What’s wrong with a lil reassuring?

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  • #786523 Reply

    Partner and I split up for 2 weeks. I made zero attempt to contact him. During this time he set up a tinder date, then one night he contacted me drunk saying he misses me etc. I advised him I’m not even entertaining him if he is still talking to another girl. It’s not fair for me or her. So he tells her he doesn’t want to meet and isn’t ready to date. We speak on us and fixing our problems. Two days later I advise I’m worrying they’re still contacting and I’d feel comfortable if he blocked her. I’ve never ever asked him to block a girl in our relationship. He got defensive and angry. Was accusing me of not trusting him. Said this was in the past so shouldn’t be brought up and I’m starting drama over nothing. I advised if I need reassurance I don’t understand why he can’t give this to me.

    I love him. I want to work it all through with him. But he point blank never sees my perspective on anything and he always challenges how I feel, making my problems appear to be silly or irrelevant. We had a fight on this and he says he’s blocked her but it took him 1 hour of arguing to get to this stage.

    #786525 Reply

    You need to argue an hour over this, that’s an hour of your life you won’t get back. It sounds like it’s over. It doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship. Also, I’m glad you mentioned how he went on tinder right away after the break up and set up a date because so many women are on this site wondering why guys flake on tinder- there’s one of many answers- he still has things going on with an ex.

    Great post so all can understand what’s out there in terms of men on the rebound. I’d call him up and say- I’ve had second thoughts – I don’t care who you talk to or if you want to date others, the more I think about it- I do too. He will be chasing you like crazy within 2 weeks.

    #786527 Reply

    “I want to work it all through with him. But he point blank never sees my perspective on anything and he always challenges how I feel, making my problems appear to be silly or irrelevant.”

    So what you’re telling us is NOTHING has changed in the way he’s treating you but you’re going to accept it to take him back!! NO! For a relationship to work the second time around you have to work through the issues and start a NEW relationship. Not restart a broken one which didn’t work to start with! If he’s not going to value your feelings or respect your perspective then why would you agree to reconcile? It shows you are willing to accept this treatment of you.

    And I’m sorry but 2 days ago is not “in the past” and you have every right to ask if he’s still talking to her. If he wants you back he should be jumping through hoops to get it! And asking him to block someone he’s just barely started talking to should have been a no brainer and shouldn’t have taken an hour of arguing! You’ve still got deeper issues here which need to be addressed before you can get back together.

    #786528 Reply

    He blocked her last night after an hour long fall out. Then went to bed. It’s 3pm and so far I haven’t heard a single thing from him. No morning text, no lunch time text….nothing….

    #786529 Reply

    What a bunch of junior high malarkey. You and him. You sound controlling, he sounds avoidant and dismissive. You deserve each other.

    #786530 Reply

    If you think telling a man to block someone he barely knows without you looking like you are insane, then you are literally insane. You are technically broken up, he can date whoever he wants. You nagging him won’t do anything to bring him back, neither will demands of fidelity.

    #786532 Reply

    He and I agreed to work on us actually.
    So we agreed we would fix us and she was gone.

    No offence but of course I wouldn’t want my man talking to another girl he met when we was off for two weeks. How will that help us fix us?

    Not controlling at all

    #786533 Reply

    Not controlling: I like the idea of us working on us, if you started talking to anyone, please make sure they are no longer in the picture….. then trust him.

    Controlling: block any woman you are talking to. Or I will throw a fit and fight with you about it because if they were not blocked it is not enough to simply tell them you are working on things with your ex.

    Totally controlling. Probably part of your relationship challenges.

    #786534 Reply

    There is something totally of about your timeline. You broke up two weeks ago. There must have been reasons for the break up but he, Lets forget about them, and just try again. You didnt contact him but yet you know he is contacting girls. How do you know that? And was that also an issue in the relationship? And after two weeks you both want to fix ‘us’, but have you even established what needs to be fixed? And he is not that serious anyway since he is chasing after other girls. What i see is a rollercoaster ride. In stead of fixing be glad you are off it and stay off it. Take Time to actual take a breath and reflect

    #786535 Reply

    Vicki, you’re missing the bigger problem. I don’t know how you know he went into Tinder, but if you know that and he did that immediately after you two called it quits, you’re dealing with a very immature man.

    I don’t agree that it’s unreasonable or controlling to ask him if he’s still talking to the Tinder girl and to block him. If you’re going to be moving forward together, he should have apologized for jumping right on Tinder and then been willing to assure you he is no longer talking with her and block her when you brought it up. That’s what a man who is really into you and interested in resolving differences with you would do.

    I told my BF to block his ex after he admitted she was texting again out of the blue after a year and he agreed to do it. It’s the way you say it. I didn’t issue an order. I said, while I trust you and I know you don’t want her back, I feel very uncomfortable that she’s texting you even though you’ve assured me you’re not responding. It seems to be she’s trying to get you back or at least cause you trouble. I’d feel a lot more comfortable if at this point you would block her. He immediately agreed.

    Given his reaction to your asking him to block her, I’d bet that he’s still in contact with her and keeping her as an option. And I know you don’t want to hear this but given the way you say he treats you, I’d just call it off. It’s not a healthy relationship if he’s belittling you on a regular basis. I don’t think he’s all that serious about you but women come here complaining of a man’s bad behavior and then say “but I love him!” and it takes a while for them to be willing to see the light and walk away. Feels like you’re one of those. I hope you won’t waste too much more of your life on him.

