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- This topic has 54 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
You’re welcome hon. And if you only knew..haha. I am going through my own relationship issues right now. That’s why I think it would be great if you could get that knowledge now. Discover your worth. Too many of us women let a man determine our value. A relationship determines our value. We determine our own value.
I meant a relationship is not what determines our value!
Thankyou so much for your help tonight. Do you have a thread on here? Maybe I can give some help to you too. Obviously I don’t have a lot of experience but still I want to return the favour
Emma, I suppose it all depends on your level of comfort with that type of joking. I believe that there are two different types of joking. What you describe sounds like passive/aggressiveness and not funny. What Kaye described sounds like the fun, flirt type and actually made me smile. They sound totally different to me. You tried asking him to stop and when he wouldn’t, you tried playing along. Both times you were left feeling hurt. You don’t need to learn to like it, hon. You need to figure out what you like and don’t like in a bf and if you don’t like his type of joking then move on and fine someone who is a better match for you.
I agree with Andy, RCS and Kaye re the joking/ribbing, but also what Caetru said right at the end.
I have thick skin and a dry/sarcastic/witty sense of humour.
I like a funny guy, and my one is HILARIOUS – similar dry, sarcastic, witty sense of humour, just even more deadpan than me. We tend to take the absolute piss out of each other, and I LOVE IT! He has a go at me, I hit back. He once responded with “OhhhHHhhhhHHHhhhhhHHHhh, that attitude, I LUVIT!!” and another time with “A girl that can take it and dish it out just as well? AWESOME.” So for us it’s a way to build rapport and bond with each other. If he oversteps (and he has, btw), I do however call him on it, so that he knows where the (my) boundaries lie.
But as Caetru rightly said, this is probably not the type of dynamic that works for you. It is supposed to be fun and not meant to make one partner feel bad. I don’t know if it’s the wounds of your past relationship that has made you more vulnerable or if he is just not the guy for you, but I would do a little introspection/have a little think about this relationship if I were you, especially since you are still young and there will be many more guys/relationships.Emma
Thanks guys, I worry too much in my general life im aware of it. Even if he changed his tone that’d help he sounds sardonic and a little angry on the phone always has… He doesn’t sound teasing. But I’ll keep your advice in mind and keep you posted. Do you think the jokes will die down if I play along?
Emma, if your gut is telling you that it’s a sneaky way to hit you where it hurts (insecurities, vulnerabilities etc), I won’t argue my POV and encourage you to walk away. You don’t need someone instilling doubts/putting you down (especially subtly or under the guise of teasing) in your life. I know it’s easier said than done, but adding to what KimF said, the sooner you remedy behavioral patterns (finding yourself drawn to abusive men, for example), the sooner you’ll set yourself up for a healthy adult (dating) life.
And to answer your question, if he gets no reaction from you, he might get bored and quit it, but I doubt playing along (when it’s secretly bugging/hurting you) will do you any good. I mean, do you reckon you’ll ever get used to it/be okay with it? On the flip side, if you hit back (harder!) he MIGHT cut it out, but like I said, if your gut is telling you there’s more behind it…
My gut is just terrified that he’s going to break up with me on the 16th when I go to visit him. If he does I don’t know what I’ll do I need to stay at his place to catch an early morning flight on the seventeenth as coach surfing doesn’t seem safe and all the good hostels are already booked up. I’m just trying to decode his signals now, decidé whether I need to change my flight so I dont have to stay overnight in the city to get it. That’s last resort though I’m a student and I can’t afford the hundreds of pounds a later flight may cost. I spoke to my brother though (my voice of reason) and he said this guy seems very direct, he never backs down from criticising me so he wouldn’t back down from ending it on the phone if he wanted it over. He said that the guy wouldn’t invite me over to dump me knowing I have no way to get home and id have to stay the night. I hope he’s right and that these jokes don’t mean it’s over… I need him at least until the 16th
That would be a complete DOUCHE move if he did that. Yes, I know that comment doesn’t help. (Agree re couch surfing, I didn’t even consider it in my budget travelling days, safety first, money worries later.)
