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- This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 9 years, 7 months ago by
Some of you will know me from my previous threads ‘is she a rebound?’ and ‘help with NC and letting go’.
So after my military man leaving me on his return from afghan we had a turbulent couple of months where he dated his ex, went on benders with his mates and on as many lads holidays and festivals ad possible. During this time he contacted me at least once per week for one silly reason or another and eventually 2 months after the split he asked for me back. We were in touch like old times for around a week and then he became wishy washy about meeting up when he was in the uk (he’s based abroad). This lead to an argument as I felt his actions weren’t matching up to his words. I also expressed how upset i’d been about him seeing his ex and the conversation ended with him saying he felt I would bring the situation with his ex up and time and time again so things really wouldn’t work. He told me he was going to leave me alone and let me get on with my life and he was sorry he didn’t fight for me.
Around a month of no contact went by and I sent him a friendly text to which he responded by saying he felt we should leave things alone now. I was actually only trying to be friendly at the time and made him aware of this. My intentions weren’t to get back together, I just wanted to open up a dialogue of communication again and see if we could get on speaking terms. His Mum and sister had continued to contact me a lot and I felt weird speaking to them but not being able to say hello to him now and then. It took a bit of encouragement but the messages ended with him saying ‘it would be good to have a laugh with you’. I heard nothing for a week and then dropped him a casual text asking him the name of a restaurant we once went to, saying I wanted to go back there with friends. I got a really short and to the point message from this so just I simply replied thanking him for his response.
Another week went by and we come to this Monday just gone. I don’t know what it was but I just hit a bit of a breaking point and was really upset and missing him. I ended up sending him a text saying ‘I miss you’. To be honest I didn’t expect a response from this and I was strangely ok with that. I felt that if I didn’t get an answer then that really was my final cue to move on. Here’s the dialogue between us. I’d really appreciate any feedback that people can give on what they think and what I should do next here…
Me: “I miss you”
Ex: “I know how you feel Claire, I really don’t want my head to start going crazy again, you look really good by the way” (this was on whatsapp so he could see my picture)
Me: “Thanks, I understand. Prob shouldn’t have text you, i’m just finding this so hard. I wish we wouldn’t have argued on the phone. I’m so sorry about that. I just don’t think I was ready to talk at the time and I kindof forced myself to”
Ex: “You are so gorgeous. I can’t believe I let you get away Claire. I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted so much with you. I can’t believe we’re not an item anymore, we were so happy” xxxx
Me: I know, and I know you never meant to hurt me. My life doesn’t feel right without you in it. Maybe we can stay in touch and see what happens if you’d like to? Just keep things light, no pressure? If you want some more time then thats fine too, I totally understand” xxx
Ex: “I can’t get over how amazing you look Claire. I don’t know how or where it went wrong. I kick myself every day that it went crazy between us. I miss our laughs together that we had” x
Me: “haha me too, every time something funny happens I find it really hard not to text you”…. I then went on to share a recent funny story.
Ex: “Hahe that’s class, I would have been in bits”
This was in the afternoon. I chose not to respond to this and he text me again in in the evening which I thought was a good sign as he was starting to initiate. He asked me what i’d been up to and we shared a few more messages. He then took a trip down memory lane saying we would have been together 2yrs by now and that our get together story on halloween was a good one, followed by a ton of kisses xxxxxxxxxxxx He then said he had to go to bed as it was getting late and wished me goodnight. I said goodnight to him too and he text back saying “I do miss you xxx” I just put 3 kisses in response to this and left it at that.
That was Monday night and I haven’t heard from him since. I was playing with the idea of asking him how his day had gone on Tuesday but for some reason I didn’t feel compelled to so I let things be, now a few days have gone by instinct tells me not to initiate at the moment and let it be. In weird way I feel really content right now. I think I feel i’ve done all I can at this point and that was all I needed to do for my own piece of mind – i’ve started talking with him and thrown a suggestion out there (which yes, I know he swerved, but if I can stay no contact the suggestion is out there now and he can initiate if he wants to).
I’ve started dating again and i’m speaking to a guy who seems perfect for me at the minute. We’re going on a date next Tuesday and we seem to have exactly the same sense of humour. All of his messages make me smile. I’m really busy in my work and social life too so I feel like i’m pretty happy right now. I’m moving forward either with or without my ex, and i’ve thrown him an opening. If he doesn’t pick up and run with it, i’ll be gone with someone new before long i’m sure.
So I guess i’m asking what you guys make of this. Just as an interesting point more than anything – I just felt these were odd things for a guy to say, while not actually stepping forward. Is he damaged from his time away and needs to heal? Is it a lie? Is he not stepping up because she feels i’m still there right now? (well aware this may be the case which is why i’m not initiating again and leaving the ball in his court). Any other ideas? I’ve never been in this situation before.
Thanks for your thoughts in advance. I hope you’re all happy and well. :) xxx
Claire, he’s not stepping up to do anything about it because you are the one chasing him, relentlessly!!! He told you he wanted to let things alone!!! Why are you doing this, particularly since you have met someone else? Stop talking to his mum and sister. You two broke up. If he wanted you back at this time, he’d do something. He’s not, you have to face that.
