why do men do this?

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals why do men do this?

  • This topic has 30 replies and was last updated 9 years ago by Kylie B.
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  • #505286 Reply

    why do men at like they are in a relationship? they want all the benefits of a relationship, want to act like a couple, etc. But when you pose the “what are we/what are we doing?” talk, they tell you that they just can’t commit right now…

    I have never dealt with anything more confusing in my life..

    #505288 Reply

    Next time talk and map it out before you invested.

    You won’t get drained and move to the next one in no time.

    Don’t forget – you say yes and who…

    #505290 Reply

    Many men do that because we woman allow it. In the past they would not have this opportunity or privilege even! to have these “relationships”. Ironically before feminism and birth control women were more protected in this sense (but only in this sense). But now every dick and jerry can have a nice woman available to them, for sex, affection and care. Without any responsibilities. They can waste a woman’s time as much as they feel comfortable with. In the past this would be considered a base and dishonorable thing to do.

    Do not allow it. You can’t change him, but you surely know and can do what’s best for you.

    #505311 Reply

    I agree with Maria on this.

    Men only “get away” with what we allow.

    Trust me, a man either commits to me early enough in the game or I am soooo gone….I do not get emotionally involved until he is firmly emotionally involved big time…

    #505347 Reply

    “I have never dealt with anything more confusing in my life…”

    I think it is only confusing if you assume by default that he wants to get to the same place you do.

    When I meet a new man I ask very early what he wants to find in general.

    If he says he is not looking for a relationship, I wish him well and move on.

    If he says he is just dating to see where things go, I wish him well and move on.

    If he says he is playing it by ear, but he could be open to a relationship, I wish him well and move on.

    I do this because I want to share a relationship. So I am not going to invest in someone who is not interested in what I want. Or waste time with someone who will keep me around as an option until something better comes along. I have zero interest in telling a man what he should want, or waiting for him to figure it out.

    Instead I invest in men who show they are likeminded from the beginning. That is no guarantee of how things end up, but at least I know I am using my time well.

    #505353 Reply

    Em’s advice is also my principles.

    That’s why I haven’t wasted a second getting mixed signals or played or feeling confused… never before.

    “Instead I invest in men who show they are likeminded from the beginning. That is no guarantee of how things end up, but at least I know I am using my time well.”

    If all of us would do this, then they will be less threads in this forum :)

    #505365 Reply
    Eric Charles

    Yeah, what Em said.

    I think that a key to this is that (I’m assuming) Em really does mean that she wishes them well…

    She doesn’t hate them for not wanting to be in a relationship.

    She just is looking for one thing and he’s not. So instead of trying to force something to work with that guy, she lets him go and leaves room to find a man who is looking for a relationship (which, actually, is the majority of men).

    What a lot of women do is they decide they like a man first, then they hope hope hope he’ll want a relationship with them.

    It’s a much better game plan to limit your options to people who are looking for what you’re looking for, and then pick who you like from that pool.

    When you approach things from that perspective, there’s no hurt or resentment…

    On the flip side, when a woman feels like a man should want a relationship with her and then resents him for not giving her what she deserves, that’s where all the drama, hurt, bitterness, heartache, etc. comes from.

    It’s not necessary for you to go through that – select the right candidate before you fall for him, not the other way around.

    #505701 Reply

    Men wanna have their cake and eat it too

    #505711 Reply

    I actually think for a lot of men, having his cake and eating it IS being in a loving, committed relationship with a woman he adores. You can’t assume because he doesn’t want to commit to you, it means he’s incapable of commitment or he’s only out for sex. He may be a nice guy but just not have the right feelings for that one person.

    #505757 Reply


    “I think that a key to this is that (I’m assuming) Em really does mean that she wishes them well…”

    Very much so. Almost all of them are decent people. Like Hannah said just because someone comes from a different place from you does not make them a bad person.

    #505771 Reply

    thanks for all of the responses!

