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- This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
Take a break
I’m turning 42 soon and have been single for many years though I have chatted and dated many guys along the way. But most dates ended after 1st meet up with nil contact thereafter. I really wonder if there’s anything wrong with me or am I that unattractive or not worthy of love.
I’m not desperate but rather desire to be able to connect with someone genuine to share and do life with. I’m getting tired of this modern dating era where people are unsure of what they want and not wanting to put in much effort. Just my own opinion..
I think I should totally take a break from those dating apps and indulge in some self love & self care.
I have used dating apps before and let me tell you , you won’t find anyone genuine there and if you do they will come with a certain baggage.
Instagram, dating sites made it easy for people to meet people , so easy that people these days can’t be bothered to meet in real life and prefer endless texting.
I would suggest to chill and work on yourself, get off dating apps, go travelling if you can, even on your own, meet people in real life and I know that isn’t easy.
Find new hobbies and you’ll meet someone when you least expect it.
And please never ever think there is something wrong with you!Liz Lemon
I met my bf online & we’ve been together 4 years & are very happy. So it’s possible to meet someone that way. It’s just hard to meet someone you click with in general– even if you volunteer, find hobbies etc, it’s not easy.
For years i was very active and involved in community work, volunteering, art/culture etc — all the things they tell you to do to meet people in real life. I had tons of friends, and I dated, but never met someone I really clicked with. It took going online to find my current bf who’s the best relationship I’ve had. So it’s impossible to predict.
I will say, if you’re tired of the apps and want to take a break, you should definitely take one! Dating requires regular breaks when you get frustrated. Otherwise you just get cynical & you’re not in a good mindset to meet people. It’s good to switch up your approach to dating and try different things.
You mentioned that you have 1 date and never hear from the guy again– that’s interesting. If there’s a pattern you should look at that. Maybe there’s something about the guys you’re picking, or something you’re saying or doing on dates. Without knowing you or more details it’s hard to say. Of course, most dates you have won’t work out– that’s just how online dating works. But if you recognize a pattern of things happening in the same way constantly, you should think about it.
Hi, Regarding not getting beyond one date, read “Why he didn’t Call You Back” but Rachael Greenwald. She is a dating coach and does a lot of research in this area. Her book is entertaining and funny and very interesting and useful. It can help you see areas where you may be giving off the wrong impression.
Also, on line can be great for meeting someone, but it takes time and there are many time wasters and liars on there. Proceed with caution, but don’t give up! Good Luck.Liz Lemon
Dating can be tough no matter how you do it. I know multiple people who’ve had very successful relationships with, and even got married to, people that they met online or through dating apps. I have also heard many horror stories from friends (and on this board!) about guys women have encountered on apps. Likewise I’ve dated some jerks that I met in real life and not through apps :-)
Since apps facilitate meeting people, you stumble across the losers more quickly, I’m afraid. And since apps make dating so easy, it’s very easy for lazy guys, or guys with personal problems, to seek out and connect with women. Whereas in real life, they may not have made much effort to actually get out and talk to women.
Like Peggy said, don’t give up, but proceed with caution. And it’s a good idea to evaluate what you may be doing wrong if you truly never get past a 1st date.
Take a break
Thanks all for your precious comments!
In fact, I have been doing self reflections after meeting those guys and even screen shot certain conversations and asked my close friend for opinions. It seems to her that I was too serious in certain questions I have asked and always tell me to take a chill pill.
Additionally, I also seems to be like “Aunty Agony” to most of them instead of seeing me as a potential romantic partner.
To me, 1st meetup doesn’t sums up everything but I’m aware that 1st impression is important. I guess I didn’t make a good one or they just don’t like what they see?
I do still have hope for love though. My senior who’s divorced had always advised me that marrying late is better than marrying wrong. 🙂
Taking a break from online dating periodically and focusing on yourself is a great idea when you’ve gotten burnt out from it! I would have to take off a couple months here and there too when I was on the apps.
I don’t think there’s anything with you, or that you’re unattractive or unworthy. I’d ask if you tend to be attracted to emotionally unavailable men, though? Choosing that “type” over and over can result in connections that don’t grow, and sometimes reflect something back about where your emotional comfort level actually is at the moment. I met my fiance online but only after about a zillion bad dates, and some relationships that forced me to reconsider how I was choosing potential partners and what characteristics I was attracted to.
While you don’t want to overshare on the first date (this signals bad boundaries) or put too much stress on things to go somewhere immediately, you do want to find someone who clicks and connects with you naturally being you. So be honest with yourself in your introspection but don’t assume it’s all on you to change your approach. If you are coming across as Aunty Agony however, why is that? Are you dumping your issues on to dates who are basically still strangers?
And your senior is right! Better to find a good match than to choose a bad one just to not be alone.
Take a break
I would think that it’s just my luck that I encountered such emotionally unavailable guys often. But the thing is, there were no such signs when we texted/chatted and they only present this side of them when we finally meet up.
Regarding “Aunty Agony”.. Lol.. they are the ones who kind of pour out their agonies to me and shared whatever happened to them with their exes..
I never indulge much information about myself and I’m always my jovial self whenever I meet up with new people.
Well, it’s okay not to be okay. I shall focus on myself for now.
Take a break! 😄
Ohhhh, I see. I took Aunt Agony the opposite way. But instead they are over-sharing at you!
As already posted, there are lots of people online who aren’t looking for real relationships and won’t be good partners. So that means you will encounter them often. You need to sort through them to find the people you better connect with, which means staying positive and open and taking a break when you get frustrated.
Maybe you can get a little better at filtering? I had better luck with finding more serious guys once I started setting my filters to exclude people who gave some variation of don’t know what I’m looking for yet or looking for casual whatever I can get. I found there was a difference between guys who were open to developing a relationship over time with the right person (they’d be able to talk maturely about it for a sentence or two without getting defensive about or dwelling on the topic) versus guys who froze up when asked what they were on the site looking for. That wasn’t a question I’d ask in my 20s (though in retrospect I should have), but in my 30s men started asking ME before we met up. And if I answered them and asked, “how about you?” some would be mature and answer however and others would panic or apologize or want to hear my answer but not want to reply about themselves… so after a while, I noticed it was very telling.
Its tough to know why you don’t get a second date but if I was experiencing a succession of them, I would try to seek the answer. I remember another lady who posted about the same issue a couple years ago, and told her to reach out to them and ask why they didn’t ask her out for a second date. Well she did and remember her saying she gained a lot of insight from them, but I can’t remember exactly what the reason(s) were but she said the men we were very responsive and she was glad she did it.
You may never know why unless you ask. Maybe try reaching out to those who you believe would be responsive, and they may provide you with the answer(s) that you seek?