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- This topic has 62 replies and was last updated 10 years, 6 months ago by
I am currently dating a guy whom I am sexually exclusive with but I am still dating others as I’m not ready to commit to him yet. I’m still getting to know him. We recently had a talk about cheating of what he n I consider cheating when in a relationship. As for different people the boundaries for cheating R different. I had also told him that if he cheated if we were in a relationship, I would not negotiate or ask him to choose but would just leave as he would have betrayed my trust n there cannot be a relationship without trust.
The question was why do men cheat. I do not know. Why do wemen cheat? I can think of nothing worse than hurting someone by cheating on them. Perhaps it is because my parents have been married fot 45 years. I have seen them live through good and bad times and then realy bad times. I was a teenager when for a time they did not sleep in the same room. When money was more than tight and they were always at each other. Even during this they stayed faithfull to one another. Perhaps the answer is not respect, or love or commitment. Cheating is a choice. Man or woman that person made a choice to hurt the other. They may not have seen it that way when they were cheating, but they had to have seen it after. why do men and wemen make the choice to hurt each other. If we have all hurt at one time or another, why would anyone want to do that to someone else.
Hi Marie,
I would personally suggest taking everything with a grain of salt, that’s all…..we ALL get carried away with our feelings when we meet someone new and I think guys do too…..
I don’t know if there’s a clear answer except just believing that people MEAN well and yet are changeable, complicated creatures……IF you’re getting very excited about a future with a guy, just take it one step at a time and see how it plays out. Not just because his feelings might change but because yours might too.
I think you can be completely sympathetic to a guy but this DOESNT mean you sit around waiting for him if you’re just not on the same page.
Empathy is really important but this is what EMPOWERS you to make your own choices as you get to know someone and observe their behavior.
In this post I was just hypothesizing about what the guy’s experience might have been just to suggest that she wasn’t crazy for thinking there was SOMETHING very real there, even if it didn’t turn out to be what she had hoped. Not to suggest she should wait around for him but just to be able to think back on the situation with some level of clarity.
To me understanding just FEELS better.
I guess I would say that when it comes to dating, we are all a little bit like children (in the best of ways) even when we’re doing our best to be adults. We’re hopeful, vulnerable, excited, happy…..and sometimes this makes us ALL do things impulsively…..I would take what a guy says (especially at the beginning) as a reflection of the guy he WANTS to be for you – he wants SOOOO badly to be that great, wonderful guy who is in the perfect position to make you happy.
Guys have their hearts set on making a woman happy. I don’t think this is a bad thing…..it’s beautiful and humbling and generous and you see them at their most giving and loving and noble.
I think the key is just recognizing that what he says early on is more of a reflection of who he WANTS to be for you – the guy who can make you happy – but only time and allowing things to progress naturally will give you a real sense of how ready he actually is to fulfill those aspirations.
One way of thinking about it at least…..hope that helps
Sorry that was a response to K’s post, I mixed up the names.
Marie, I agree. I don’t think hurting another person is ever a good idea. I guess the idea behind my post was that it also really really hurts to be in a faithful relationship in which you are deprived of sex and connection and love. I don’t think cheating is ever the answer. But I do think the reasons behind it have a lot more to do with our deep hunger for love and connection than people going around deliberately hurting each other.
My parents have also had an incredibly faithful and long lasting relationship. In many ways I admire it. But I have also see the ways in which, in spite of total sexual exclusivity, they constantly cheated each other out of love – through anger, through criticism, through coldness, through a million small betrayals.
We hurt each other in so many ways.
Cheating is almost always an expression of hurt, of a deep disconnection within the relationship, rather than the cause of it.
So I think it’s just more useful to think about the ways in which we can build deep and lasting and fulfilling connections. Because when people are deprived of love and sex and connection, and cannot talk about it honestly, that’s what causes the cheating.
So to actively CREATE a fulfilling relationship based on genuine honesty, and to commit yourself to creating the best possible conditions for love to thrive, seems like a better use of ones energy than fear, worry, anger, or obsession, which only alienate us further.
Nobody willfully sets out to hurt another person (for the most part at least). But we do terrible things when we are deprived of the things we need most (love, sex, and connection) simply because they are so essential. We cannot live without them. Cheating isn’t a great response to a lack of love and connection, but I think it’s important to understand the deeper issues behind it, because that’s the only way to truly create the relationships you want.
It’s not just a lack of what you get in a relationship that drives cheating. It is based on the individual. Some people get into a monogamous situation and then find themselves wanting variety.. So they cheat.
Others have a need to seek out and gain the ” high ” you get from infatuation and new relationships. These type of people will never NOT cheat because they become bored and intentionally seek outside regardless of how good the partner is to her or him. It has to do with the person and not the relationship or partner.
Other people have low self esteem and constantly seek reassurance from the opposite sex. This drives infidelity because it’s not enough to have your partner reassure you… You need other external forces or people to do that. These people generally like their partner or even love them, but want validation beyond that to satisfy a self esteem need for approval.
It is a choice .. That’s the bottom line to me. An individual choice.
