Why do men that have stopped talking to me still watch my ig stories?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Why do men that have stopped talking to me still watch my ig stories?

  • This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 2 years ago by Anon.
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  • #849927 Reply

    Men who I had spoken to before and have ghosted me watch every story I post.. it drives me nuts! Why are you keeping up with me but not saying anything?? There’s several men who do this. I don’t get it. If I’m not interested in someone I don’t watch their stories or anything! They even like my pictures.
    Why do men do this??

    #849944 Reply

    Why are you allowing these guys access to your social media?

    #849953 Reply

    Several options:

    A. the relationship never got to be enough it mattered
    B. they want to keep you as an option
    C. The stories just run and they are not even watching

    Some of your options:
    A. Make your profile private
    B. Remove them from your account – you an essentially unfollow his from your account

    But ultimately, it does not matter

    #849961 Reply

    raven is right. and besides how does it matter? they dont want to get in touch with you or they wld have sent a DM. dont bother. but if you cant ignore, than remove them from your list of followers.

    #849970 Reply

    ALL of the above, it drives you crazy??…wow…. please don’t waste time wondering about this, they’re literally doing this while sitting on the loo. Don’t act as though you’re helpless in this scenario, block unfollow, delete, whatever, lurkers aren’t welcome in your physical house, why are they allowed a peek online?

    #850162 Reply

    Here’s the answer and sorry you’re getting a lot of rude answers from delusional people who think that people turn feelings off in a click.

    I know why.

    These people are emotionally immature. They didn’t want to flat out say, “I’m not interested in you right now,” but they still are a little bit. Essentially, they see that you are a person of high value who they could seriously consider investing in BUT you also show red flags which keep them away. And also, they are emotionally immature and are probably not ready for a relationship.

    They are watching what you do because they want to see if the red flags you displayed will go away, or if something good happens in your life it will be enough to sway them to reach out. E.g. you win the lottery, you get your dream job, you move out to a big city, your life looks fun, now they might slide back into your DMS because you are interesting and attractive.

    So they are attracted to you but not ENOUGH. They have a feeling you might become more attractive or glow up your life, and if you do, and the timing is right, they’ll see if they can slide back in. Essentially, you’re still an “option” for them in their mind.

    But if they flat out rejected you, then you would just move on and find someone else. But in their mind, if they just disappear and reappear when they think they’re ready/ it’s a good time, then they think ghosting makes more sense.

    Another thing, these men are again, IMMATURE. Most mature men and people do not think like this. They are childish still.

    You also aren’t the only option they are considering, they have a few on the table, but again, FIND BETTER. These people are too immature for you, and additionally, they might not be willing to offer you what you need.

    I’ll give you an example, some immature 27 year old guy stood me up, and I got upset at him and he got angry at me for it. So, me getting overly angry was a red flag for him, he also regarded me as clingy, but he was really attracted to me and my personality, so he kept watching my stories, and he kept me as one of his, “options”.

    Just move on from them, these immature guys are niave to assume they can just come back into your life when you’re popping off.

    You know that stereotype of when someone becomes famous or wins the lottery and they start hearing back from people from their past? This is a prime example of that. They are waiting for you to be “good enough” for them, while they, on the other hand, do little to no work on themselves. They are in for a rude awakening very soon, they have unrealistically high standards and expectations that they will NEVER find. So don’t stress, take it as a compliment, but yeah roll your eyes, and don’t take these people back, they are immature, and they won’t see their own faults anytime soon. If one magically does then great, but that would take a miracle. Ghosters and people who don’t give closure don’t deserve your time. I would rather give someone who gave me closure and explained why they ended things a second chance over someone who just disappeared and reappeared. They are acting cowardly. Do you really want a man-child?

    #929502 Reply

    @ Anonymous *reposted with grammar corrections

    You’re right. I recently experienced that. The guy ghosted me after I had an emotional episode.

    We were actually going well. He called me everyday and we even made plans to meet up in the future. After my episode he withdrew. He wasn’t man enough to communicate effectively so we both could fix the problem. Instead he ghosted me. He even manipulated me into adding him back as a friend on Facebook after I unfriended him for ignoring for a whole week. He made it like I was the problem!

    Anyways after adding him back he still ignored me. I called him and he sent me to VM. It hurt badly so after that I deactivated my account so that I could get over that cowardly man! I spent a whole week getting my mind and peace back.

    I got back on social media and maybe a week or two later he called me via video chat. I didn’t answer because it was so random and plus he’d been ignoring so I no longer felt the need to make my self available for him like I used to. An hour or two later I replied “Hi, was busy when you called, what’s up?” He looked at it and never responded. He went ghost on social media for a week, then after a week he was back online. He liked one of my post. But never responded to my message.

    He would watched my stories and react but never messaged me. I never heard from him again. I did a clean sweep to my friends list on Facebook and he was one of the people I removed. I felt so relieved to remove him. So yeah..those type of people are nothing but cowards. Too afraid to be honest. They’re selfish. I refuse to be anyone’s “option”. And I do feel like he’s waiting for me to “upgrade” and he’ll come back around but I lost all respect for him.

    #929509 Reply

    I have experienced that, too. I blocked them. No need to keep seeing their name pop up. They aren’t part of my life, so there is no need to allow them a window into it.

    #931772 Reply

    Woahhhh you were so on point THANK YOU for your response! It has helped me ALOT @annonymous

    #939818 Reply

    this is a really amazing comment

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