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- This topic has 22 replies and was last updated 10 years ago by
I am getting a divorce which has taken me a lot longer than I expected. I am over my soon to be Ex (he cheated on me twice) so I joined a dating site where I met a man who was divorced a year ago. When we started dating he said he was over his ex wife. He told me he loved me within two weeks of us dating. He always had flowers and sweet romantic cards every time I visited him. Everything was going well and then he started to pull back. I became confused and asked a lot of questions. He hates questions but I didn’t know what was going on. I asked him if he wanted to break up but he would say no. I asked if he wanted to date others and he said no. I was going to break up with him once but he stopped me and asked me to give him a chance. He used to call all the time and respond to my emails but both communication started dwindling away and his excuses were: he was busy at work, tired, stressed, etc. we have not had sex in two months.
Now he doesn’t reply to any email nor does he call me. I asked him what was going on and he told me “I don’t have my head on straight.” I have met his entire family and his Mom and sister keep telling me to give him space. I found out over Christmas he visited his ex wife’s parents and sent his Ex an email stating he missed her. I know his ex wife and there is no possibility she will go back to him. We did spend Christmas together but he was acting cool toward me. I also saw him on New Years Day and he was cold. He did say he loved me but his head wasn’t on straight. I asked if we could start over and just go slow and try to have fun together, he said yes. He hasn’t called in a week. I am trying to give him space but I have fell in love with him and his coldness is hurting me. We live two hours away. He says my questions are causing him to stress. What should I do? Give him space or move on?Charlotte
Someone? Anyone? Advice?
Hi Charlotte.
I know how hard this is, especially when a man does this so early, which is why its imperative women don’t get caught up in the throws and take more time to properly assess a man. I’m the one who slows down the pace because oftentimes its just lust (physical) and until a man stays and continues to act the same way over an extended period of time, e.g., 5 months plus, then I really try to refrain from putting my heart on the line until I’m absolutely sure I trust HIM enough.
I think he needs more time and isn’t over his ex fully yet. Sometimes we THINK we are, but our heart usually takes a lot more time to get there than our head does. The best thing you can do right now is to pull way back, focus on your divorce right now and above-all YOURSELF by rebuilding a happy new life that isn’t reliant on a man’s. Our ego takes a huge hit and needs a lot of time to get through ALL the stages one must go through after their marriage ends. Although you may be over your ex, you still need properly deal with the issues that you contributed (it takes two) and fix those or you’ll just carry them into the next one.
I thinks its best to be fully ALONE (single) for a minimum of a year, preferably two if it was a long or dysfunctional one, before one is truly able to love again in both mind and heart. Give yourself a BREAK—-embrace and enjoy your new found freedom for awhile :-)
Thanks Lane. Should I tell him anything, disappear or just wait and see if he calls again?
Hi Charlotte,
I think you need to listen to what he’s saying to you–that his head isn’t on straight. That means he doesn’t know what he wants and he’s not ready for a relationship. Add to that him backing far, far away, the lack of sex, his family telling you he needs space, and him telling you you’re making things more stressful for him, and I don’t see the possibility of a happy ending for you unless you do exactly what you don’t want to do and walk away.
You say you know he sent his ex an email saying he misses her, but “I know his ex wife and there is no possibility she will go back to him.” Why does that matter? It doesn’t have anything to do with his state of mind or what he’s feeling or going through. You seem to be so intent on the goal–having him–that who he is and what he’s going through have become just an obstacle in your way that you need to get past. This might be happening because you’re so upset, which I get. It’s hard to be treated coldly and pushed away by someone you love.
I understand you’re in pain and how hard this is, and I’m sorry. My advice is to tell him you’ve heard what he said about not having his head on straight, and you can’t be in a relationship with someone who’s not ready because you need someone fully there. Tell him when he feels like his head is on straight again, you’d like to hear from him. Then make a clean break. If you’re right for each other, he WILL come back when he’s ready. But I can guarantee (or almost guarantee) that there will be NO happy ending if you continue on the current path. He’s not ready, and questioning him and trying to get more from him than he’s currently able or willing to give won’t get you what you want.
Also–you say at the beginning of your post that he told you he loved you after two weeks, as if that’s a good thing. I see that as a red flag. I think two weeks is much too soon to say you love someone. I don’t think it’s possible to really know someone after two weeks. I think he wasn’t really ready, but had intense feelings for you and wanted the security of a ‘relationship’ (the kind you have when you’ve been with someone for a really long time), tried to make that happen ‘instantly’ and got in over his head.
Good luck.
Hi Charlotte.
I would just stop contacting him at this point. He made his intentions clear and only IF he reaches out just say you understand he needs to get his head on straight, and that you need to focus on finalizing the divorce and need some “me time” as well. You may add maybe sometime the down the road when we’re both in a better place we can re-visit it, but right now its best if we take a time out. Don’t give a time-frame because neither of you can know when that may be, if ever.
