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- This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
I am 51, a widow since 38. Dated approximately 8 men over the past 13 years. Had my heart broken twice. Still reeling from one of those unfortunately, but he was the wrong guy so I am dealing.
I am seeing one of the guys who came back, 8 years later. Casually. No sex. More like a friend-dating situation. Another keeps calling to see me. Another randomly facebooks trying to make plans. And one is visiting my state today and wants to get together! WHY? Why do they keep coming back? And why do I keep communicating with them? Can anything good come of this? My 16 year old tells me “you don’t bring garbage back into the house” – not that they were garbage but just meaning that I dumped them or they dumped me, let it go and move on to someone new. Is that what I should be doing? Does maintain these friendships keep me from moving on?
People learn. Looking back we all regret some things. Including losing someone. it is also much easier and more pleasant to be with someone you know from before. There is this comfort of time which somehow makes you feel closer to this person, even though you were not in touch all those years. You were both younger, you shared some nice and not-so-nice things. A bit of nostalgia, a bit of regret, a bit of security in knowing what to expect…all those things together. Forming new connections later in life is harder than when you are younger. Most people would prefer to rekindle their lost connections.
There is nothing wrong with reconnecting with your ex, provided you both understand all the risks and pluses and minuses. One rule does not fit all situations. Some people get together with completely wrong partners, break up and then it is no wonder they can’t fathom even talking to them. But in some cases, things don’t work out for different reasons, age gap, long distance, life goals, jobs abroad, wanting not wanting kids, what not, but people might be right for each other and might have feelings still. Why would they not want to try again if their situations changed? Life is a complex process and each situation is different, it is very important to think independently.
I also have a high recidivism rate for exes. I think it’s because I was good to them when I dated them and they took it for granted at the time. But, I found whenever I gave them another chance they turned out to be the same old guy who took me for granted…no change. I was just mulling over this morning how, when I dated an ex, even if it was MANY years later (fourteen years in one case) how the relationship was very similar to the one we’d had with the same issues and challenges. I’m slowly coming to the conclusion that it’s a waste of time.
Not sure, but I don’t think they come back for altruistic reasons. As in, she was so good to me, let me give all that goodness back to her and more. It’s usually because they recognized your value for them and they want some more of it. If you liked them and they were good to you, and the timing (maybe different stages in life, etc. that has since normalized) was the only issue, and there were no hard feelings, I would see them.
But Shannon makes great points as usual, and I would definitely take it all into consideration.Stevie
The one I’m seeing now was fresh out of a divorce so I would say definitely a timing issue. Problem is, I’ve lost that loving feeling towards him. I feel only friendship.
One turned out to be a tea party right wing loon who I just couldn’t stand to listen to, but we are still friendly (as much as a liberal dem such as myself can be, lol). One had anger management issues, and also was LDR, so that one was easy to walk away from. We are still friends, but again with no romantic interest on my part. And the fourth – he is one that broke my heart – I tried twice to go back (he keeps trying really really hard to get me back, he thinks I’m the “one that got away”) but I just don’t feel the same. Maybe the trust is gone? He is not trying for a 3rd time, but I just can’t do it.
I appreciate their kindess, really I do. I get birthday texts, valentine day messages, mother’s day wishes, holiday greetings … it’s all very sweet. And each in their own right had my interest for whatever amount of time we were together. It’s just not there anymore.
SO, the 2nd guy who broke my heart, the one in my heart is the one who got away from me, statistically will some day return. With us it was pure timing. True love but he never had kids and thinks he wants them, but since we are old I cannot give him that, so he – I assume – is looking for the younger model, as they say. Given my track record I don’t think even if he comes back I will ever be able to feel the same. Clearly I can’t go back. It’s a shame how life sucks sometimes.
Guess I need bachelor #6 ………………….. but where the heck am I going to meet him. Done with online, done with bars, and my friends are all married and only know married people. Such is the dilemma of a middle-aged woman…………….
I mean he is trying for a 3rd time – relentlessly – but I can’t do it. How do I get him to stop?
