What should I do?

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  • #790895 Reply

    Hey everyone! Need advice please:
    So I’ll try to make it short,
    I’ve been with my fiancé for 2 years now. Everything has been fine, apart from the usual argument and couple disagreements.
    Every time he goes out with his mates there’s always something that he lies about. For example once he got a lift back from a pub which he said was a taxi but actually from a guy , his mate and with a girl when asked who did he go home with he told me his mate and the guy who dropped him off no mention of a girl which he then swore on my life there wasn’t any girl in the car. I wouldn’t care if he told me the truth a girl wouldn’t bother me being in the car but he then didn’t turn up at home for around 1 hour 30 after he was dropped off which he said he got chased by some men and had to run around to the park where he sat on the bench for a while with his phone off at 3 am in the morning.
    Now this is where I’m really stuck. One night out with his friends he went to a pub with music so a lively one. This is the story I got told- he asked a girl to take a photo on his phone he then gave her his number (apparently so he could get her drugs) he also was on drugs that nightt which he knows I hate it and he swore he’d never do it again. Anyway the night went on he got a lift back with them and again told me it was a taxi lol. I got a message in the morning from the girl who said that he’d been trying it on with her all night trying to kiss her etc. She said she’s never done drugs and he saved his number in her phone. I then got sent screenshots of him asking for their to come and pick him up he said he’d give her £20. She then said haven’t you got a girlfriend and he said it’s not the case. We did just have an argument as he cane in with cocaine all round his nose. He’d deleted her number and all messages off his phone so if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have known he’d been unfaithful and denying he had a gf.
    I obviously was hurt and angry. He moved out for a while. In that time I found out he had downloaded tinder but he said he didn’t use it ?
    I forgave him let him back in our house as we have a daughter together and couldn’t bare him not seeing her everyday. I then found a female saved in his phone under a males name and all the messages but one deleted and the chat muted.
    After all that he wasn’t really sorry just blamed it on me. Never even showed any emotion just denied everything even though the proof was there on the messages and call log.

    What do I do? We have a mortgage and even a baby together which makes it even harder.

    #790898 Reply

    Is there any more to this story? I think leave him

    #790899 Reply

    He swore he never did anything apparently it was his friend that kissed her. He said that he did give his number for coke but then there’s messages saying to pick him up which he said was because he didnt want to stay with me in our home as I was annoyed at him for doing drugs. But having Someone message you and tell you that your fiancé is basically cheating is killing me. I feel like I can never trust him again!!

    #790902 Reply

    Is he still snorting & dealing cocaine?

    #790903 Reply

    Not that I know of hahaha 🤣🤣

    #790911 Reply

    My advice is to begin the process of child support and move forward. Your daughter needs a bakanced home life and is not possible with this relationship. I would also request any visitations be supervised (this will probably require a lawyer).

    #790912 Reply


    #790913 Reply

    Sell the house – have child support pay for child care. Get a job and get the hell outta there.

    Or stay and put up with the again and again.

    Your choice.

    #790915 Reply

    We dint argue in front of our daughter and he is a fan dad. House would be easy to sell.
    What I’m struggling with is not knowing the truth and I’ll never know what actually happened. If I need reassurance or want to talk about it he just gets annoyed with me. It doesn’t just go away. I guess we both wanted different things and how do u trust him to go out again

    #790916 Reply

    Sorry I mean we don’t argue in front of our daughter and he is a fab dad

    #790926 Reply

    If your man lies every time he goes out, this is not normal or healthy. In a healthy relationship you give each other space, but you also know what the other is doing and are able to trust them. I promise you there are plenty of relationships out there where neither partner is routinely lied to. Where drugs and cheating aren’t an issue. You could have something like that, too – with someone else. Your man is not going to change.

    His stories are outlandish and suspicious – why would he deny he was getting a lift back with his friend (even if there was a girl) – unless something suspicious was going on. However he stayed out very late and was going back with a woman, which clearly points to cheating as a likely option. I’m sorry, that’s a very hurtful thing to find out through anotehr woman – and his denials and gaslighting make it even worse.

    That girl messaging you was probably telling you the truth – though it’s unclear how she got your number, unless they slept together and she was able to go through his phone. You’ve also got all sorts of things like suspicious deleted chat logs etc. And of course tinder. Sure, he swears he didn’t use it – but does any person in a relationship need a dating app? I’d argue it’s definitely a sign a partner is thinking in that direction.

    Your man takes drugs and goes out of his way to offer them to others. If you are not OK with this, then that alone is reason enough to end it. Personally I couldn’t trust a man like that to raise my kids with. To be hionest, it would have been wiser not to have children with a man who you know routinely lies to you, but it’s happened.

    It’s not funny or cute that he has a drug problem, so your reaction above seems a little odd in tone. He’s getting into all sorts of unpleasant escapades. If social services find out, they could take your child away, because his drug taking is incredibly inappropriate and could put her in danger. Plus he procures drugs for others, which is a serious crime. I’m worried you could be caught up in this, and that you might lose access too. Think very carefuly about the kind of home life you are exposing your baby to.

    It honestly sounds like you’re only stating together with him for your child. But she’s got a lying, probably cheating drug dealer/user as a father – frankly, him continuing to be around her consistently is probably a bigger risk than her seeing him less frequently.