    I am not so sure why I keep running back to this one particular person, when it’s pretty clear that no relationship is going to develop. I just keep setting myself up to get hurt. But each time I am with him, he acts like we are dating and it makes me think that “ok, maybe it actually will be different from this point forward”. but then, I am right back to where I started, hurt and confused. I know I deserve better- someone who will actually commit to me, but I having such a difficult time letting go.

    I appreciate all of the responses, and they meant a lot to me. I am going to take some time this weekend and really figure out what I want!

    #505782 Reply

    I hope you choose to let this guy go because he will never give you what you want. And don’t try to convince yourself that this is what you want, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Don’t lower your standards or compromise to please this guy. You will just keep getting hurt.

    #505872 Reply


    “If all of us would do this, then they will be less threads in this forum.”

    Well, I get why it is hard for women to insist on likemindedness.

    You may lose a lot of options you like, you have limited control over who comes next, and the reality that you will end up going circles with a warm body looks remote when you are the new thing he’s chasing.

    Overall though I agree with you that it should be more common. The reactions I get from men are very telling about what other women may be accepting. Most men understand why I insist on likemindedness but the number who don’t scares me. If I tell you what I am looking for, and you respond with anything other than “me too,” why do you look surprised when I decline to meet again?

    #505880 Reply

    I was amused when EM said some men are surprised that she doesn’t want to meet again, when it’s obvious you are on different pages. Good for you. It’s a simple as not needing to waste anyone’s time, especially your own.

    I think there is something foundational beneath all this, as far as having strong boundaries or not.

    When we accept and love ourselves, we don’t struggle with setting healthy boundaries. You also don’t tend to accept less than you want. When we are looking for outside validation to feel better about ourselves, that seems to me to be where the problems arise.

    It’s very difficult to stand firm when you are feeling insecure, which is why learning to love yourself should be everyone’s number one priority.

    I don’t remember ever meeting a couple in a healthy relationship, that didn’t first love and respect themselves as individuals.

    It’s a shame that some people think it’s okay to let people they care about walk all over them. That isn’t love.

    Another problem I see is when people have an overall negative opinion of the opposite sex. Men and women are different. That does not make one better than the other. If you think most men are not looking for commitment, or only want sex, or are “jerks”, I’d ask why? Because I do not and have never believed that. I think it may be rooted in your personal experiences with the opposite sex, and if that is the case I think you need to look at why you are attracting that type of person.

    What you need to do is pay close attention to someone’s character first. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If they don’t return the same, move on.

    If you don’t respect yourself, it’s unlikely anyone else will either. If you believe you will meet great people, it’s more likely to happen. If you limit yourself to negative outlooks it will manifest itself. Because we get what we focus on.

    #509634 Reply
    Tiffany N. York

    So, why do women stay when they know there’s no chance for a serious relationship?

    Poor self-esteem? Stubbornness in thinking the man will change his mind? Denial?

    Most men I know would leave way before a woman ever did.

    #509642 Reply

    The world will never be short of men and women. But time, it’s limited and should be spent wisely.

    #509664 Reply

    Because you’re giving them the benefits (emotional confidante, cook, companionship, sex) of a girlfriend. As the old saying goes, why but the cow when you can get the milk for free. People are what economists refer to as effort averse. That means they do as little work as possible to obtain their desired outcome. Don’t act like a girlfriend until the guy has locked you down and I mean in a serious relationship, not just an exclusive thing but you’re still getting to know each other and it’s not serious. If a guy wants to be with you, they will raise the issue of making things exclusive. If the guys you’re dating aren’t doing that, it’s probably because of what I said above.

    #509675 Reply

    I think is important to be clear early on on what is it that you are both looking for. I remember the first date I went with with my current boyfriend of now a year and a half, we sat down and i asked tons of questions, he always jokes that I interview him for the job, he i guess i kind of did, but i think is better if both parties are aware of what each are looking for.

