Why did he contact me again, after telling me he doesn't see a future with me?

Home Forums Did He Lose Interest? Why did he contact me again, after telling me he doesn't see a future with me?

  • This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 4 years ago by Mstern.
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  • #842596 Reply

    I used to date a man for 2 months and he slowly ghosted me. I didn’t unterstand why and was very hurt.He kept asking me how I was every 5 weeks. I asked he, why he keeps doing that, he didn’t have a specific reason, just wanted to know how I was. I still liked him, so every time he came back, I got excited. But he instantly disappeared, as always. One day I asked him out, I said that i still think about him, like. him and wanted to see him again. He didn’t response. I asked him, why he cut off all communication. He responded, that it wasn’t a match for him and also the distance ( i live 1 hour away) was a reason. I told him that I will never contact him again and will try to forget him, since I got hurt. He ignored me again.

    After 3 months he contacted me again. hey, how are you. As I asked him, why he contacts me again, he said “just to see how you are”. And again he disappeared. Why does he keep hurting me? I still love him. As I start to forget him, he comes back and runs away again.

    #842610 Reply

    I am sorry, but you dated a man for 2 months and you are saying you still love him? this is a joke right?

    #842627 Reply

    Yeah for your own sanity you should block him and delete his number. Since by now he clearly knows you will respond every time he reaches out and stil pines over him, i can only assume he gets a laugh out of this. Im sorry this sounds cruel, but i really think he does. He isnt hurting you. You are hurting yourself by loving a guy you barely know, who ghost you, treat you like cr/ap and still you havent had enough.
    Accept its over. And move on. Work on how you should date and what to look for and be picky who you let in your life.

    #842629 Reply

    The question here should be : Why in the world do YOU continue to let him treat you this way???

    He is clearly not interested in you as a person or in being with you. He contacts you because he is bored or needs his ego stroked and he knows you will just do that.

    Stop being a doormat!! Stop engaging with this guy. Lose his number, block his a** and move on to someone who actually cares about you and deserves your attention.

    This one does not and never will.

    #842639 Reply

    Sheisalone, Here’s my question for you… Why haven’t you told him to stop?

    #842672 Reply

    Why does he contact you? Because you respond and make him feel wanted. Does he do the same for you? I get why the first time you got excited, but this is now on you. When you really heal from being attracted to half interested men, you will be happily single and able to say…. gross this guy is a loser.

    Read this: he does not keep hurting you, you do by being hopeful and abandoning yourself to engaging with someone who you know is not into you.

    #843627 Reply

    “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
    He’s treating you like recycling, and you keep letting him.
    I’ve been there, done that, got a season pass, and finally realized I deserve what I give, not what I’ll accept, and I’ll no longer accept being treated like garbage, and neither should you.

    #843687 Reply

    Maybe your feelings have clouded your judgement. Happens to everyone. I’ll break it down for you if it helps

    He contacts you because he can. Either he’s bored, lonely, curious, or needs an ego stroke etc. But none of those reasons are because he’s changed his mind about you. That will never happen.

    Like others have said, if you don’t have respect for yourself, you will attract men around you who don’t mind treating you poorly. Vice versa.

    There’s not enough info here to claim you lack self-respect. You could just be naive. After all, irregular texts with a premise of “just want to see how you are” are inherently innocuous. And you might think there’s no harm in replying to him. But that’s the trap

    And this is where context matters. You have strong feelings for him. And he said he doesnt see a future with you. That changes everything. And staying in touch will only bring you pain. He is a dead end. There are no ifs and buts about it. Muster all your strength to block him and move on. He is a dead end

    #843690 Reply

    He’s an unavailable assclown that will pop back in whenever he’s bored or lonely. Google baggage reclaim. It will explain it all. X

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