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- This topic has 46 replies and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
Sorry! last two questions then I’m done:
1. Last text was Monday that I initiated (the only thing I initiated), last one he initiated was last Friday (Saturday afternoon here now). Safe to assume he’s just not interested?
2. I shouldn’t reach out at all right?
No, don’t reach out. Yes, assume he is not interested.
If he DOES reach out (and you are still interested, though you shoudn’t be), you need to let him know that kind of thing doesn’t really work for you. We teach people how to treat us! You don’t have to be harsh about it, just say “hey, I hadn’t heard from you in so long I figured you weren’t interested” then, when he responds and says “oh, sure I am, was just busy” you say “well, I can appreciate that but I need more consistent communication in order to be excited about a man”. That’s all you have to do. Don’t have to be confrontational, just politely assert your boundaries. At that point he’d know he needs to step it up or leave you alone.
Thank you so much :) I won’t reach out, especially since the last convo was when he asked what my schedule was like and I replied. I think it’s for sure in his court after that.
If I don’t hear from him this upcoming week I’ll move on to someone else.
Good show Katie. Best of luck to you!
Thank you :) I really appreciate all the advice.
So I had a date with a different person just now, one who is really busy, not as much as a resident but still busy and I asked him this question of frequency. He said he doesn’t really text but anything longer than a week you start losing the momentum. So he confirmed what everyone here said. So now I can move on haha. He also mentioned that people in late 20s/30s typically will not waste their time with casual.
Thanks again :)
I have an update– he has been asking me out once a week, dates good, everything seems to going great, physical exclusivity. Turns out he has a gf! Obviously will not be talking to him anymore, but just needed to vent. I’m fine, but hate that I ever met him.
Physical exclusivity …?
Do his girlfriend know…Sorry!
Which one? The second guy or the original one?
What a rat.
the original. I didn’t see this coming at all. Apparently he and his gf were very rocky, she wasn’t surprised when she called me that he did this-says she cheated first, he wasn’t a bad guy. Well, he mislead me! I asked for physical exclusivity only since I’m moving in several months-specifically said if you find someone else to just let me know.
This is so frustrating, glad I found now rather than being on the other end. Still not a good feeling.
Do I deserve an explanation from him? I know I’ve only seen him for a month, and we weren’t in a relationship, but wow having this happen to me isn’t cool. It’s all hitting me today and honestly, I feel hurt. I know I should forget about him, but yet I’m over here holding back tears while at work haha. I just feel like I should get some sort of apology or something, is it worth telling him? Yesterday after his gf called me (which is how I found out about her) I send him “is there something you tell me”? I know his gf confronted him last night when she was speaking to me.
What type of explanation is going to make you feel better?
Katie, you won’t get an apology. The dude is bad news. Be glad you found out soon. Imagine if you developed feelings, started making plans, etc.
That’s why I say, if something starts with some oddities, something not “normal”, be guarded. There is usually some explanation for it, and this explanation is usually NOT nice.
This has been my personal exp4erience and exp4erience of numerous women I’ve talked to.
Unfortunately while odd things do happen, people fall in love at first sight, etc etc. I am not saying it does not happen, it does, but in 99% of cases it is not that. In 99% it is better NOT to proceed.
This guy was vanishing for weeks, this is a very bad sign, you got this confirmation from everyone on this forum and also from your new date, and now looking back I am sure you’d agree. And yet you proceeded with him.
Learn from this experience and if there is something ODD, out of the norm, human social interaction norms, do not proceed, or at the very least be VERY guarded.
Do your due diligence on the guy, wait until you know his circumstances well, how could you not know he had a GF? You agreed on exclusivity, this means you had sex with him, but why rush into things, you need to meet his friends, etc.
Take things slower, much slower. If a man is rushing things, there is a reason, and this reason is NOT good, usually. A guy who has good intentions for you will not mind taking things slow, because it works to his benefit as well.
Do not cry, you dodged a bullet, no, a huge cannon ball. Be thankful!
Thank you everyone :) please keep the posts coming, it honestly helps distract me.
See everything was pretty normal to me. After I posted here, he started to ask me out once a week. Always responds to me within a couple of hours, which I thought was normal I do the same. As for amount of texts-I really don’t know what to expect, no one really texts me to be honest. He was actually putting in more effort than everyone else I was seeing, really got to know me. Never met his friends, but didn’t think much of it since is only been a month.
I also didn’t think much of all this, because I am moving, this was never going to turn into a relationship. He’s a resident and I’m about to pursue a PhD so from the start this would have to end.
He was 30min to the last date-said he got tied up at work. I think this was what makes things difficult, he really could have been at work, I’ve been late to dates because of work too. We actually work for the same hospital (met on tinder tough, we work at a huge hospital).