    Of course you can’t trust him – you state that he lies to you whenever he goes out. You state that he uses drugs even though you’ve pleaded with him not to. He’s likely cheated, and always comes up with shady stories. What is there to trust about this man? He hasn’t acted in any way to suggest he respects or values you.

    You and your child deserve better.

    #790927 Reply

    Annie, I’m glad he’s good with his daughter. But in the long run, he probably won’t be a fab dad whilst he has these issues.

    He’s flaky, a liar, and almost certainly a cheat. If she’s brought up around him, she’ll learn what a man should be like from him – is that the kind of man you’d like your girl to date? When kids are older, they need more than hugs. They need order and sensible parenting – and nothing you’ve said about him suggests he can show your girl what a good man is like.

    He keeps shady company and abuses drugs. That is not a good environment for a child to be in – and I’m sure social services would take a dim view if they knew. So I’d be wary of staying with him for thsoe reasons, too. If I were you.

    Your child will be able to sense tension, whether the arguments are in a different room or not. They can also hear through walls. If you’re arguing often, that’s ultimately not heathy for everyone involved, and kids do feel the consequences of it.

    #790936 Reply

    Thank you both. I think I know what to do even though it’s so hard and I do love him I just wish things were different.

    #790947 Reply

    girl, chased by a man at 3 am? I had to laugh so bad, this man is lying to you and you should leave immediately!!!!!!!!

    #790951 Reply

    So he said he got dropped off walked down the road and 3 men were shouting abuse at him so he walked down the road got round the corner then ran. He said they came out of the pub even though they shut much earlier 😂 Apparently sat in the park for a while. Sounds like bs to me too! He then says the girl in the car was the drivers girlfriend but why lie to me about it makes no sense.

    #790969 Reply

    Look, everyone on here can tell you to get out while you’re still young enough to rebuild your life, but I know you won’t.

    How do I know this?

    I am you.

    I’ve been in the same situation. I’ve been told the same lies. I even walked in on him with another girl wrapped around him when I was eight months’ pregnant and was told that I didn’t see what i knew I had seen.

    I swallowed the bullsh*t (and more) and stayed. My excuse was that I had been a divorced child and I didn’t want my daughter to grow up in that situation, but the truth is that I was too insecure – had too little self-esteem – to do what everyone in the world told me to do.

    Now I’m 66 and it’s too late for me.

    I don’t know how old you are, but I’d be willing to bet the farm that when you’re 66, you’ll still be with him – and the only thing you’ll have in your life is “what if.”

    I don’t intend to be mean, but just get used to the treatment you’re getting now, because this is going to be your life.

    #790985 Reply

    Annie, take all the time to decide what you have to do. But remember that your happiness, and the wellbeing of your kid is all that you are responsible for.

    Paige, that’s heartvreaking. I’m so sorry you went through that. You deserved better.

    #791015 Reply

    Sorry to hear that Paige that’s awful. Thank you for your reply.

    I think I’m holding on to the fact that he could change but I know that every time he goes out I’m going to think something will happen and I can’t be worrying about that all the time. I don’t want to be one of those women that ask where he is and what’s he doing and questions him about his night. He is very shady with his phone too I know he has to have his privacy but when he’s messed around with my mind like this I can’t help but feel insecure about it. I want that family life , I also grew up with my parents separated they divorced when I was 2 years old. I wouldn’t want that for my daughter but then if I think about it I don’t want my daughter growing up to think her mummy isn’t happy.
    If he had been sympathetic about the situation things might have been different. He still denies cheating even though I have the texts to prove he wanted to go back home with her. He hardly did anything to try and win me back or anything I guess I let him back in as it’s easy.

    It hurts so bad. I question why I’m not good enough. I’ve given him a daughter, been faithful, loving, caring and the best fiancée I could be but somehow it wasn’t good enough. After this happened I am now questioning everything he’s lied about and thinking that actually I don’t really know the truth at all and I really don’t know him.

    I guess relationships aren’t as good as when you first meet at the honey moon stage and especially with a child it’s limited what you can do as in date nights etc. Some say this makes the relationship stronger and that’s what I’ve been holding on to but I can’t forget it all the lies and hurt he’s caused me.

    #791016 Reply

    How about instead of questioning your worth or holding on to the myth that he could change… how about asking yourself what YOU deserve from a mate and what kind of example you want to set for your child?

    I think you have a very skewed vision of what a healthy, strong relationship is. This kind of addiction and madness and mayhem is not what makes a relationship stronger.

    #791017 Reply

    Yes you are right I need to think about by daughter and put her well-being first. It’s just really hard I wanted it to work and wished it never happened. And yes I am just kidding myself really.

    #791018 Reply

    You remind me of my mom. She married my dad, a cheater. She turned into an alcoholic. And died early. All because she didnt pick herself first. I would have been fine raised without my dad since he was barely there. Your choice, your happiness. Only one person who looks out for you. Which is you

    #791019 Reply

    That’s awful I’m so sorry to hear that.
    That is so true, thank you for your reply x

    #791021 Reply

    “I question why I’m not good enough. I’ve given him a daughter, been faithful, loving, caring and the best fiancée I could be but somehow it wasn’t good enough.”

    But you are good enough. More than good enough. It’s just that you fell for a guy that’s pretty heavily involved with alcohol and coke. HE’S the person that’s not good enough.

    I really hope you make a positive change for you and your daughter, because he’s never going to.

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