What makes an ex come back?

Home Forums How To Get My Ex Back What makes an ex come back?

  • This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 9 years ago by Sarah.
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  • #510160 Reply

    So after the BU, the dumpee is devastated. They’d take their ex back in a heartbeat. Those “get your ex back site” say that after a while of NC, your ex will come back. And even people on here say that exes always come back. As the dumpee is doing NC, the pain get less and less and you don’t really want to get back with your ex anymore, or you’re at least debating the idea. What makes them come back after a while of NC? What makes them not feel the same way the dumpee does?

    #510176 Reply

    hi dear
    I thinks it would be successful if you have some situations
    1.not cheating on him
    2. being irresistible and needy due to fear of loss and reducing his first filtration on relation ship shows your silence too interesting comparing being normal
    3.he do not know your ex love s storyv!especially with details !!!!
    4.the first breaking up not second or third
    5.he at least likes you and not moving on !you would see it via his behaviors
    6.he hasn’t dumped you due to another girl
    7.never cheating on you
    8.not sending him your bad senses and impulses,he would receive that from distances
    9.not fighting continuously in relationship special true about moody girls and crusty ones
    10.no unknown reasons which he hasn’t been told you before! like a special personal or familial problem like a disease or ,,,,, which makes the possiblity of termination of relationship by you in future and dumping him !
    11.not returning to ex gf who was trying to return him back in duration of your relation
    12.not having personal disorders
    13.your bu isn’t been full of broken things likes:breaking the wall of respect,bad words,threatening,telling the others how much he was bad and represent them some documents ,any actions which would put him at risk
    14.if he call s you after awhile through nc rull ,it could be teasing or being an impulsive action you should evaluate !

    #510287 Reply

    I didn’t understand what you were trying to say in #2 and #3. You’re not really answering my question though but I appreciate your reply! Although, I know that even if everything looks like it’s in my favour, it doesn’t mean he will come back.

    #510299 Reply

    What makes them come back? Nostalgia I’d say, sexual desire and an inability or unwillingness to find a new partner?

    #510300 Reply

    What makes them different? I tell you the number one difference between men and women in this sense. Men are hit by the loss much later because they do not admit or process their feelings, they try to run from it, so they are hit by the loss generally suddenly and weeks to months after the BU. Not to say that men are not feeling pain right away, they do but it can take them time to see what they lost.

    I disagree with some of the list above and I also disagree that they all come back. I very much disagree that there is a chance, that is rarely the case, which is why dumpees are encouraged to go on with their respective lives.

    People do feel vibes. I noticed that they come back when you least expect it, going on with your life and often when you are contemplating or are already in a new relationship, also when a new relationship has problems, I have been hit by multiple exes at the same time.

    Why they come back? Not for the reason you would want them to, even if you do. They come back for nostalgia, curiosity and for an ego boost to see if you are still there for them. I would not talk to or engage in any way easily in that case.

    Problem is with the exception of the rare case, trust is gone and faith in the relationship is gone so it rarely works out. In some rare cases perhaps he realized that you are the one for him for life but even then oftentimes bad dynamics are set. I never believed in starting over. In rare cases when external circumstances caused the breakup it can but it is very rare.

    Actually my only case where it was really serious and he did want to start again twice was when we were way too young the first time, I cheated and was very controlling. It was a great relationship and match though I was simply very infantile in it the first time.

    Even if there were bad fights, I mean even the worst, I have had some come back . If they were really in love with you the first time, they are likely to resurface.

    The best advice I can give you is as much as you are yearning for it, if you proceed, proceed with lots of caution and very very slowly. Definitely do not give in easily.

    #510302 Reply
    Amy S

    This is not a straightforward question. First why did you break up ? Did you dump him for being unsuitable or not up to scratch. If you did and he comes back nothing will have changed, maybe he can up his game for a short while but he is fundamentally the same person and you have to be careful he isn’t back for the wrong reasons ie missing sex, boredom, loneliness, familiarity. If the relationship just got tricky for other reasons then it may be he was unhappy and doesn’t want to come back. You would need to give more information on what happened with you both. x

    #510307 Reply

    I’m with Belle here. Of course they don’t all come back. I think they do if they were unsure about commitment but reaiised what life was like without you and change their minds, or if it ended in a very heated argument. That’s pretty much it. They will “reconnect”, as in say hello, but that’s loneliness, boredom and sexual frustration.

