Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Why is he into me when he has a girlfriend?
- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by
I work out with a guy at my gym. He also comes to a class I teach. He stays later than anyone else, he helps me with my equipment for class ( I teach fitness) he teases me, asked for my number texts me all the time… Pretty much everyday and asked me to go eat dinner after a workout one night… And talked for over 3 hours.. Where he told me his dreams and some history and did pretty much all the talking. He’s a nice guy and well liked by everyone. He doesn’t seem the cheating type. He did tell me he watches me in class and thinks about sex and comments on my looks. I’ve known him for a few months and he just casually told me he has a girlfriend which he thinks is ” great ” when I found out I said ” I didn’t mean to disrespect her, and that there was a reason he picked her he should concentrate on that relationship. ” he said it was t my fault and that if he was single he would pursue me.. And that I should meet her. Huh?? I’m just wondering from a guys point of view what he’s thinking. He still texts me.
He sounds like he’s getting ready to cheat on his girlfriend if you’ll let him. At the very least, he is being incredibly disrespectful to his girlfriend and if you end up dating him, he will treat you the exact same way he is treating her, sooner or later. I’d keep it friendly and professional and understand that this man is not that nice if he would do that to his girlfriend. Imagine if you were in her shoes and he was doing that to you. And if you ever end up with him, he will treat you just as poorly.
He sounds like bad news.
P.S. I’m sure you’re very lovely and he’s telling you it’s your fault because you are so lovely and sexy… you may very well be lovely and sexy but him being disrespectful has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the type of man he is (aka not at all trustworthy). He may be well-liked, but he is not to be trusted. This is yucky behaviour, disrespectful and believe me… I have dated men who treated past women poorly and treated me like a queen… but the new queen eventually becomes old news to a man like that. If he can treat any woman that way, he will treat you that way if you let him in your life. It’s almost guaranteed. This man could very well be a narcissist. I don’t have enough info, but from what you’ve written, he sounds like a major manipulator.
Rachel, it sounds to me like all he wants from you is sex. He already made it known he has a girlfriend and she is great. He obviously isn’t planning on leaving her. If you fall for it all you are getting is sex from someone who can’t even respect his girlfriend.
Interesting. Just to clarify, he said it was not my fault and said he got carried away. I was married to a manipulater and a lier for 13 years. I can spot the game. I’ve been single for 10 months and the dating world is aggressive this guy is one of 5 guys that are showing me interest. I never initiate contact.
Should I just ask him ( the guy my question is about) why he didn’t mention his girlfriend before?
He has more pictures of him and his Mom and his brother and friends than of them on Facebook.m
Hi, Rachel. If you have 4 other men chasing you and he has a girlfriend, I’m curious why you have to discuss this with him at all? Why not just step back and remain polite but not continue to engage with him? Do you want him, even though you know he has a girlfriend?
I admire your courage to walk away from your lying and manipulative ex-husband.
I had been dealing with a lying/manipulative friend for quite some time, it’s so hard to cut tie :(Sonia
I think it goes back to the same thing. He has no respect for her. He might not care for her enough or he might not like posting pictures of them, simple as that. But the truth is, at this point he has a girlfriend so unless he leaves her (which would be the honorable thing to do if he is fluirting with you and telling you he thinks about sex when he sees you and takes you out to dinner) this guy is not available for a relationship. May be stick to the other guys who are showing interest.
True. I’ve stepped back from all of them. And there is no way I’m letting sex happen. I have been out of the dating scene for so long that I’m curious of behaviour.
Thanks for the input !Phillygirl
I don’t think you should ask him anything at this point. In fact, I don’t think it’s a good idea to give hin any attention at all.
He may be charming and well liked, but that does not mean he is actually a good guy. My ex is extrremely charming, admired and well liked.
Until you really get to know him and find out he is a narcissitic sociopath. If you were in a manipulative relationship before, this guy should be setting off all kinds of alarm bells.
When someone shows you they are dishonest, unfaithful, or in any way shady you say. No thanks, I’m better than this, don’t need this in my life, buy bye.
He’s trouble with a capital T. He has shown you what kind of man he is. it ‘s not a nice one.
Actually I don’t think he is into you. I just think he’s flirting and getting an ego boost.
He told you his girlfriend is great and you should meet her. For me, that’s very clearly telling you this is going nowhere. If he said he had a girlfriend and he wasn’t happy, that would be a different matter.
His actions may well be disrespectful to her but she may accept his flirty personality, who knows! I have a male friend who does this sort of thing all the time, including in front of his wife! She’s totally relaxed about it as she knows he’d never stray and it’s all talk. And he never would!
I’m not saying it’s right or that’s what’s going on here. He may be a cheater for all we know. I personally find his behavior towards both you and her to be suspect!
Don’t ask him anything. Forget him and move on.
Miss independent
I’m trying to figure out why your allowing a guy who’s in a relationship and already let it be known that sex is his intentions have your number in the first place??? I wouldn’t give this guy the time of day. He seems like bad news.
Miss independent. He got my number before I knew. It is disrepectful of him.
You know the guy or girl that puts notches on their gun or lipstick case….that is this guy.
He is a borderline sociopath. They do not have real feelings but are extremely charming and can snow a lot of people. They have watched feelings and mimic them but do not possess them.
A person who is flirting with you and has a girlfriend who you should meet does not possess feelings to know how far off that behavior would be. These people are fascinating since they seem to live on the edge but it is simply because they do not have emotions to tell them they are on the edge.
Stay away from this guy – he is real bad news.
so recently me and my ex got back together after 4 years and then we broke up again coz he said this other girl gets him more than me and that he loves her. after some time he came back to me and said they broke up and then we’ve been flirting and hooking up now but hes not saying we are gf and bf and idk what to do either. i really like him but idk how he feels even tho he acts really caring and etc..
some advice? thanks.redcurleysue
You will get more answers if you start your own thread….go to forum and pick a category…scroll to the bottom and name a thread.
I don’t trust any guy who leaves me for another girl. Who says that will not happen again?
Say goodbye to “can’t make up his mind”Hey.
There is nothing to figure out. He behaved inappropriately and disrespectfully to his GF and then blamed you for it. There are a million possible reasons why, none of which really matter. Walk away and don’t look back.
Rachel, it sounds like you a very good looking woman who would have no trouble attracting men. Are you that flattered by his attention?
Why are you even considering this person? Talk to him about why he has not told you this or that? Good that he did tell you, so throw him away like a grenade as far away as you can.
Amy S
Ugh hes a slimeball bottom line. Do not entertain this guy in any shape or form. Player through and through. It could be worse you could be his poor girlfriend. Guys like this make me puke. x
Thanks for your input ladies! I shall stay clear and keep things professional. He attends my classes and is my son’s soccer coach. I made it pretty clear where I stand on the girlfriend.