IMO, if you cheat or not has to do with your personality and your VALUES – and therefore choosing a good quality man with high values is key.
Yes, some men would want to cheat because they don’t get sex from their wife, BUT, a good quality man with high values would COMMUNICATE and TALK to her instead of “seeking sex elsewhere”.
And no Lane, I will not “lose that (respect versus commitment) bet”, cause I/my former partners don’t give respect based on what we feel others have earned – we give respect based on values, honesty and unselfishness.
Sherri, I totally agree you should end one relationship before starting another. That is respect for the other person and what you had, AND it is what a honest, unselfish person with high values would do.
That said, to me it’s all very simple. If I love someone I want to be with him, and I will give him as much love (and sex) as I feel comfortable, at ease and happy giving. If he despite that isn’t happy being with me, then I’m not happy being with him (we’re not compatible), and I will leave.
What you don’t think these guys didn’t TALK, go to counseling or tried to woo their wives into bed?!? Sorry, but your making incorrect assumptions.
These guys DO have VALUES, they just want some freakin SEX, geesh.
You can make whatever value statements you want, but COUPLES, who are fallible humans, do things that are disrespectful to each other, especially the longer they’re together. We get pissed off, frustrated, angry and chapped at small and major things because its how we’re designed. Its impossible to be perfect, happy, honest, respectful (fill in the blank) 24/7 for our entire lives, so to pretend people who are in relationships/marriages are only as good as the amount of “respect” one gives or not is unrealistic.
I am AGAINST CHEATING which is why I have never engaged in it personally, BUT those are MY VALUES and I expect my partner/husband to hold those same VALUES when we are in a COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP. Whether he respects me or not because I’m frustrated or having a bad hair day is irrelevant and has no bearing on whether one will be faithful or not.
When I look back at my marriage, my ex cheated because HE was sad, lonely, disgusted with himself. I begged him to go to counseling with me to work on our marriage, our family life, deal with alcoholism and he always refused. H said that all of his problems were my fault, our son’s fault, works fault etc.
So I went to counseling alone and with my sons. I learned and grew.
He sought the affection of other women to boost his ego, tell him he was ok, etc.There is no way we can be perfect 100% of the time, but if we value a relationship and things are difficult, both parties must be willing to work on it. I just see so many men… and women who want the quick fix.
Yup—Alcoholics blame all their problems on YOU, that’s their MO! Mine had a couple “emotional affairs” with some internet ladies living across the country when he was in a deep depression due to a very real work related issue. He inadvertently forgot to sign out, read the emails and actually emailed the ladies where BOTH were married and going through crisis of their own. NEITHER had any inclination of actually cheating on their husbands, but were feeling lonely, unappreciated and needed their egos boosted.
I honestly felt the same way as them at the time, so if that’s what mine felt he needed to do to get his ego stroked then more power to him, lol. He bored of it and stopped doing it after his work situation changed for the positive, but relationships are damn HARD and oftentimes wonder why the heck we even want to be in them! :oP
Lane, if they did try talking, counseling and wooing and it didn’t work, then IMO they should consider a divorce instead of cheating.
Again, you and I must live very different lives and meet very different types of people… Sure, I’m not perfect, happy and totally honest all the time, but I am pretty much always respectful to my partners.
I don’t believe that we are “designed to be disrespectful”. I find that very strange and inaccurate, and I really don’t have that experience at all…
I do believe that if a person is over all respectful then he’s more likely to be faithful than a less respectful person.
Regardless, I can’t speak for other people, but “respect, honesty and high values” has always worked for me, so I’m gonna stick to it… just like you should stick to whatever works for you.
Celesteannv, you’re ex seems like a complete ass. REALLY NOT a man of respect, honesty and high values. I’m so glad you’ve found what seems like his total opposite in your new guy…
No Lane, relationships are not HARD, they are EASY when you’re with the right person…
Maria, lets just AGREE to DISAGREE. Apparently we have lived different lives so there ya go! The fact you’re on this forum is because you’ve had problems in YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, so I’m not sure why your so hell bent on continually calling me out on this forum, which one could easily described as “DISRESPECTFUL.”
Could it be you’re so argumentative?
My ex was not ALWAYS that man, but I did start to see traits in him that led us to where we were AND frankly some not very attractive behaviors on my part combined with enabling ways.
I DO NOT think that relationships are always hard but they will certainly not ALWAYS be easy. I bought into the myth that it was our passion – my ex and I – that made it hard, but that is what made it worth fighting for .. and I do mean literally fighting.At the end of the day, both parties have to be willing to work at keeping a relationship alive and when that effort is gone, the I do agree that someone has to be strong enough to call it quite BEFORE stepping outside of the relationship.
Just my opinion.maria
I’m not calling you out any more than you’re calling me out, Lane, and no, I’m not disrespectful.
The times that I do call you out, it’s not because I’m argumentative, but because I think you’re so wrong that your opinions don’t belong here.
And no, I’m not here because I’ve had problems in my relationships. I’m here because human behavior fascinates me, and because I enjoy helping people and talking about relationships and love and life in general.
