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- This topic has 35 replies and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
Ok, so I had a date a week ago which I really thought went well, even though I was a mess that day (got my period and had to go a drug store, got tipsy, had to take off my shoes because they were killing my feet etc…), but obviously it didn’t because he didn’t text me back at all and only once just to see if I arrived home safely. Now I told him that for whatever reasons, if he shouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore he should tell me straight up because I don’t want to waste my time wi. Of course he didn’t and I am just pissed off about it. Could anyone tell me why he wouldn’t respond even though I explicitly told him to tell me so? I know he was purposely ignoring me because he saw my messages, so “maybe he lost his phone” or so can’t be a reason. I’m not upset about this, I’m just pissed off -.-
Ok, what I should mention is, I’m not throwing all men into one basket. It’s just those assholes who can’t be honest.
I saw your last post. I am really sorry, but you have very unrealistic expectations. Why? Well, how can he nicely tell you he is not interested? You have put him in a terrible position, with someone he does not even know. He would have told you with his actions of not asking you out again, but you tried to push him to tell you outright.
And honestly, even asking that to begin with means you are deeply insecure in this situation. He probably thought getting into it with you was simply not worth it. He is being honest, honestly telling you with his actions he is not interested.
Does this make him a bad person? No. Should he have been straight with you? Yes. Is he an asshole – no he is not, he did not owe you anything.
He is ignoring you because of a mixture of his inability to be straight up in hard situations, and because you should have never asked him that to begin with.
He is not invested in you, even a little, so he does not want to hurt your feelings, so he is just leaving it be.
I don’t think you should have sent him that text. Never ask a guy you just had a first date with do you want to date me. It comes off as needy and desperate. And you put him on the spot and you barely know him. Whenever a guy ignores me…I have my answer…and I move on.
I remember TallLady saying something about just apologizing for your behavior on the date..and just leave it at that.
For the sake of humanity, yes we all need to be truthful and honest. But for the sake of the dating world which is pretty much the wild wild west….I don’t think he really owes you anything. So that’s probably why didn’t respond.
Because you are trying to control him, basically. To control the outcome. Why would you ask something like that? Own who you are, always. So you got your period and kicked back your heels. Good for you, carry that attitude and stop texting this poor man and asking him to reject you!!!
Please look at baggage reclaim – it has a lot on rejection and how you act in the face of rejection and how to be with confidence and self esteem….
Because it is easier than telling you upfront that he’s not interested and hurting your feelings. Men want to avoid hurting women’s feeling at all costs. That’s why you will see so many stories of women who dated a man for months, or even a year or more and he suddenly ghosts, no formal break up or conversation to end the relationship.
You’re only talking about going on one date. He does not owe you an explanation or confirmation of his disinterest; you barely know each other. Women do the same thing all the time, I know I do. This does not make him an asshole, he’s simply avoiding any potential confrontation. In an ideal world, yes, we would appreciate people being upfront and honest. But men have learned that being honest often times leads to an emotional and sometimes irrational woman who can’t stand to hear the truth. So they take the easy way out and just fade out or completely ghost. It happens all the time in dating, so get used to it. If you are seeking reassurance or confirmation from someone about their feelings or lack there of, you will not get it most of the time.
He really did answer your question anyway; no response is a response. He’s not interested.
I think that after a first date you have to be prepared for the prospect of never hearing from someone again. First dates, especially if you met online, are a chance for you to feel each other out and to see if you would like to spend more time getting to know each other. You don’t really owe the other person much after one date, IMO. I have gone on dates with several guys I met online. In a couple of cases, we both told each other we had a nice time after the date, but never texted each other again. I think it’s pretty common for one or both people to just stop contact if there isn’t a real spark.
The first time I didn’t hear from a guy after what I thought was a good date, I was really annoyed. I thought he was immature and rude for not just coming out and saying he didn’t want to see me again. But after going out on a few more dates, and after finding myself in the position of just not wanting to text a guy again, I understood. When you only spend a couple hours with someone you’ve never met, you don’t need to do a big discussion about why you didn’t connect. It’s not necessarily personal. It’s like shoe shopping–some pairs look cute but don’t fit right. You put them back on the shelf and move on. Not the end of the world.
Try not to take it so seriously. Realize that a good relationship requires both people to feel a connection. Think about what you’d do differently on your next first date. And then go out and meet more guys!
This comes with the territory of dating. There will be rejection along the way but, you have to let it just slide off your back.After one date a man does not need to call you again to say he is not intersted. A first date should be met with low expectaions and just the midset of having a good time.Anything more and you’ll be setting yourself up for heartache every time things do not go your way.
Eventually after all the blunders that can happen with dating you will meet the right person. Over the years I’ve been in your spot.When I met a new guy I was always thankful that the last guy didn’t call. The new guy was always hotter, funnier, sexier, and just a better fit for me.
Keep it movin!
You say you don’t want to waste your time but you proceed to waste your own time by continuing to fume over this guy, everything that happened, telling him he needs to tell you he’s not interested AND posting on here, twice. He would’ve been wasting your time if he continued to text you and/or seeing you knowing it wasn’t going to go anywhere. He hasn’t! Just say “Next!”