    #510360 Reply

    He broke up with me. I admit I was being very clingly and needy. And he broke up with me and told me he wanted to be alone. I went on and off NC and every time I went “off” I would harass him. He eventually told me he doesn’t love me anymore. I don’t think it’s true at all.

    But thank you for the advice. I’m trying to move on but I can’t just get rid of the hope that he will come back.

    I was thinking a lot about what you said Belle. If he does come back and we do end up getting back together, I would be paranoid that he would leave me again.

    But well, I hope he comes back. And for the right reasons.

    #510367 Reply

    It is hard to love someone who is needy and clingy.

    Work on yourself and get a good independent life- a real one.

    Then you can reach out to him and let me see that you are a changed person.

    He is smart now and not coming back to you. If he does based on impulse – the same issue will resurfaced – meaning you continued to be needy and clingy .

    You don’t really want him to come back without you FULLY change yourself to be a lovable independent person. Because he will leave again.

    If you ever want him back – change .

    If he does not want you back. The next lucky guy would love the new you.

    #510384 Reply

    Exes come back for one of the following reasons.
    1. Ego stroke
    2. Sex
    3. Boredom, they in between relationships
    4. Lastly, they sincerely want to make things work.

    NC is about healing and gaining perspective. It’s not some tactic to get an ex back. They could come back but, maybe not for the reason it sounds like you’re hoping for.

    #510385 Reply


    #510388 Reply

    I agree with Khadija here too, I personally think that NC has nothing to do with getting an ex back. It will simply not serve that purpose. Yes it can make them miss you and yes they can wonder and yes you can actually keep your dignity in this case but the farther you get the more you realize that you are gaining a different perspective. I just think that talking on the phone and personal meetings really seriously disrupt the healing process and are very damaging, thus should not happen for a very long time. NC is also great because it does give you time to learn and change. That said it is incredibly difficult to change a dynamic that has developed in a relationship even the next time around, your best chance is changing and then in a new relationship with a different person you will stand a much more realistic chance.

    No matter how much you love a person, most the time a breakup is a breakup also for the reason that it does break something between two people and then you can collect the pieces of shattered glass. Heartbreaks are not easy to forget in relationships.

    #510400 Reply

    I am honestly curious about the mechanism of “harassment”. How does it work for you? he broke if off, you went in NC and then contacted him and kept on pestering him, was he replying? if not, you kept contacting him? Your pride and self esteem did not tickle at all? If a guy had told me this is over, he’d never hear from me again unless he contacted me.

    Is it too much self confidence or not enough self respect that makes you ok to harass a person who told you off? I’d honestly like to understand this.

    In any case, in my experience, definitely not all come back, but most do, and sometimes for good reasons. I don’t know of any couple who are married who did not breakup at least once during their early stages of the relationship. But only during the early stages. If they broke up 2-3 years after being together, then all this on and off did not lead to anything good except prolonging pain for both of them.

    When people say your exes come for ego boost, I don’t think it is 100% the case all the time. Men have feelings too, they miss you, they want to see you, but when they see you, they might see that the same problems remain and this reinforces their initial decision and so they pull away. Or maybe by the time they come back, their feelings already not the same, they miss you, but love is no longer there. So they get a little “fix” of you and then are ok to move on. But I agree that a lot depends on why you broke up, how early in the relationship an dhow bad the breakup was.

    I think if both sides are genuine with how they feel chances of reconciliation would be higher for everyone, but each dies plays the NC game, tease, pull and push, do not chase, etc etc, and no one is genuine. If people spoke from the heart, this is the only chance of preserving something good if you want to. Yes, you might face rejection, but with most men it won’t be a cruel and heartless rejection of you if you had reached out to them in a genuine way, most of them would explain why and what etc and you would probably not fee; as bad. But you would have at least tried.

    This, of course, does not mean disrespecting the person and harassing them. It means being genuine when there is a chance.

    #510415 Reply

    Mary, why do you want to get back with your ex or even care? He is your ex for a reason. I advise you to move forward with your life and not back. No one knows why an ex comes back; it’s all speculation and a waste of energy.

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