what to do when he doesn't discuss his past……

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals what to do when he doesn't discuss his past……

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    I’m pulling this from another thread on a different topic.

    what do you do with a guy who doesn’t talk about his exes or past relationships at all. when you ask he just says ‘oh it didn’t work out and we went our separate ways” do you pry? do you ask for more details? do you leave it at that?

    Also how about if he starts talking about an old relationship and stops in his tracks stating “he knows its rude to talk about an ex when your with a new one”

    I’ve had both these scenarios and had no clue how to go forward, so I left it alone, and it left me wondering the whole time. he never spoke of them good, bad or otherwise. And didn’t care to ask of mine either. Needless to say that affair ended rather quickly. It lasted all of about 3.5 months and was a few years ago but I never got over wondering why he didn’t talk about it at all. I thought he was waiting to get to a level of ‘comfort’ with me so I never harassed or tried to coerce it out of him, but since then I’ve met others who right off the bat like date 1 – 2 will give me some clue as to what happened in their other relationships.

    So ladies of wisdom and experience, what say you?

    Amy S

    Hi. Im not sure. Right now after a failed marriage and a difficult relationship thats now over after over 4yrs I actually think I would rather not go there with a new guy. Its like ooft been there done that and Im over it and its new so why dredge up the past. Its a tricky one, if they go on about the ex they may still have feelings or been damaged, Im interested as to what others will say about this. x


    I feel like there’s never a clear cut sure fire way to know if there’s issues from their past or not. In my current relationship since he hardly ever directly mentioned past issues, I just took it like he didn’t want to make them issues in our relationship, and he’d keep them separate on his own. Now I see that he obviously could benefit from talking about it. Maybe I’m not the right person to do that with though…but I see that he should talk with somebody.

    Sometimes people bring it up too early because there are still issues there that they’re getting over, and that would kind of make me wary about being compared to a previous relationship. It all just depends on 1) the frequency in which exes/past relationship issues are brought up 2) their emotions in regards to the issue 3) their openness to address current issues in your relationship. I don’t think that spewing it all out in the beginning is necessarily a good thing, but maybe that’s just because I’m kind of slow to open up to other people. But not talking about it at all is a bad thing too, because it shows that maybe they are unwilling to reflect on themselves and how they could potentially improve in relationships. That’s just my 2 cents anyway. Hah, it’s funny how it’s so much easier to give perspective to outside situations than your own…


    I think discussing or not discussing the past is a personal preference.

    When I’m dating someone I want to hear the Cliff notes of their past significant relationships. There are probably three things I’m looking for in those exchanges:

    1) Are they capable of having a real relationship with someone? Im somewhat wary of guys who have either never had a LTR and only have 3-6 month relationships.

    2)What did he learn from that relationship? This one is more important to me. Every dating experience is an opportunity to learn something about yourself and what you want/don’t want in a relationship. It’s a red flag if he learned nothing from his past relationship.

    3) Is he emotionally ready to move on? I think the way a man speaks about his ex says a lot about whether he is ready for a new relationship. If he talks about her a lot, either good things or bad mouthing, he’s probably not ready. However if he can talk about her and the relationship objectively, then he is probably not still attached.

    Some people don’t care to know about a person’s past relationships. They see it as water under the bridge.


    I disagree, I would rather know, but I would ask in a general way, in terms of sharing life experiences. It does help to understand a person, you can also get a good ideal of how this person deals with conflict. You can also detect some red flags early on. For me, if a guy flat out refuses to say anything about his exes – this will be a red flag. Not a big one, but still. Past relationships define us, we learn from them, and the way people talk about them shows what they learned and how they think, whether they see their fault in a breakup at all or not, what they regret and what they appreciated (if anything). I would not pry, but I would ask and listen very attentively and if they don’t want to talk about it, I wold ask why, is there a reason they avoid this topic. Maybe not on the first or second date, but definitely by date 4.

    Amy S

    Im not sure now either if I would pry too much, I used to but now im thinking its the past and why keep it alive, maybe its just the way im feeling as im still a bit shaken up with my last relationship. Maybe when Im ready to date again I will be ready to talk again as believe me I can talk lol x


    Thanks for making this thread Teri!
    I really like your answer Jules, very helpful tips.