It was a month before I slept with him. He actually took things slow, was very respectful. I wasn’t a one night stand and never agreed to that. I would like an apology, I feel like he owes me that. It’s not right to do all these things to me and then just not respond and make me feel like object.
But yea honestly an apology or just telling what okay earth was going on would be nice. Especially because I work with residents, I very well may know someone he works with. Even his gf said he was a good guy (because I was of course not happy with him). Sorry I’ll move on but just need to talk it out and everyone here gives helpful support. Dating has been disappointing for me for the past several years and at this it feels like the universe is playing a joke on me with all of the unfortunate timings (ie 4 guys I’ve dates in the past year moved away for their job. What are the chances of that?!)
Katie, first, deep down you knew something wasn’t right. Why would a man want to be with a woman who was moving in a few months??? That was a major red flag right there!
Second, how long does it take to really get to know one one? You had dinner md sex once a week so how on earth could you know details like that in such a short amount of time? You couldn’t because YOU rushed in and the chemical fog blinded you from reality!
Thursday, he does not owe you an apology as you were just a casual fling—-his words were a bunch of lies because he only saw you as a temporary fling! He does owe his GF a huge one as your moving soon and he doesn’t expect to ever see you again. Honestly,
Lastly, his GF needs more help than you do—she’s in a relationship with a cheating lying cad!!!
Well you already asked him if he has something to tell you. If he won’t reply to that, he won’t reply to you demanding an apology.
You know if it’s “rocky” with the gf, there’s an outside chance she thinks of herself as the gf but he doesn’t think of her like that at all. It’s a very outside chance and if that is the case, he’ll contact you to explain.
Thank you, it helps.
I honestly thought he was a single guy looking to keep his options open and seeing me until he finds someone he want to date. I really did not see the gf coming. Even looking back at our interactions, I would not have guessed. Probably because I know anything I’m getting into is casual, they really shouldn’t be treating me more than any friend.
My issue isn’t that he left, he can leave anytime and I wouldn’t get mad. But completely misleading me-that’s what I’m mad about. Giving me physical exclusivity? I never actually brought that conversation-he did, before trying anything, asked me what I was looking for and I told him. That’s messed up.
Thank you Hannah-you know when talking to her, what you said actually crossed my mind. Like if they were on a break or something? She said she cheated on him, the things got rocky. And she wasn’t mad at all, gosh I was way more upset and I wasn’t sad at that moment I found out.
I know it doesn’t matter. Kind of just makes me scared that my vetting of guys might be off. I know I’ve only known him a month, but I do watch guys very closely and used to be pretty good at picking up liers. Like my gut feeling was very secure. That’s scary to not be able to trust my gut.
Oh just to clarify, I’ve actually only slept with him once-so a month in.
Sorry can I ask for more support/advice? Specifically on my last comment- can you share experiences on how you know something is off? What does it feel like/what went through your head?
Sorry to keep asking questions. Reading the replies has really helped, I feel better than yesterday. I just really wonder if I do a bad job of picking guys.
I think you are way over analyzing. You were not with this guy long enough. A month is nothing. That means, what? 4 dates? You can’t possibly know someone by then.
It’s easier with some men than others to see red flags. I was with a man for a year before I found he was cheating from the beginning and had another ‘gf’. The thing is, he was good at maintaining separate lives.
Other times it’s very obvious. Secret texting, hiding phone, keeping you off his social media, cancelling dates with excuses that start not to make sense. Just google ‘signs your man might be married or cheating’… there is tons of info out there about signs to look for.
Finding out your partner is a cheat feels crappy. You tend to feel stupid and duped. IMO you get angry at the guy and move on. It’s all you can do.
I take it you are young.. this likely won’t be your last encounter with a man who lies to you. Take your time getting to know the person. Keep your head and eyes open. Not to the detriment of being paranoid or not a fun date, but don’t give benefit of doubt and don’t trust so easily. I believe that is the down fall of most women and people. They trust too easily and don’t understand that most people out there are looking after their own best interest and not yours.
Thank you, I’m sorry that happened.
It’s weird-my gut feeling still feels good but it shouldn’t! I don’t get why.
I could see that maybe he should have been more consistent, that would have been my only sign. Everyone else isn’t as consistent either so I guess I didn’t think anything of it
@Hannah—you might have been right! He told
me today that she cheated on him and they broke up. He didn’t initiate the text though-she contacted me and then I contacted him asking about my health. Glad to know I got that answered.We both make it clear that we aren’t going to see each other anymore. I might have threatened him if he didn’t answer- I was getting over it but now can fully move on easily.
I don’t know which one of them was being honest, but I would have thought he may of answered me right away. Good Ridence! Sorry just needed to vent.