Stevie – so none of these 8 men got married if they keep coming back to you?
Correct, the 5 I am still in regular contact with have not gotten married or even had any long term relationships since me. OMG I’m a black widow!!! Kidding, but I guess it’s who I am picking? Maybe emotionally unavailable men? But I am sure they have DATED others, so why keep coming back to me? And why do I let them? Even as friends? There is only 1 who I have never heard from again — and 2 never really got to a “relationship” status, and I don’t hear from them either. But the ones I dumped, for the reasons noted above, and the one who dumped me and shattered me at the time, is the one who is begging for another chance. And the others ask me out too, and I politely decline, or say “sure someday bud” – keeping it light.
I want the last one — the one who just broke my heart — to come back begging. Why do we always want the wrong ones. He deserves to go find some young chicky to give him a baby, even though at his age if he hasn’t had one he should kiss it up to God and be happy with what he does have. Like the love of a fabulous fifty-something woman who seems to be in some kind of demand, at least from EXES!!!!! :)
My advice to you is to pick one from the guys who treat you like a queen. Who think you are the greatest woman that ever walked the earth. Who are staring at you over a dinner they are paying for with their pupils dilated and you can tell they are nervous to say something, anything wrong, including coming on too strong. The ones who will return your text message within minutes, and who will want to speak to you on the phone regularly. Those are the guys.
If neither of these guys are doing it like this, I would shut them all politely down and tell them you are looking for something different.Raven
Stevie, have you talked & I mean really talked to Mr. Heartbreak?
If he’s hell bent to get you back, ask him what has changed, how has he changed… Be direct – then, if he can not give you what you want & need … Tell him… Then ask him to leave you be & then ignore & cut contact…
These guys will cease if you stop engaging wth them…
They keep coming back because they know you were not to blame for the relationships ending, and they also know you possess some good qualities that they like. I’m not saying they want you as a significant other, but they do like having you around for whateva the reason.
Are these relationships preventing you from moving on? It shouldn’t. You know the nature of the relationships aren’t serious, so that in itself is enough for you to keep your options open. Meaning, continue meeting new people at your leisure.
Raven, I’ve talked to him a lot about it. Gave him 2 chances already. And each time I just wasn’t feeling it. I don’t love him. Well, I love him as a friend, but I am not in romantic love with him. And even though I am old as dirt, this latest heartbreak kid (I said kid because he’s 37…oops) made me realize I am still capable of true passionate almost unconditional love of a man. Question is, is that a blessing or a curse. Time will tell, but I’m leaning towards curse.
There’s that old-ism… When a woman’s had enough…
Move forward & relish that you are passionate :)
I have also had several exes come back. Some of them many years later.
Most of my breakups have been pretty civil, with the exception of a select few. I’m sure that is part of the reason they feel comfortable looking me back up.
But in all that time, I have only fully reconnected (resumed a relationship) with one. He was the only ex I never really got over, and I still had a lot of respect and admiration for. We initially broke up because I moved away (all the way across the country). I agreed to try a second time because he was honest and sincere (and proved with both words and actions) that he was willing to do all the hard work to try and make a new start work.
When we reunited it lasted for 2 years, and it was leading towards marriage. As it turned out, we did not breakup over the initial reasons (which were mostly logistical). In the end I realized he had some real issues setting proper boundaries with his ex wife, who happens to be a certifiable nightmare.
I have my own nightmare ex that I’ve managed to get rid of almost completely. Having been through hell and back on my own already in that situation (before we reconnected), I decided I wasn’t willing to go through this type of situation again (with someone’s else’s ex). I decided he needed to deal (on his own) with his issues in creating proper limits with her nonsense.
So my belief is that many come back when they are: lonely, bored, too lazy to look for someone new, or just looking for a diversion. Even the odd chance that it turns out they realize “you were the ONE”, it rarely works out.
Your 16 year old sounds smart and wise beyond their years. That was good advice they gave you.
Now I do have purely friendships with some exes. But I have ablsolutely not desire to ever date them again.