Maria, who made you the forum police? If my opinions are “so wrong” then I would expect Eric to call me out on them, not you.
My advice is no different than most others on here, and my personal experiences have helped many women on here so stop acting like I don’t contribute anything of value. I respectfully request that you stop flaming me. Thank you.
Celeste, I absolutely agree with you, whereas there comes a point where both parties must determine if its viable and if unwilling to work it out then one must step up and throw in the towel, such as I did. I also agree that if you can’t be faithful then you shouldn’t be in one. HOWEVER I also understand that its not always black and white,w hereby its ultimately up to each individual (or couple) to decide what’s best or right for them.
You need a reality check, Lane.
Did you not understand that the cow and cookie-crap was (and is) totally wrong in here? Or that you bullied Kay so bad they shut the thread down because of it?…
Or that you say a lot of other things that are inaccurate (and most likely not liked by the majority in here) – like that “men don’t have sex for love and they will have sex any time with anyone including those they need to “chew their arm off” to escape”, and that emotional, verbal men are not real men but “ladies” etc. etc. etc…
I admit that I’m calling you out now and then, but I don’t “act like you don’t contribute anything of value”, and I’m not “flaming” you. That is all in your head.
Thank you for your thoughtfull post. I was talking to my sister today and oddly enough the topic of marriage came up. We were speaking about how prevalent divorce is in the moddern marriage. How when our parents and grand parents got married they aproached the marriage with the attitude that marriage was work and you had to work the good times with the bad. I know the topic is why do men cheat, but I was thinking; could it be posible that because modern people aproach marriage with this attitude of if it is not working just leave, that makes cheating so prevalent. I am not saying that people did not cheat in my grandparents day, but perhaps because they viewd marriage as a life long relationship that they approached cheating less frequently than the younger people today who sometimes give the impreshion that marriage is not a life long commentment but a longer pause between dates. Why do men cheat. It is a good question. One I donot think we will ever find the answer to, except to say they cheat for that same reasion wemen cheat. They are lacking something with in them selfs, a void that can not be filled and insearch of something to fill the void. We all know how good meeting a new person can make you feel. That feeling may not fill the void but it dulls the pain. It does not make it right.Lane
Marie, the cow-cookie thing was just a TOPIC where the ladies where having an OPEN DISCUSSION and offering different OPINIONS based on our own observations about life! You’re CREATING arguments where none are warranted. If you DISAGREE, fine then disagree, but you’ve gone FAR BEYOND that and have turned it into some kind of “personal vendetta” and that’s where you continually cross the boundaries of this forum.
I believe we need to couch this topic as why people cheat and not just men. Who do we think the men are cheating with? Women of course.. And women cheat too. We see it here all the time …
Again, you need a reality check, Lane.
The cow thread was started because you had been using the analogy earlier in other threads.
The difference between the other girls and you, were that they disliked the analogy, whereas you had been spreading it as some sort of truth about how men think and act.
I agreed with them and I disagreed with you. That is not a personal vendetta against you – I call anyone out who’s trying to “sell” stupid inaccurate ideas in here – and I will continue to do so.
I’m not crossing any boundaries. That too is in your head.
Maria, I as well as everyone else on this forum has the right to post whatever OPINION or ADVICE we feel is best based on our personal experiences, assessments, observations, life lessons, etc. as to the particular Topic at hand.
A READER can either accept or reject said opinions / advice. If you reject it, fine then post YOUR OWN opinion and/or advice and allow the other readers to determine if they want to accept or reject it. But when you continually go out of your way to ATTACK a specific contributor’s opinions/advice, such as mine, especially when other contributors have posted the same advice or used the same analogies, then you cross the line and can easily be defined as a bully or flamer.
Again, I request you post your advice/opinions without continually calling “mine out” and allow the OP/READERDS to decide WHO’s they want to accept or reject. Thank you.
Hi , can we all just ” agree to disagree “. Kay’s thread was closed down because of all the “inter thread” arguing. This one will also go the same way I fear.
I LOVE all our discussions here… whether I like what’s being said or not. It’s all VERY informative to me and i have learned loads. Sometimes it’s fierce hard to hear stuff I don’t agree with or what feels like criticisms… but I can take criticism…at least I like to think i can… and I go away and REALLY THINK about what was said, is there a grain of truth in it.. and sometimes my opinion changes.
Whats best about it all… is I love you all dearly and GROW each day. At first this thread was a lifeline to STOP snooping on M’s FB and come talk to/with you all instead.
NOW… I just love hearing from you all !
Thank you Harley! HUGS! :-)
Hugs… right back at you ! Getting laid last week was the BESTEST thing I’ve done in a long time. After some deliberation… It JUST MAY have been the best night of my life !
Cheaters… mmmn… some out of boredom i think( fed up of same person, years later, vanilla sex)Some.. unloved/unwanted/problems in marriage( not getting it at home), some players ( MY 18 YRS LATER FWB !!!!!!!), some… just drunk.. one night stand ( pro footballers come to mind here… lady sinks her claws in… sells story to press next day ).
or so i think anyway !