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- This topic has 2 replies and was last updated 10 years, 2 months ago by
I recently started dating a guy I met on a dating website. We are the same age (25), and both employed full time. We both got out of long-term relationships within the past year (March for him, July for me). I really like him, and we’ve been seeing each other for about a month and a half now. At first, we went on dates during the day on the weekends – Saturdays and Sundays. We started seeing each other about twice a week, three times some weeks, and I didn’t sleep with him until about our 6th date. Right now, I’m staying with family until moving into my own apartment next month, so everything has to happen at his place.
At first, he would ask ‘when can I see you again’? after one of our dates, and I usually suggested a weekend day/night, which he seemed fine with. After we started to sleep together, the first few times he gave me clothes to sleep in and I stayed over, we showered together, and he seemed happy that I was there in the morning. We’d hang out for a while, and I usually left because I had something to do, not because he wanted me to.
Lately I’ve been getting mixed signals from him, however (as in the past 2-3 weeks/weekends). We would have a great date, and he would text me every day, but not really ask me to go out again. And when he did, it was only for a weeknight, when there was no way I could stay over because I had work in the morning. The past two weekends he hasn’t asked to see me at all on nights when I could sleep over. I asked to see him on a Sunday after him not making any plans with me, and he readily agreed (which is where the mixed signals are coming in). We had fun and he seemed happy to be there.
We continue to have a great time when we see each other, he has said he’s not seeing anyone else, he’s taken me to his office and I’ve met his coworkers to watch a game, and he was genuinely concerned when he thought he did something to upset me. He seems to be a sweet guy.
So why has he stopped asking to see me on weekends? He’s only asking to see me for weeknight dates. We had a date Thursday night and ended up sleeping together (although he in no way expected it, we went out to a nice dinner and to play pool and he thought I was not going to be able to come over to his place because I had work, so it wasn’t about sex), but I had to go home late at night because of work (which he said he felt bad about, and said he was sad that I couldn’t stay).
He asked to see me again on Monday night, the night before he’s going out of town for a week. I don’t understand why he would pick Monday night over Friday, Saturday, or Sunday when Monday is a day I can’t meet up with him until after work and can’t stay late at night or sleep over. Also, at first when we would sleep together he would invite me to shower with him, and the last few times he hasn’t asked me to do that either.
I like him, but this is making me feel bad. Why has he stopped asking to see me on the days/nights when we could see each other for longer and I could stay the night? As we get to know each other more, I would think it would be the other way around. I’m very confused. I don’t want to ask him and come across as needy or over-analyzing, but I really am wondering what the deal is.
He seems to want to keep seeing each other, is not dating anyone else, doesn’t have to work on weekends or have anything pressing usually (he told me that he spent the whole weekend hanging around the house doing nothing on one of the weekends that he didn’t ask to see me, and then said I could have come over and stayed with him – which of course I’m not going to invite myself to do without him asking me to). So why is he not asking me out for weekends anymore (or to shower with him anymore, for that matter?) I don’t get it and I don’t know how to ask or what to think.
Because he pursuing new women on the weekends.
Because he wants to reserve weekends for his friends.
Because he doesn’t want a relationship.
AT 1.5 months don’t be any man’s weekday girl.
I think you should ask him if he is dating for a relationship or just casual.
If you wanted assurance that sleeping with him would be a relationship then you needed to establish that before sleeping with him. Right now this is just casual and that is how he is keeping it.
He is keeping you at a distance. The man I was dating started doing this at four months. I’ve pulled back and started doing my own life. He will have to earn his way back into my weekend schedule. Don’t initiate any more dates and don’t accept every time he asks you and see what happens. You will get your answer within a few weeks. He will either step up or fade out.