    I would definitely ask about exes n if they don’t want to discuss after a month of dating I would tell them it’s important for me to know. As this way I know if they have moved on or learnt from that relationship. If they still don’t want to discuss, I take it as a red flag. As the way I see it is the reason u don’t want to discuss is because they r still hurt. Either not fully healed or still in love. Either case is a no no for me.



    Why is knowing his romantic past such a big deal?

    You’re living right now.

    Experience with him and he’ll tell you how he treats relationships right now.

    Moreover a romantic relationship is just one kind of relationship. How a person treats their peers, family, inferiors, strangers, tells you a *lot* about his maturity and growth. His dating history in contrast may be so filtered through his perspective that you may never get the whole side. Which you’re not entitled to anyway because everyone has a right to some privacy.


    I agree with Em.

    How would you even know if what the man tells you is true?

    We tend to assume that simply because a man tells us something, it’s real. Base your assessment of the man on how he treats you now, treats other people, etc.


    Great replies everyone, thanks for chiming in.

    @Khadija – your welcome. thanks for following me :)

    I am on the fence with this but I see where you’re all coming from. I’ve had both scenarios and still don’t know which is best. My recent ex hubby talked nothing of ex girlfriends or any other emotional aspect of his life. It’s b/c of him that once I began dating this became important to me not necessarily to know the details but as one of you said to know that he’s learned some lessons from his past, that’ he’s ready to move forward in that area or even better that he’s learned what he wants and doesn’t want anymore. I think its imperative that both parties have been thru something that they have grown from. Now that I think about it, in every area of his life since I’ve known him, he repeats the things that get him in trouble (especially financially) as if he just doesn’t give a damn about consequences. Hmmmmm I just realized that writing in here now.

    I find that the best dates I’ve been on are the ones where we can relate to one another emotionally. He (my ex hub) had such a callous to him that I don’t think he’d ever been in love or hearbroken. it was sad and I can see as time went on how he just didn’t deal with any emotions on the heart level. His infidility showed me that he had little respect for women altho he claimed he was close to his mother, he went thru women like it was no big deal, even while married. My pain or the pain he caused me he could seem to care less how his ways affected me.

    Sorry to rant here, I digress. HELL yes I want to know how you dealt with past relationships. Its extremely important to know that if we’re in one how will you handle conflict, disagreements, upset etc. But yes as its been posted I want to know that you are human and at least had some heartbreak. IMO it makes one less prone to hurt others, when they’ve been hurt. Make sense? or it could be the opposite.

    Of course yes he could tell you anything/lies but when it comes down to handling conflict he doesn’t handle the way he told you he does. That’s the true way to find out is to watch and observe. And also there is 3 sides to every story right – his – hers – the truth LOL.

    It is now a new red flag to me when he doesn’t discuss it at all, especially after 3months. and even more red flag, he didn’t’ task me.

    @Em – its not that I wanted to know about this past as much as what did he learn from it and what did he find out about himself to get him where he is today in that area.

    @Jules – great points. how he speaks of those exes are crucial. but not as crucial as how he speaks of his role in or his level of responsibility in the way things went down. not as crucial as how he views her as a person/women/wife nor as crucial as if he compares you to her. that would tell me he’s not quite healed or over her yet, hence not ready to move forward.


    There has to be a happy medium – you may want to hear some details about your man’s past relationships, but I think it’s worse if ALL they talk about is their ex. I wouldn’t pry, but just ask open-ended questions when you are having a calm conversation and see what he says. If he still refuses to give any details, it’s possible that he isn’t over his ex and just can’t talk about her without getting emotional. That isn’t good either.


    for me i wud initiate the first action to him. i will tell an open book about my lovelife and talk slowly and pause for a while so that he could also open his..

    V M R

    From my recent experience, I would suggest take the time to learn about his past. Its not about snooping, its another way of understanding who he is and what helped shape the man before you, just like getting an understanding of his family dynamics and what he considers normal. It doesn’t matter-good, bad or indifferent learn about him. It doesn’t require a blow by blow recounting, but a general understanding of what happened, how he dealt with conflict, what lessons he got from that experience. I am leery when a man is vague about his past. When you take the time to learn, you may notice a pattern of behavior.


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