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- This topic has 25 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
texted this guy if he wanted to hang out sometime and he replied saying next week is good. Few hours later he texted me again saying actually if some night you’re in the mood dont be shy, I’ll reciprocate and I told him, I’m mostly in the mood asking if Sunday is good time. He saw it but didn’t reply yet and it’s been a day. What was this message about if we kind of agreed to meet next week to write again and tell me not to be shy and when I offer a day he doesn’t reply? I really don’t get it. Just wanna play along.
He was propositioning you to hook up one night. He was probably hoping you’d say something sexier or more last minute that let him out of taking you on a real date. Are you looking for a date and potential relationship with him or just casual? Because he sounds like he’s more interested in something physical. Don’t “play along” unless you’re both looking for the same thing.
Oh no I am also down for a hook up. I just said Sunday cause it’s the only time I had free night. I didn’t mean a date I said I am always in the mood how Sunday sounds?
He’s listed you as a booty call… His text to you, “if some night you’re in the mood (for sex) dont be shy…”
Is that what you’re looking for?
Yes, totally.
That’s fine then, but it’s also the nature of booty calls. They’re not a high priority for anyone and only work if you’re both free. Either he’ll get back to you last minute if he is available Sunday or you’ll hear from him again once he is ready. Don’t wait around for him, keep yourself otherwise occupied.
Well… His bark isn’t as big as his bite!
If you’re only looking for a hook up, I’m sure there are other guys who would jump at the chance…
Yeah I’ve got options and I’m chatting with few guys at the same time. He just suggested hook up and I reciprocated. Wasn’t it what he wanted? That’s what I thought.
If all you’re looking for is a hookup, then why are you acting so “hooked” on this guy? Doesn’t sound like Sunday night works for him, hence his lack of a response, which is a response as in “no”; or “not working for me.” He’ll probably get back to you with a night that works better for him. I
If a dude doesn’t reply its because he doesn’t want to, is busy, not interested, fill in the blank. All you can do is wait, as the ball’s in his court, up to him to lob it back…that’s how it works.
When it comes to hookups,if a person is being vague or seems evasive just count them out…
You shouldn’t care what he does or doesn’t say or do, let him sort himself out and just find someone else who is available. Maybe he’s no longer interested, he’s working out his schedule so he can fit you in or he’s also talking to someone else just like you’re talking to other guys.Elena
We had a text exchange today, sent each other pictures but he didn’t reply to me after sending a dick picture. I didn’t say anything important just sexual like “looking hot”. Yes you are right won’t wait for him. I have some guys to meet this week so if he gets back to me alright but won’t initiate anything else. Thank you !
i don’t think u should respond even if he gets in touch for a hookup on sunday as suggested by you. Just because your ok for casual sex doesn’t give him license to act this way. he could have easily agreed/confirmed for Sunday. he asked you to suggest a day. u did. if that day didn’t suit him he could have told you to suggest another day. but he didn’t. even as a hookup, he is keeping you as a backup! come on girl. am sure you can do better for yourself than this man. find some other hookup.
What his issues are he can keep it for himself. I won’t bother texting any longer because as u said, reached my threshold as well. And it is a big deal, when I send him sexiest pic I got and I get back a blurry nude by the mirror with his dick shown on the background. This guy is putting zero effort. Not sure what makes him think he’s better than me and can act in this way. I was just being open and friendly didn’t mean walk all over me. I’m fairly disappointed but I knew what I signed up for when in front of me he took his dirty sock and wore it after we had a shower and last time he came to me with hair he didn’t wash for days and some dirty pants. Cmon, if he wanted to impress me he wouldn’t present himself like this. Unless he honestly doesn’t give a damn and he’s a hippie wannabe
I don’t mean to sound harsh – but what do you expect when you lead with casual and immediate sexual availability? I won’t slut shame as you should do as makes you happy – but to expect anything other than casual behavior from casual interactions is silly. If he is not suitable, then walk away, but this is a lot of mental energy from something that was never set up as something someone needs to earn or show up for with careful consideration. And if you really did not like him, why did you reach out again?
He does not need to impress you because you have not set up a situation where being impressed is required. Men value what they have to work for. You don’t need to be worked for. I suggest that if you are looking for casual, you should set your expectations to be appropriate.
This language you are using, I do understand the essence but humans value what they have to work for, not men specifically. I’d value him more as well if he showed some effort. I do like him as much as being infatuated goes. I tried it one more time, he doesn’t seem to reciprocate so I’ll let it be. I didn’t sweat myself either, sending some low investment messages and a nude doesn’t make it something bigger than what it is, a hook up. Sociologically I was looking to make sense out of this cause it seems odd as a hook up experience. Most guys I’ve been casually seeing tend to put some extra effort in coming clean and setting a schedule even last minute. I am aware the price to pay for casual so I should just lower my expectations while lowering my standards.
