When should I leave?

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  • #930413 Reply

    My man is cheating on me. She lives in cali and we live in NY. So I found out she’s actually coming this weekend while he’s going on a “business trip”. I’m planning on leaving cuz obviously they’re gonna seal the deal. Should I tell when he leaves that im packing me and the kid and we’re leaving cuz I know you’re meeting up with her. Or do I wait till he gets back and the our stuff is already gone? Now im a lil worried to say it when hes leaving cuz i dont know how hell react. But I also wanna ruin his weekend. What do you think?

    #930415 Reply

    are you like very sure about this? and how did you find out?

    #930417 Reply

    I looked thru his phone so im pretty sure. Ive known about the cheating for some time now and he even confessed to it. But told me he would never meet up with her.

    #930425 Reply

    Why would you stay?

    #930429 Reply

    Im not going to stay. Just wondering if I should confront or just leave while hes away?

    #930431 Reply

    Leave first…

    Confront later if you must. Confrontations with Guys like this are pointless.
    – He will deny,
    – He will gaslight,
    – He will blame You.

    Move forward & don’t look back.

    #930449 Reply
    T from NY

    What Raven said

    Silence is the loudest, most impactful thing. Period
    He doesn’t deserve to see your emotion or hear you talk about how hurt you are. Ice him out

    #930464 Reply
    Honesty Rocks

    Hi is this his child ? Are you married ? You need a plan if so. You cant just ghost him. You need to put yourself and the kids needs first. Im not condoning cheating or staying with him im just saying you need to work out your moves first.

    #930488 Reply

    i agree with honesty rocks. r you guys married? is the kid his? what about joint finances? house etc. if there is nothing to hold you back or tie you guys together thn you can simply save yourself the headache of a confrontation and same discussions and simply leave. and never look back. otherwise you cant just ghost him. there has to be a plan.

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