Claire. WHY WHY WHY did you have to go here again ?????
YOU.. initiated contact and are continuing to do so.. HE is only human and replying .
OH GOD.. IT’s a mess all over again. I can see it coming. The writing is on the wall.
He’s NOT stepping up ! You keep putting words in his mouth, reminding him of old times. OF COURSE he remembers the good times and what he’s missing. POINT IS…
this is going round in circles again.
YOU WANT HIM BACK.. it’s clear as day.
IF SO.. BE more direct. PUT HIM ON NOTICE … DO YOU XXXX wish to try again with me or not ???
YOU… are cruising for a huge bruising again in my opinion.
If I contacted Mike or Frank.. I could open up convo. Both have already said they think of me.. it means NOTHING. They do not wish to act on it. I have no doubt both will be in touch again.. and both will STILL wish to do nothing…. most probably.. but at least it shows THEY are interested.. I have not initiated contact and forced them into it. And IF either are in contact. I shall establish exactly WHY and tell them direct what i want out of life… I doubt I shall hear from either after !
Honestly Claire. get off the merry go round.
Thanks ladies. Yes I know, Monday was the final straw for me. I knew I had to speak with him and if he didn’t step up then that was my final shot. I’ve tried ignoring, NC and all of the rest of it so I decided I would finally open up and tell him how I really felt. The fact that he didn’t step up in response to that is my answer. Like I said I feel really ok about it and I won’t be initiating contact again. I’ve actually got rid of his number and have no idea what it is off the top of my head so that’s that really from my side. I’ve actually felt like I don’t want to speak to him since that conversation which is great. Somehow I feel different about things. I know what you’re saying but it was just something I needed to do. I guess I selfishly needed to know that he missed me too and now in a weird way I feel ok with the way things are at the minute.
I’m honestly not sure if this guy is for me anymore. I just missed him, I care about him and I wanted to know he was ok. I would truly like to be friends in time but I think that conversation showed that we need more time before that can happen.
Claire. I really Do feel for you. I had to push it to the max lately too to get closure. he left it at ” see you sometime”.. I COULD read more into that.. I WON’T. He was just telling me to fuck off nicely.
Leave this at closure now. Unfortunately I think you have opened up the can of worms again.. he will lazy ass text at some stage. You have to stop the cycle. DON’t reply to the next text. I did not reply to Franks.
Think more of yourself. Unless a guy will move heaven and earth for me, within reason, I don’t want to know. No matter how much I love him.
I too.. would like to be friends… we have friends in common. But.. that takes time.. A year or more I believe. Until.. I can genuinely meet him with NO agenda feelings.. I cannot trust myself and I will be back to square 1. WHEN he gets in touch.. and you no longer care, feel the rush of speed, feel you HAVE to reply straight away, try to analyise the text/call, THEN you know you are over him and can be friends. YOU and I.. are NOT there yet.
I know, thanks Harley.
Yes – sometimes we have to do whacky things to get to that moving on phase. As I know many others on here have said I just have to see things through to the bitter end. Sometimes to my own detriment. I’m like this in every aspect of my life. I’m stubborn and when I want something I won’t let it go until the final straw. It can be a good thing and a bad thing. I’m just human though, I see nothing really wrong with slipping up and telling him I missed him – of course I miss him and of course he misses me too. As long as i’m aware of that, can be adult about it, and just keep moving forward then I guess that’s fine. I’m not a silly little girl who’s going to continually bug him. It was him contacting me every week for two months after we split with the most ridiculous reasons, so i’m allowed my freak out time too – i’ve sent hims few messages recently to test the water and nothing came of it, so theres my answer.
Breakups are never straight forward and I think sometimes we beat ourselves up too much for not handling them perfectly, but what kind of person does? It’s similar to a bereavement, it’s bloody hard. Unless you’ve done something absolutely crazy then I think it’s just about forgiving both parties, understanding that and moving on. I know who he is and I know he will have been fine with what has been said, and i’m fine with it too. But like you say the friendship is going to take way more time.
Good woman.. I resonate with a lot you say. For some it’s black and white and often depending on the relationship. For others, not so clear. I think perhaps men get back in touch for validation/guilt/need or want forgiveness.. don’t like to feel like a heel.. Women get back in touch.. because they LOVE. BIG/HUGE Difference.
Guys.. fuck… women.. make love ( not always, but a lot). BIG difference.
Guys.. talk shit. Women.. mean the shit. BIG Difference.
Guys.. say they will do things. Women.. DO things. AND multitask. BIG difference.
It’s a minefield . But.. we are getting better at reading them and not falling for the shit !
Sarah Lund
Why keep in touch with him, when he isn’t showing that he cares? If he’s with another woman just let him carry on without you. No point in trying to force a feeling that isn’t there anymore. You can’t just keep contacting him when you feel it suits you. It isn’t fair. Either keep talking to him or don’t. As friends of course. This life is already screwed up enough as it is, without confusing others.
Agree with you sarah if any one not interested on us let them go away from us not to force them to in my relationship.
Sarah Lund – this post was from last November, did you notice that??