The only think you need to know is that if the both of you don’t fully deal with it, you will just end up in the same position you left off, which is why reunions have such a big abysmal survival rate.
Thanks all. He is telling his family he does not want to break up with me. His family keeps telling me, give him time. This is all so confusing! Thanks for your words of wisdom. =)
You’re welcome :-) I hope it all works out!
No contact from him over the last few months. I kept trying to talk to him but he never would answer any text or email. I finally sent him an email and said I couldn’t do this because I needed to move on and I need a man who wanted me without a doubt! Well…last weekend his mom had major surgery and I saw him at the hospital. He was talkative, gave me a hug and actually treated me like old times. Texted a couple of times over the weekend but now has gone cold again! I am having a very difficult time moving on from this man. I can’t stop myself from texting him! I am once again so confused. I have asked him for closure if he doesn’t see us dating in the future but he absolutely will not give it to me. His mom and sister have also told him that if he doesn’t want to date me anymore in the future to tell me. He knows this is hurting me and tells everyone he does not want to hurt me! He won’t give me what I need…closure…He uses every excuse in the book, I’m busy at work, I have a house to take care of, blah blah blah. What does that mean? Why won’t he give me closure if he doesn’t really want to date me in the future? I’ve asked for it many times.
I am going to quote Albert Einstein and let you ponder on it.
“Definition of INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”.
If the shoe fits, wear it.
He is showing you through actions that he doesn’t t want to be with you. That should be your closure. Many times you are not going to get it in words, so you make your own closure.
His mom and sis should stay out of his business.. He is a grown man. It seems you visited in hospital hoping this would rekindle and it hasn’t… Let it go. Give yourself closure.
Because Charlotte, you don’t get closure from another person. You get it from yourself. You’ve handed him all the power here by pestering him. If you want to be done, then be done. Clearly you don’t want that or you would have progressed from January and taken the original advice to leave him alone and let him come to you.
I dated someone for a while last year who was still going on about his ex after almost 20 years. I came to understand that it isn’t her he’s not over, it’s the whole experience of the bad marriage and divorce. Sometimes that’s it. And they don’t want to risk the whole thing happening again, no matter how good you are together and how wonderful a person you are. They just won’t go there. It’s only been a year for him. It can take a while for guys to heal… he’s not there.
Leave him alone, delete his number and move on. You’re just going to have to suck it up and do it.
I’m sorry but I agree with Stefanie. You did not use those two months to focus on yourself. Instead, you have backtracked. And his family intervening… Well that’s weird in my opinion. Don’t hang on to any threads thrown your way. What would you tell your best friend if she was constantly pestering someone who clearly did not want her in his life. I’m sorry, but we all speak from experience here.
Hi I’m going thru something similar but in my case I believe I chased him away accusing him of replacing me but in ur case it clearly saying he still has this thing in his head him n his ex can get back together n he feels if he carrys on with you and his ex wants him back then he really won’t have his head on straight in reality he will forget the kind of feelings he had for her in the first place as long as you two have a healthy relationship as of now in my opinion he needs time to snap into reality n realize who’s really there for him. He’ll come around
I know My head tells me I have to move on but My heart is another matter. I have NEVER felt or behaved like this. He told me recently he has never not loved me… What the???? You see, I get mixed signals!
Talk is cheap
NO Charlotte. There are no mixed signals here. He is not contacting you. That screams everything you need to know. Unfortunately you don’t want to accept it. Sorry to be so blunt. I know this is hard for you. It’s hard because you’re holding on. Let go. You will grieve the loss and then you will feel better.
Hi Charlotte,
Your heart needs new ears. The man said he never loved you…I don’t know what your heart heard but mine heard “It was never there.” and my heart felt sad.
You can continue mooning over this guy or you can tell your heart to pay attention that you will not allow it to be treated this way because it is too precious. It may break but you will help it pick up the pieces and it will be stronger than before.
There is an old story of a girl and an old woman – the girl said her heart was stronger than the old woman’s and showed it to her…it was strong and healthy – not a mark on it. The old woman showed her heart and it was much much larger with a steady beat but it was torn and sewed up in many places. The young girl marveled at such a sight and the old woman told her that the proof of the larger heart had come from many experiences that only time and love won and lost could bring. The old woman won the heart test.
He didn’t say he didn’t love me! He said he has never NOT loved me meaning there hasn’t been a moment when he didnt love me.
But I know he hates this drama queen I’ve become…
OK… so what are you going to do now Charlotte??
This is what you posted earlier this week:
“No contact from him over the last few months. I kept trying to talk to him but he never would answer any text or email. I finally sent him an email and said I couldn’t do this because I needed to move on and I need a man who wanted me without a doubt! Well…last weekend his mom had major surgery and I saw him at the hospital. He was talkative, gave me a hug and actually treated me like old times. Texted a couple of times over the weekend but now has gone cold again! ”
Does this sound like a man who wants a relationship with you?
I suggest you try to move on sweetie. I know it’s difficult, but look at your own description of how he is treating you.
Try to mend a broken heart :(