    #786541 Reply

    Men deal with breakups differently. They often start dating immediately, which does not make them immature, it makes them different. They often seek distraction and validation when in pain because they process emotions differently. It is reasonable to want him to not talk to others, it is unreasonable and immature to bark orders and not trust him.

    Perhaps if we had more information on how long they were dating and why they broke up, it would help.

    #786544 Reply

    There’s no evidence that Vicki “barked orders” at him Tallspicy. You’re jumping to all kinds of conclusions as to what happened.

    I know plenty of men whose LAST move after a breakup would be to get on a dating site. A man who has to jump on a dating site within hours or days of a breakup isn’t just “different”, LOL. He’s VERY immature.

    There’s nothing “controlling” about letting a man you’re in a relationship with or back together after a breakup with that you are uncomfortable with him continuing to communicate with a woman he met on a dating site, even if you weren’t together at the time it happened. It’s reasonable to ask him to block that person. A man who argues back like this and turns it around on her is very likely hiding something.

    But…at the end of the day, it’s all academic argument. The main issue is still that she believes in invalidates and dismisses her on a regular basis. A relationship where that’s happening isn’t going anywhere good.

    #786545 Reply

    You clearly don’t understand men very well. Most men dabble in dating fairly soon after a breakup, even if they are not ready and it does not make them immature. Just because you say it does not make it so.

    Any secure person would not need him to block a woman he barely knows and has barely engaged with. Totally reasonable to make sure the decks are clean, by all means. Not at all reasonable to ask for blocking unless there is a lot more to this story. And if he is untrustworthy, she should not get back with him.

    Remember, there is either trust or there is not. Period. Choose. Any person can cheat At any time. so asking for blocking is a false sense of security coming from a persons own insecurity. It won’t change the outcome.

    #786547 Reply

    She had a fight with him over a stranger he barely knew. I am sure there was barking involved with two immature people who probably both contributed to the issues.

    #786548 Reply

    And just because you say it doesn’t make it so either Tallspicy. ;)

    I’m sharing my experience of men in my world. Maybe guys in your world run off and jump on dating sites. I have a nice set of male friends at work and in my personal life who range from 35-65 and only a handful of them would behave like that.

    LOL -you weren’t there so you can’t possibly be “sure.” You’re projecting your own stuff onto this situation for some reason.

    ANYWAY! This isn’t a good relationship regardless.

    #786549 Reply

    We have no idea how long they were dating, if it was brief, even under 6 months, him getting out there is not an issue. It is clear they could both use some communication skills that are improved.

    #786550 Reply

    Why so snarky, judgmental and argumentative on this post Tallspicy?! Obviously some triggers for you in this story.

    STILL ends with this is not a good relationship.

    I’m done commenting on this one. Wish you the best Vicki! I’d move on from this guy if I were you. You didn’t do anything wrong by asking him to block that woman. As I said, I don’t know if you’re ready right now, but I don’t think his behavior will magically improve at this point.

    #786553 Reply

    I wish never to read the word malarkey again. It does show disdain. But i agree with K, something about this rubs you the wrong way tall spicy. And thats a pity since most of what you say is solid. Except when its about Bob

    #786555 Reply

    Yeah I’m not going to lie it reads like Tallspicy is perhaps in a situation of being a rebound who’s been blocked?

    All of my girl friends when asked? Advised they wouldn’t be comfortable with their men talking to a female he met on a dating site during a 2 week break. All of them said they would expect the girl to be blocked.

    Healthy secure men shouldn’t jump on Tinder days after a break. That’s not cool. Or fair. Because in my case? It was my ex who was begging me back when drunk, and I eventually agreed because I wanted to try make this work.

    Sucks to be the other girl, who is now blocked. Thanks for the advice everyone and sorry this really triggered you Tallspicy

    #786557 Reply

    The need for blocking is a bit pointless because he can unblock whenever he wants and you wouldnt know. I get why you asked him to and why his hour long refusal was so frustrating and upsetting but it sounds like blocking her wasn’t the real issue for him…. it feels like a power struggle? I don’t know enough about your relationship and you’ve not said why you broke up but I’m in the camp of a guy being emotionally immature to jump on tinder for some attention and validation and probably to spit you since he must have told you he was chatting to her.

    Amen to the poster commenting on the flakey guys on tinder that go “poof” and disappear. Too many times in the past I’ve ridiculously beaten myself up about it when a match has disappeared or one good date didn’t lead to another because i would just assume its a me problem rather than a him problem. So yeah temp breaks from gfs are a part of that drama and unwitting women get sucked in.

    Also tallspicy your replies did seem unusually spiteful on this … I’m not going to say triggered because that’s patronising but your replies seemed out of sorts when you are usually straight talking but not unkind. I hope you are ok x

    #786561 Reply

    Vicki, why do you want to give this a new try? It really doesnt suck to be the other girl who got blocked. It sucks to be you, trying again with a man you yourself say is not secure and healthy

    #786583 Reply

    I see two major issues going on here.

    First, it was a recent breakup where he drunk called you and now want to try again?

    Second, why the need to tell you he’s on Tinder and chatting up a lady? Did all this take place during the “drunk call?”

    Just know, do overs have an abysmal success rate (less than 20%) due to the fact the underlying issues that led to the break up have not been properly discussed or resolved which takes time work through.

    It sounds like there’s more going here than this lady, she’s just a smokescreen that doesn’t allow the two of you to sit down and have a sober discussion BEFORE you even attempt a do over, as no man would get a second chance with me if he was still chatting up another lady—I would be gone like donkey kong!

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