Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Why do some guys bring up other women when you are spending time with them?
- This topic has 7 replies and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by
Liz Lemon.
There is a guy I’ve been talking to. We have been on a couple of dates. We recently started hanging out. I spent time with him last weekend and will be seeing him again this weekend. We text a lot. He always brings up other girls. He calls them friends or his girlfriends. He even mentioned a girl coming down a month from another town to visit by plane. I assume she stayed with him. He made it sound like that without actually saying it. Girls will hit him up on snap chat and I see it. He will talk about them sometimes send them a message while I’m there. One of my friends (her name) this or (one of my girlfriends (her name) sent me this. He is also very vague about them. So he doesn’t really say he is seeing them or anything but I am getting that impression.
We have a lot of fun together. This is kind of driving me crazy. Why is he doing this and how can I ask him to stop talking about them without seeming jealous?
In my opinion, innocent behavior does not feel confusing to the other person. Red flag behavior does.
The difficulty here is, besides asking that you both not check your phones while in person together, you can’t really directly bring the rest of this up yet in a way that doesn’t seem jealous because it’s only been two dates. But if you say nothing, he’ll think you’re okay with it.
If he’s bringing them up because he’s playing the field, he’s not going to stop seeing others so early on. It is okay not to want to be exclusive after only two dates, though disrespectful to talk about others instead of focusing on building a connection with you when he’s engaging with you. If it’s innocent because they really are platonic friends, then he’s going to see things as only getting worse from there: first you’re uncomfortable with him talking about them, then later it will be with him seeing them, eventually with him talking to them at all.
So you need to decide with this information he’s giving you through his actions if he is compatible with you or not. Unfortunately, I think this coming up as an issue already for you indicates that you two are likely not compatible and you should cut your losses before getting invested and it getting painful. It has only been a couple dates. If you’re not okay with what he’s doing and still want to try to say something before bailing out, just prepare to walk away and not see him again if he isn’t on the same page as you. Then you can bring it up by sharing your opinions on what you’re generally looking for in your life right now from a romantic partner, which may include your stance on being friends with members of the opposite sex, and listen to what he says next and see if he steps up in response to your needs.
To answer the rest of your question about why a guy may do this, if this is red flag behavior and not an innocent lifestyle incompatibility issue (which it also sounds like is very possible here), then he’d be doing one of three things in bringing up other women. 1. Testing your reaction to make sure you’re okay with it and he can do whatever he wants 2. Letting you know up front that he’s not serious about you or any woman. 3. At the very worst, he could be manipulating you (if you feel like it’s a competition, you may try hard to win him over).
Since it is driving you crazy already, I do think you should listen to your gut about him showing you who he is! Either he is shady or you’re not comfortable dealing with a guy who has a lot of female friends around, and it’s okay to not be compatible and walk away in either of those cases.
We are just hanging out right now. Having fun. Going with the flow or whatever. But even so I don’t need to hear about other women he may or may not be seeing. I have never had a guy do that, that I was trying to date or that I was having fun with. I have never done that to a guy. I always saw it as rude or a respect thing. This is a first for me.
I am not sure why he is doing it. I know that he has said certain things that don’t even pertain to other girls that seemed like he might have been trying to get a reaction and I didn’t give him one.
We had an issue once that I brought up and he said he felt it was best he distance himself again for a bit. So I told him that he could go or disappear if he wanted to. He already knows how I feel about him as far as being interested so if he does, I wasn’t going to chase after him. He changed his tune pretty quick. We worked thru the issue.
He mentioned being okay with being alone. That he didn’t need anyone. That he was always alone when I had COVID and I was missing my friends. I told him that was okay too. Some people prefer to be alone and that there was nothing wrong with that. He didn’t seemed like he liked my response.
Once he sent me a pic over text on a Saturday night. Of course that sparked a conversation of me asking what he was up to. He told me he was about to have a drink with a friend but not sure after. So I told him to have fun and left it alone.
One time I sent a text he said he saw something at home depot his friend would love and he was running to get it for her. She should have been there by now and he wasn’t sure where she was.
I have gotten reactions from him on certain things without trying that suggests he not to okay with other guys or hearing about other guys. And the things I said were really innocent. Not meant to make anyone jealous.
I’m not sure but I am definitely confused so you might be right. This might not be something I can really peruse. Just might be fun for the moment.
Liz Lemon
Are you “hanging out” or dating? It’s fine if you’re not exclusive this early on. But does he take you on dates?
Does he mention male friends, or is it mostly female friends? If he just talks about his friends a lot in general (male and female), that’s one thing. But if all he talks about is hanging out with other women- I’d be uncomfortable with that too.
“We had an issue once that I brought up and he said he felt it was best he distance himself again for a bit.”
I’m a little confused, I thought you said you’ve had a couple of dates? How can he be distancing himself “again” if you’ve only been on a couple dates?I agree with what Maddie’s written. This early on you’re just deciding whether this guy is a good match for you. If the way he is makes you uncomfortable, then he’s not the guy for you. No need to try to change him, or to change yourself to accommodate him– you’re just not a match.
Frankly in the early days of dating – a couple dates in- things should be smooth. You shouldn’t be having a lot of anxiety or discomfort about the guy. Guys are supposed to be on their best behavior and trying to impress the woman they’re dating this early in the game. If you’re already uncomfortable and questioning what this guy is up to, and you barely know each other, I don’t think it’s meant to be.
We had talked off and on for a while and then we went on a date.
We had an issue and then I didn’t hear from him for a week. It was small and once we talked it was fine.
So we discussed what we were doing at the beginning. He basically stated he was not totally sure what he was looking for. He was going with the flow or whatever. I told him I was in no rush but eventually I would like to find someone I could have a relationship with. He stated he was not ready for a relationship right now. I explained I didn’t mean right now. That I wasn’t sure I even wanted a relationship with anyway because I really didn’t know him. We agreed to go with the flow. Whatever happens happens because we do like each other, like spending time together, and stuff.
Then we met at his place where we hung out. We talk a lot.
We are not exclusive. Just sort of having fun but still I’m not cool with talking about other people with each other. Even if we are seeing others, I don’t need to hear it.
I could be wrong. I get the impression sometimes that he plays games. I don’t really see the need for it. We are both in our 40s. Trying to get a reaction form the other person is a game.
This always bringing up other girls around me is really right now my biggest issue with him. He is usually great to be around if it weren’t for that.
Maybe he is a player, maybe he is a f boy, or maybe he is very insecure. I don’t know. But I know that I won’t do games.
He knows I like him, I am in to him, and wanted to spend time with him. That should have been enough for hanging out or whatever.
I am supposed to see him again this weekend.
I see your point. It might be time to walk away before it gets deeper.
I agree with Liz on her additional points.
I also think, if you strip away the noise, you’re left with the only important thing: you do not feel respected by him. I’d just walk away, you can find someone even for just casual fun who will still treat you with respect.
He’s in his 40’s & acts like this? He’s an idiot.
Don’t date idiots…Liz Lemon
If you want a relationship, this isn’t your guy. Maddie is right that you do not seem to feel respected by him. And Raven summed it up well, lol.
It’s OK not to be exclusive early on– but he told you outright that he’s not looking for a relationship. A guy that wants a relationship escalates his attention towards you and makes you feel good. He courts you and woos you.
Listen to your gut- he’s 40 years old and plays games to get a reaction out of you. It doesn’t matter if it’s because he’s a player or because he’s immature, the end result is the same. He is also not courting you and taking you out on dates– you’re just “hanging” at his house. This guy is not relationship material.