before you jump all in.
If not.. the only person you can blame is you. And like it or not, people have their own agendas in life. People don’t do things unless it benefits them. Sometimes those intentions or what they get are not honest or altruistic. This the stranger /danger warning.
Texting and chatting give a false sense of intimacy and knowing someone. Words are just words and you have no idea when a person says something that it is true. Truth comes out over time. Which is why you wouldn’t buy property sight unseen or trust that some stranger you started dating is who he says he is.
Pip, your points are fine…but why call the op ridiculous and laugh at her??? You still have not acknowledged that.
I think there is a big difference between trust and giving someone the benefit of the doubt. All you can do in dating is look out for red flags and try and ask questions. Sophie walked when he showed his true colours and I agree he was wrong to contact her and was very insensitive in his communication. Reading his messages I wondered if he was autistic or on the spectrum because he was very overly blunt. It is fine to have points but the way you express them was upsetting for me to read.
Well said Andrea- thats exactly what i was trying to say
I think Pip and Jen are the same person. Same voice.
I read this back wondering the same thing Jamie. I found it hard to believe so many adults would respond in that way. Or maybe the lack of moderation encourages posts from those who enjoy controversy or provoking emotional exchanges. A form of entertainment