Yesterday I was talking to my friend and we got to the conclusion that there are some women out there that are highly responsible for men acting this way, women that are so damaged and lack self respect so much that can not understand that no means NO. They make them go through hell with all the desperate things they do. She was telling me about a psycho that chased the guy, got naked at his office, pretended like they were going to a group movie night out and in the end it was only them. Stuff like that, texts late at night, drunk texting, stalking, harassing and the list goes on and on. Men are not evil, we are not evil and we sometimes do the same. It’s only a way of protecting ourselves. Cowardly but just a way of avoiding conflict and hurting someone’s feelings. I completely agree that it’s not the right thing to do and hurts like hell when you are in the ignored end but I can see why they do it.
Brutal honesty here. We tell women to “next” guys that are jerks. Well, this guy “nexted” YOU because you acted like a needy, entitled little prima donna.
Oh my! Did she over do it? Yes. Was she a entitled prima donna? No.
That is name calling and it is not helpful. And we agreed not to do it.
We have no idea if he was interested or not after the date. We will never know. But, we do know that sending a – Just tell me the truth text is never a way into a man’s heart. That is her learning….
Giiiiiiiiiirl, I vaugely remember your last post in reference to that first date… You were a HOT hot MESS!! NOT cute, NOT attractive… Unless you’re supermodel status hot, no way can you pull sh*t like that off. He kindly asked if you made it home safe then made the logical decision to not continue seeing you based on that first interaction… They say especially with men that actions speak louder than words and his inaction/ him NOT contacting you is the expression of him NOT being interested. For you to further try to dictate that he must also SAY this to you to be considered a decent person after YOUR initial behavior, would be comical to me if I were him. Not only would I continue to ignore you and wonder if you can add 2 and 2 *which equals 4 BTW; him NOT calling and NOT responding = He’s NOT interested* But I’d think you were even crazier to demand a response from me when I went on ONE DATE with you… Like, WhoTF are YOU??? Bye Felisha! Lol
I mean, don’t beat yourself up over your behavior but learn from it and UNDERSTAND that when you do stupid sh*t, some people aren’t gonna find it acceptable. Accept accountability for your actions and choices and realize that if someone doesn’t agree with them, they’re likely to walk away and they’re absolutely entitled to do so. I have a solid list of drunken horror stories and I’ve always known if my guys bounced after, that it was my own doing. *The key is to start smaller :) bahahaha KIDDING!! They key prob is to not behave like that at all. Lol
“That is her learning….”
About time someone pointed that out. To CC the situation looked unclear. That should not be dismissed. We should refrain from judging her for wanting to learn.
Did she get the answer she wanted? No.
Was she entitled to that answer? No.
But it *is* a learning experience nonetheless. All it cost was looking “needy” or “desperate” to a man who wasn’t interested in her anyway.
Better to make mistakes than to be ignorant.
Ok guys.. I read your comments. I don’t think I really realised how my behaviour really affected him and ironically I really try to treat people the way I want to be treated. I wished he wouldn’t be so cowardly over the situation and I do need to hear the words to really understand (I’m autistic and still have some social issues :P). That’s why I asked him wether or not he could just tell me.. Well anyway I’m glad that he didn’t call or text back anymore ^^.
I understand your position perfectly, I have done the same in the past. I was romantically challenged lol (I’m afraid I still suffer from it to some degree)… Life doesn’t come with a manual. Romantic relationships are hard, confusing and stressing, mostly for people that haven’t dated for a long time or have self esteem issues. Thank God we have information and now more than ever, we have books, websites, dating coaches and so many sources that it can also be confusing. Don’t be hard on yourself as we all have been through something similar.
Chin up girl and keep on dating and learning.
@ Rose, thanks for the kind comment :’). I’ll definitely chin up, date and learn :D
You were acting like MOST normal Western Hemisphere women do. Which sadly has become a land of entitled prima donnas due to inflated egos of the women of the 60s and 70s who were born in the 40s who ruined life for all the women that came after them. They were all super selfish.
If you had one date with a man and he doesn’t respond to your text as to why there will not be another one, he really doesn’t owe you a response. Someone you are dating might be courteous for them to tell you why for closure, but no closure is needed after a first date, even if you told him to tell you so.
In fact, I would probably do the same thing as that guy and I would be more turned off by someone texting me for a response than I would be for the behavior itself, I would feel I don’t owe them anything. Now if it were a few or several dates then maybe I’d respond, but not a first date.
I respond to dudes I had a first date with and I’m no longer interested in them. Some ask, hey what do you think, do you want to hang out again? And I politely decline. Why on heart can’t I get the same kind of courtesy? … I know there are phycho girls out there, I know a first date is a first date but come on! … I’d like to think if a guy is a quality person he would at least say he’s sorry but not interested. It’s not the end of the world for us or them. I feel like there’s more drama and immaturity when they go silent than when they politely decline. Whenever that happens I feel amazing and delete their phone number right away, no hard feelings at all. I think our society is going wild with no manners whatsoever.
Earth* … Whatever lol
Rose- I agree, while I just accept that’s how dating can be I really did wish people would say something.
Any guy that hits me up after a date that I don’t like I kindly let him know we will not be seeing each other again. The times men did let me know I said thank you and wished him well.
By the way you are a very lovely lady:)