I read your first post when you made it too, wanted to say it just sounds like typical dude humour, but that’s basically what the others said too, so I didn’t comment. I have a question though, when was your last break up and how long has French Funny been in the picture?
I broke up with my ex on the 3rd September, didn’t want anything again for a while obviously but these things happen and I met French funny (love the nickname!) on Halloween outside the Notre Dame. He came to ask me the time I pointed out he was wearing a watch and he laughed and said well you got me I don’t really want the time I just wanted to talk to the prettiest girl I’ve seen all day. And the rest is messed up history. He can be really sweet sometimes and very helpful so I agree he may not be the best but I hope he’s not that much of a douche…
If you need him right now then you should go to 16th.i dont think he would break up with you.if he was to he could have done it..why would he wait it.
although dont get too attached..it always leave us broken..be smart and confident..:)Emma
In all honesty I know where all my anxiety about this relationship, worrying if he’s joking and whether he’ll kick me out on the 16th stems from.. I don’t know if this forum is the right place to say it but would be good to get off my chest. Obviously my ex plays a big role but so does the first meet up I had with this guy. I live a while away so it made sense I stay the weekend, obviously I knew that meant sex was likely im on the pill but I brought condoms to be safe. I wasn’t opposed to having sex. But he refused to use the protection I brought, and even went as far to say that if I didn’t sleep with him without a condom I couldn’t stay. It was 1am at this point and the last metro had stopped so if he kicked me out I’d’ve had nowhere to go… So I tried to satisfy him another way and he pushed me back and entered me without my permission. I stayed the night because I had no choice… Reasoned it out in my head because I had wanted to have sex with him so I was exaggerating things. But it’s created a lot of doubt in my mind about him, about his character. Maybe it’s overreacting I don’t know.
Is this your boyfriend now that you’re with that did this?
I don’t know why I can’t move past it
Emma…do you have any family or friends to talk to? A trusted older woman?
No, not really. Ive told only one person this face to face and they told me I was being ridiculous. My mum wouldn’t understand, my closest friends wouldn’t either and I have no sisters. Why do you ask?
Emma…what he did was wrong. Criminal. No man is ever allowed to force himself on you. This man is not your friend and I don’t think you should ever see him again. Didn’t you mention you have a brother?
Is it criminal if I didn’t stop him? I don’t know ive thought about it a lot it’s defintely in the grey area. I talked to him about it afterwards and he asked me what my problem was as I clearly enjoyed it. And the one person I told said I had no leg to stand on because it wasn’t the last time we slept together and said I was being ridiculous. My brother is usually a lot of help he’s calming and reasonable.. but he lives back home im here in France there isn’t a lot he can do from there. Am I not exaggerating this? What if it was another joke I took too seriously
You said he pushed you back and entered you without your permission. That is wrong. And you have been feeling bad about it. Because you know it was wrong. You know that it’s not ok. This is beyond joking and taking things too seriously or not. You need to talk to someone. Do you have a doctor where you are? Are you in school?
No I don’t have social security here yet, so no GP and I teach here as part of a young assistants programme. I don’t know what to think. I’ve been pushing it down reminding myself it’s my fault for not pushing him off or saying something. No one will take it seriously though will they it was over a month ago he’s now my boyfriend it wasn’t the only time that night we did it and it’s my word against his..
Emma..what you’ve described takes us beyond friendly advice. This is not about joking anymore. You need to talk to someone in person about this. Someone who can help you see that what happened is bad and you can’t see him again. At the very least. Have you thought of someone you can talk to?
I’m trying to think of someone… All my friends and family are back home they’d help in a heartbeat but what is there to say it do? And my friends here I’ve only known since I arrived in September. I need to stay at his on the 16th there’s nowhere else I can go :( then end it after
Emma..dear you didnot tell this before.
You should not see such a man.we wouldnot advise you to go to him.
Please call your parents or your brother and share everything.There must be other ways instead of being abused by such a person.Emma
I knew it bothered me.. But I thought I was exaggerating it. So I left it out