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- This topic has 22 replies and was last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
It’s been almost 4 months since we broke up and I have been actively trying to get my ex back. It’s been a long way and I feel like I’m doing better myself emotionally.
I almost can’t remember the exact words he told me when we broke up, but he said something like he don’t feel the same way anymore, and that he don’t want to lie to me about it. It was a rather unexpected break though I knew that we were kind of losing the Sparks a little towards the last month before the break up, but I thought we were trying to fix it. I was devasted and took a while to get to where I am. He was probably heartbroken inside too and was not comfortable to talk to me until recently where he started warming up to me.
Recently, I have been asking him questions on some self help books that he loved to read and about his network marketing company. It all went well until I told him that I was clearing my stuffs in the room and I realized that his books are still with me. He didn’t reply after which and suddenly texted me a long apology text that night at 2am. It came as a shock and I took about 12 hrs before I replied him.
This is the exact words of his apology text:
Hey, I have been thinking about how much I do cherish the memories we had and I do appreciate you. I know how much effort you put into our relationship to try and make it work. But I sincerely want to apologize for some things that I have done that I regret when we were together and you did not deserve that at all. But it’s stuff that I don’t want to bring up anymore as we both moving on. I realized I have to make this confession, if not I’ll never be able to forgive myself. I’m truly sorry for hurting you in anyway that I did. I really really dun mean for it to happen. But I hope moving on, I can be a better person and I really wish all the best for you, your family and ur career and that you will be much much happier!!I replied to thank him for the apology but am not sure how to comprehend his apology text, and so I’m not sure how to feel or how I am feeling after reading the text. I apology for my bad in the relationship too and hope that we can move on from the hurt and the pain together. He replied positively with a “yup!” and say he can still help if I have anything to ask him for help for, which is what he is doing right now.
I finally replied okay :) I’m glad that he is not asking me to get out of his life, which his message sounds like it.. And I told him to let go of the unhappy things and not to think of it. He didn’t reply after which. My last message probably was a little too much but I just want to be sure what he is saying and I still didn’t get any answer. What do you all think? Was he apologizing to make himself feel less guilty or was he apologizing to clear the hurt of the broken relationship so we can start afresh?
I’m okay if we are going to move slowly from now to get back together cuz i know we are both not ready yet. But as long as he is positive to the possibility that we might get back together in the future, I have not much worries. He used to say that he won’t want to get into a relationship in the next 1 year after we broke up, but he don’t rule out the possibility that we might get back together in the future. I believe our relationship are fulfilling and have great connection for both. We do believe in the same goal and future, but something messed up in the way and we kind of get confused and frustrated with our lives, hence causing the relationship going bad.
Sorry for the long message and I thank everyone who tried to help. :)
In my honest opinion it doesn’t seem like he wants to get back together. I think he just wanted to clear the air and apologise. He might want to stay friends or just make sure that things aren’t awkward between the two of you.
I would suggest leaving him be for now. If you continue to msg him too much or harp on over what was said trying to get clarity, you might find that he will start distancing himself again.
He has done most guys would not have done. He wrote you the apology. The is a huge character trait in good quality.
Go watch the movie “the break up” again. Nothing is all black and white. Some people will need more time to heal and learn. Give both time to learn, feel and process. Growing up at times can’t be painful, not only breaking ups are painful event.
Don’t over think, one day at a time. Take things slow and keep bettering yourself. Be a magnetic that people are drawn to…
Growing up can be painful
Amy S
Hi. I think he is telling you clearly that he is moving on from this and as much as he didnt want to hurt you he is saying its on to new stuff now. Hes getting his own closure by apologising and making this a civil break up so he feels better about himself. I think he has guessed from your contact that you are still interested in him and I think you should cut contact with him for now as you seem to be in denial that its actually over. Sorry i dont mean to be doom and gloom but the quicker you accept this the quicker you can heal and move on. Good luck. x
He’s moving on, he’s not considering a get back together, he’s finalising the finish, it’s time to let go and move on, don’t give yourself false hope, be kind to yourself and get over this man. I’m trying to do the same right now, your not alone xxx
He mentioned several times about “moving on”. That means that he is done, he is moving forward – without you. Please do what you can to move on as well, and don’t think about getting back together with this guy. If you are continually thinking that you guys will one day be together again, you will never be able to heal yourself from this and it will be a very long, very hard battle. I know that this isn’t what you wanted to hear, but you need to see what is right in front of you and what he is trying to tell you without being mean or hurting your feelings.
I agree with others, he keeps talking about moving on. However, this does not mean that in 1-2 months he won’t change his mind. For that to happen, you need to stop all contact with him. Stop texting and messaging. Make him miss you. Make him remember only the good things. Stop being available. If he wants to give it another try, he will contact you later on. There is this very useful ebook by Andrew Aitken, Beyond the breakup, I highly recommend it. With some exceptions, where he says exes should never get back together, most things there are spot on. He does a very good job dissecting the post-breakup situations. It is written specifically for women who got dumped. There is also a website ex boyfriend recovery by Chris something. Chris is the opposite of Andrew, and that’s why it is useful to read them both. Chris things that it is almost always possible to get your ex back. The techniques both recommend overlap, so you’d know which one to use for sure. No contact is one of them. No sex with your ex if you start being friends some time later.
You are now pursuing him, he feels it, and this is not what you need. You need to make him nostalgic, miss you, and for that, you need to bet cut out of his life. YOU need to do that, do not wait for him to do that. So do not reply, do not message, no social media, nothing. Only this way there is a chance, after some time, that he would be open to restart things. But you should not hope for that, you should be ready for things to be over.