Just out of curiosity, I am hanging out with two more guys casually. In all three occasions sex happen at the first date and we sext in between or text to arrange hook ups. The one is constantly texting and putting effort and I’m just replying out of courtesy (when I get horny I write him and he comes but he seems to be okay with this arrangment says he doesn’t have any feelings), when he comes he wants to cuddle and take care of me. I don’t feel anything so once we are done, I ask him to split cause I don’t want to have sleepovers and need my space. He isn’t pushy or anything but I’m putting same effort sending him hot nudes, texting him occasionally to flirt while still keeping some distance. The other one is an athlete, kind of good with words and has his ways of getting what he wants aka more decisive. He’s staying in touch for hook ups but takes days to reply albeit always comes back with a response. Because we are kind of alike, I let it be and also take my time when communicating with him. Still, he sends his brings his “best” game when we meet or sext, wants to make sure I’m having fun and takes cares of my pleasure. He isn’t investing either and our interactions are purely sexual. So here are two exhibits, same level of investment (or none), just sex, but still making some effort. Both have me available when they ask for a hook up and both receive pictures of me when they ask for them. So my question is they didn’t have to sweat either to get sex but see the difference from one individual to another? I’m curious myself and fascinated three different guys same environment, bit different context.
what i wonder is why would you even want to sleep with a man who is unhygienic ??? and when you have options?
Liz Lemon
Why are you surprised that 3 separate individuals are acting in different ways in the same situation? That’s human nature. No two people are alike, and no two people respond the same way to a situation. Just like you can have 3 guys who run the gamut from terrible boyfriend to wonderful boyfriend, you can have 3 guys who run the gamut from sloppy, lazy hookup who makes no effort to a groomed, organized hookup who makes an effort. There’s no surprise here.
Good question, he reminds me of a friend of mine (male friend we used to hang out but was platonic) which I’m no longer in touch with but we used to drink and smoke together and so I felt comfortable hanging out with him. I know it sounds stupid but I have a feeling of being somewhere familiar and at ease but that’s maybe cause he’s also extroverted and easygoing. Well, maybe it’s best to not f*** and hang out as friends, so instead of hook up buddies to stay just buddies.
How do you find time to hook up with at least 3 different guys? I’m just curious as it seems like a lot of work to keep up with that many. Also, please be safe & use protection.
Well the other guys bathe and clean up because it’s generally who they are as hygienic human beings, it kinda has nothing to do with impressing you..
It’s not like any of them are putting any effort in anything. Coming through for a hookup is hardly called effort, neither is texting especially when they get something out of it. Didn’t you say the other replies after days, yeah well that’s not effort.
Maybe you should set the bar high for your hookups and be picky about the kind of guys you hook up with. This will of course leave you with a few options because it’s anti F*ck Boy and Fboys run at the first sign of standards lol. But it will leave you satisfied..
Hookups don’t always have to be trashy
On rotation and only during weekends. I might seem them twice per month maximum. I ended it with all of them politely but just snapped. Need sometime for myself. I’m looking for something more regular, someone to hang out and not always hook up, to be comfortable and share a level of intimacy friends and lovers have. Don’t want any more quickies it’s boring me (didn’t reach out to this guy for which thread was made even though I invited him initially but he didn’t reply anyway or text me to hang out so I’ve got no reason to stay in touch or attempt anything). Is it a bad thing to feel like guys around me are boring or intellectually incompetent? I’ve got zero interest but missed having some fun
I find that most women end up settling for hookups because that’s what is on the menu with most guys they talk to and seemingly connect with.
Guys don’t really treat hookups the same way women do. If you’re not in between the sheets and if what you’re doing doesn’t lead to going between the sheets, then you’re out of their mind.
Women tend to want a casual arrangement but with an emotional connection, a certain level of intimacy and a bit of companionship.
Someone they can see on the regular but are not too attached to.
The only way you get that is to be with a guy who doesn’t want something serious from the get go but is willing to get to know you as a person and find out if you’re compatible i.e the true definition of dating.
It’s doable when you meet people the organic way, but online it’s difficult. It’s either you’re down to f*ck or you’re on potential girlfriend trial run, with soo many options out there, the girlfriend trial run always ends with most women left on the wayside as the guy chases the next best thing.
It’s hard to find someone who wants to see something through when they like a person. I know some guys who like to focus on one woman at a time if they feel they like her enough but there are few and in between. The rest want to see how many women they can accumulate and collect in a short time which results in fading, flaking, vanishing on both ends. The result, they end up with none and can’t go back to the others they faded on, so they start again.
This is how dating apps keep people tethered to them, the promise of El Dorado.
I was once on a dating app which ended pushing instant matches my way every day. When I first started it was really hard to get a single match but eventually I was matching with people everyday and sometimes getting 20 ‘Intros’ from guys who had liked me only to get the same dry conversations, sexual innuendos from the get go, ‘wife you up’ vibes etc..
I deleted dating app, doesn’t work for me. Last night was at a bar and hooked up with a guy I met there so actually I’m enjoying physical interaction and discussions rather than online. Yes, I guess I am more for casual plus good vibes plus emotional connection but no commitment really.