    Side note, a man who wants you in his life, will want to let does that are already part of it aware of your existence.

    #509687 Reply

    Hannah – I think the point that Drained is trying to make is, many men will go thru all of the actions of a BF: seeing you on a REGULAR basis, going on dates, introducing you to family/friends, sexing you, etc….knowing damn well they are not committed to the relationship. That type of behavior CAN be confusing!

    And I know it wouldn’t bother the woman so much if she wasn’t participating in SEX. Sex is a big deal to many women, and the manner in which she gives the sex away matters to her as well!

    Under normal circumstances actions speak louder than words, but with this type of situation it appears the WORDS are just as important as the actions.

    But I agree with the other comments….that you should make sure where the dude stands before investing too much time and effort into him and as someone else said; find out EARLY his intentions.

    #509692 Reply

    All of this makes me think of a song from the 80s, a one-hit wonder band called the Georgia Satellites. I heard an interview with the guy who wrote the song, and it is taken directly from a conversation he heard in a bar between a guy and girl. So for your amusement, here it is.

    I got a little change in my pocket goin’ jing-a-ling-a-ling
    Wants to call you on the telephone baby, a-give you a ring
    But each time we talk, I get the same old thing
    Always no hug-ee no kiss-ee until I get a weddin’ ring
    My honey my baby, don’t put my love upon no shelf
    She said don’t hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself

    B-B-B-baby baby baby why you wan’ treat me this way
    You know I’m still your lover boy I still feel the same way
    That’s when she told me a story, ’bout free milk and a cow
    And said no hug-ee no kiss-ee until I get a weddin’ vow
    My honey my baby, don’t put my love upon no shelf
    She said don’t hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself

    See I wanted her real bad, and I was about to give in
    But that’s when she started talking about true love,
    Started talking about sin
    And I said, honey I’ll live with you for the rest of my life,
    She said no hug-ee no kiss-ee until you make me your wife-a
    My honey my baby, don’t put my love upon no shelf
    She said don’t hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself

    #509770 Reply

    I read somewhere:

    Why make a priority if he is only treating you like an option!?

    #509775 Reply
    Abdelyllah (broken heart)

    Dont trust too much
    Dont love too much
    Dont care too much
    because that ‘too much’ will hurt you so much
    At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart , but not in your life, and sometimes it’s better to be alone nobody can hurt you.

    Bob Marley said :“You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter (shade) when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that’s why I’m scared when you say you love me.”

    #509782 Reply

    I don’t know. It seems like it’s become so hard to establish one self in the world and it takes them years and it just seems irresponsible to start a relationship/ marriage/ family, although they long for it. Not unlike women. Its really messed up.

    #509829 Reply

    Drained, don’t be too harsh on yourself. So you liked this guy and he turned out to be a dud. It’s unfortunate. Not all men are like that, and you only happened to date someone who took advantage of you.

    I know it’s great to hear about how you need to love yourself more, push your self esteem, work on being at your best and all, but sometimes things like this happen. You like a guy who’s not a good match or is a player or is not into commitment or just a flat-out liar. I have to admit that not all of us are great at judging a man’s character. Some girls here are good at it, (perhaps after years of experience) while some are not. Good for those who meet the good ones and have It really is a case-to-case basis.

    I think the best lesson here is to learn how to walk away when you’ve hit rock bottom, I mean when he already tells you where you stand and where the relationship is going (or if it’s not going anywhere). It is difficult, but you’ll be wiser for it, by knowing what you want and being more careful in terms of your discernment.

    #509873 Reply

    I think it is relatively easier and takes lesd time to move on when a woman invested too much early on only to find out he doesn’t want to commit.
    The difficult one is, like Van1962 said, a man went through the whole dating process with u, and then for some reasons he cannot commit, whereas the woman has invested and is giving sex, and the way she views this whole thing will not be objective or rational like at the beginning. It would be hard not to resent.

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