He is not going to get back together with you. He is trying to nicely make it clear your paths are no longer interwoven, and its time to live your lives without the idea of reconciliation.
When a guy keeps saying you are both moving on and wishes you happiness for the future, he is telling you unequivocally its over.
He knows you are still waiting for him amd holding out hope. He is telling you not to. He has let you go. Now let him go. He is not coming back. That text was very clear when you reread what he told you. He is telling you two are done
Thanks all for the interpretation! :)
I am keeping an open mind, and I’m not surprised when you girls said he is telling me that it’s over. I thought of it in both ways, and is staying calm over the exact message in it.
I understand that most of you mentioned not to contact him. I have not after that last message. I will see how it goes in the future.
So I’m assuming he is apologizing cuz he wants to feel less guilty? And it’s not an actual sincere apology? :/
I think it’s a sincere apology but by your question I can tell that you’re still NOT getting what the ladies here are saying.
He can obviously tell that you are hoping to reconcile and wanting there to be more between you. I think his text was intended to let you know that isn’t going to happen and he is moving on and you need to be too. A guy doesn’t say “it’s stuff that I don’t want to bring up anymore as we both moving on.” “I hope moving on, I can be a better person.”
If he wanted to get back with you he would want to sit down and discuss the things that he regrets doing in the relationship. He should be telling you how sorry his is for not trying harder to make it work and how much he misses you and how hard a time he is having moving on. He didn’t say any of that. Instead he told you TWICE he was moving on. But you’re not listening.
Stop contacting the guy. Give up on reconciling with him and start dating other people. It’s been 4 months.
You are not listening to anything he has said. You are “keeping an open mind”? I am not trying to be mean, but when he starts seeing someone else, it’s really going to hurt.
Because he has explained it’s over by telling you that you both are moving on (as in not with one another.
As said above, if he was interested in getting back together, this is not what he would say. He would tell you he wanted to work through things with you, that he wants you back in his life (as a GF not friend), and that he wants you to be together.
You’ve wasted 4 months pining for this guy when you could have healed and been ready for someone new who wants you.
How long are you going to torture yourself? That is all you are doing, because he isn’t coming back.
Wow. Amazing…
None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see.
You arent alone, my ex also called me after 3 months of breakup. He says sorry and apologize for thinga that he did to me, he says he misses me n hope am okay after the break up. I was shocked when he calls…he used private number and my reaction just kinda cool *cos i have no idea gow shud i react* i tried not to talk about the past, just how are u? how’s ur pets? and also say sorry if i hurt him too. Actually i miss him so much, but i dont let him know…and believe it or not i really want to finish the conversation asap…cos its too much for me even the conversation was light. He asked about my work, my fam, say sorry because he is trying to cut his tense about us. At the end i got distraction from my colleague and we ended the conv by saying take care to each other. It’s sad, but i believe to love someone doesnt mean to belong to each other. If we are meant to be together love will finds a way…keep happy btw :)
there’s no mixed signals. he feels bad about his part in the breakup and wanted to apologize to you for hurting you. it’s clear he doesn’t want to get back together, just ease his guilt. at least he apologized for hurting you. but you should move on. try to put him completely out of your mind and heart. he’s not coming back. i’m going through the same thing. just got a text from my ex who broke up with me 3 weeks ago… apologizing for hurting me. I’m trying to accept the fact that he doesn’t want to work things out and is moving on. I’m trying to find a way to move on too. It’s sad and hard and not fair. I hope you were able to move on. That’s what I’m going to try to do now.
This was simply his final goodbye. Be grateful he was man enough to own his part and apologize for it. This was your closure. He won’t be getting back with you. Sorry.
Very old post. But we get the pleasure of seeing Nat/Emma as Maria.
it sounds like he is really moving on and he doesn’t want to lead you in getting back together in any way. the best way is to really go no contact with him.
Look you are clearly still so hung up on him stop lying to yourself and accept that it was him clearing his conscious and saying goodbye. There are no mixed signals here.
Stop texting him. Stop overthinking, overanalysing and making yourself look desperate. Realise you are worth more and that nothing good comes from pursuing this any further.
It will hurt and be hard to let go but you are wasting your time!
Move on like you said you would.
He definitely does not want to get back together. It takes a very kind person to apologize. He obviously cared about you or you likely wouldn’t of even got that. Take his words literal. Don’t try to read into it. In my experience guys say what they mean. It is rarely a miscommunication.
I am going through a similar situation. My ex contacted me after 5 months. He texted and asked for me to meet him in person. I could tell his apology came from his heart because he struggled to get out the words. He never spoke about moving on, but after we talked about normal every day stuff. An hour after leaving I received a text letting me know that I could text him if I wanted to see a movie with him sometime. Interestingly here, my situation has left more to interpret. I still choose to interpret that he is moving on unless he decides to say the words.Your ex is not going to want back a needy woman that appears desperate and lacks confidence. Work on your self, go to the gym, go out with friends, and just learn what you use to love before he entered your life. The great part about this…If at some point he does come back you will be strong enough to make the right decision. And it just might be not to be with him.
Good luck to you.
This post is 4 years old
Times and space has forced him to recognize HIS role in things and that not everything was your fault. He only came back around to apologize and make himself feel better. Now he can be off the hook in his mind. He doesn’t sound like he has any interest in getting back together or even being friends. He’s probably going to fade back out.