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- This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by
So I was dating my bf for about 3 years. Admittedly, things started to get bad between us almost a year ago. He wanted more freedom to go out all the time with his friends and I felt like he was neglecting me so I wanted more attention. We’ve had our fair share of fights and have mutually broken up with each other twice but we always still spent time together during those breaks and we were still always close and best friends.
We have been in a pretty decent place for months now and I thought things were going pretty well, although I admittedly was losing interest in him romantically since we became almost too casual with each other. However we were still best friends and still hung out all the time and cuddled, kissed, and held hands, etc. One day, he just dropped a bomb on me and he told me that he started talking to a girl that he met a week prior and that he “really likes her” and “wants to see where things go with her” so he can’t be associated with me anymore.
I was really upset mostly because it was a huge blind side! Then I was upset because I thought we could work out our problems and be happy together if we just tried a little harder. Also, I was upset because I felt like I was losing my best friend/other half. He told me that he doesnt care if he ever sees me again but that we could possibly remain friends since he admitted its hard to just completely let go of someone after 3 years.
I just want to know why he moved on so quickly and randomly! After he was talking to the girl for just 5 days, he took her out on an extremely fancy dinner date ($100) and has since been talking to her every day and they go out drinking all the time. After a night of drinking he stays over at her apartment (but apparently he’s staying on her couch). He’s been talking to her for just about 2 and a half weeks now but he decided to tell me the other day that we can’t even be friends anymore and that I cannot contact him in anyway no matter what because he “really likes” her and he doesnt want her to find out that he’s talking to his ex gf (me) even though I’m upset over here because my best friend (him) has completely abandoned and replaced me with a random girl!
He’s told me that he still loves me and misses me all the time and that leaving me is “really hard” on him but that he just cant be with me anymore especially since he wants to see where things go with the new random girl. He also told me that he’s not even sure if he wants to date her or if he just likes her because she doesnt have the same high expectations of him as I do since they are in the beginning stages of dating. But he does tell me all the time that that he REALLY likes her.
I wonder if he’s just being desperate for female attention and looking for an ego boost. He literally does not know any other girls besides me and my girl friends (who have boyfriends). He met the random girl at work and she is the only girl he knows… I think he’s moving on too fast. He’s trying to replaced me with some random girl that was probably the first decent girl to give him attention in years. And I think he’s really throwing away everything but especially our friendship for some girl he just met less than a month ago.
Although I know that we need this break since he obviously can’t stand me anymore and I need to explore other options who appreciate me more, I am nervous that he’s going to start officially dating her soon since he seems to be moving really fast. I would be upset because he obviously still cares about me but he’s like forcing himself to be without me just on the chance that something might happen with the random girl.
What do you ladies think about all of this?
Hugs sweetie. I have no idea. It could be a rebound, or he could have been done a while ago and going through the motions. There is no way to tell. From what you describe, it was not that great, but more comfortable.
But, for your sanity – tell him to shove off (not interested in friendship) and go no contact for at least 60 days… That means no contact – no emails, not texting, no facebook, no looking on dating sites.
Remove him from facebook and delete his number. Be with your pain and disappointment and focus on moving on without him…. It will be hard, but he also needs to know you are gone for real.
Yup.. agree with talllady. Unfortunately time will tell if you were “the placeholder” and she is ” the one “. It sucks, but do yourself a favour and move on. After 3 yrs he was not committing… to you anyway. You deserve WAY better than THIS !
Yeah idk. It was definitely a comfort thing and less romantic towards the end. And yeah you’re right. My mom has told me the same thing about just going cold turkey from him. It’s really hard tho since he was my absolute best friend. I am the one who always has contacted him now (except for a few times). He has all the power. It makes me sick because he has been really heartless to me about all of this. It’s easy for him to get over me and “never speak to me again” because he already has a girl that is apparently interested in him. I always tell him, if the roles were reversed and I had just completely abandoned you for some other guy, you would be a mess and you would hate me.
Another reason why I think he might not be all that serious about her is because he literally has just recently started talking to her, like I mentioned, and he already posts tons of pics of her on fb and instagram. I’ve been on dates with other guys, but I would find it a bit odd to take a picture on the first date just to put it on fb… Is that weird? He usually never uses fb or instagram for months either.Beth
And Harley, we were an official couple and everything for 3 years, it was just that we had some problems here and there. We both had a strong connection to each other and he still get emotional and teary eyed when he sees me now since he apparently misses me that much. The whole situation is so weird and crazy to me since normally he is always a kind guy and a perfect gentleman and he was always there for me, until he randomly met this girl.
Not odd… guys WANT to profess their love for all to see . Sorry !..I think he is STILL using you as his safety net… do not accept this. Do not let him use you… come back to you for booty call. I lost the love of my life 3 wks ago.. like you, I was being strung along.. no committment. I miss him EVERY day.. but glad I had enough respect for myself NOT to be treated like shite.
I get that a guy would post pics of his GF or someone that he had been seeing for a long time, because at that point he would want to be announcing to all his friends and family that he’s with someone new and he’s serious about her. I guess I just thought it was weird because he’s literally known her for less than a month and started posting pics of her 5 days into talking to her. If a guy did that to me, I would feel like he was getting too obsessed too quickly, personally. I get that he’s probably excited about it and wants to show off, but to me, its a sign that he’s moving too quickly and using her to get over me faster. He barely knows this girl! Sure he says that there are a lot of things about her that he likes but he doesnt even REALLY know her yet you know? he might end up dating her tho. He’s insane.
I disagree that men want to share their love like that. Some men do, some do not, some are more private. But honestly, I believe it is unhealthy to be doing that so fast and does not bode well for them as a couple. Maybe at 2-4 months, but sure not at 2-4 weeks.
With that said, please please please stop looking at his facebook. Unfriend him and block him, it will make it easier for you to move on. If he asks, then say, it is too painful for me and I want to move on.
His “I can never talk to you again” is men compartmentalizing. They are much better at it than we are. If you keep contacting him, you are essentially making him feel better about the breakup. For him to miss you, you have to go cold turkey.
Stop contacting him, and really sweetie, I know it hurts like hell, but he does not owe you anything other than the breakup. It sounds like he was around to do it, and agreed to talk to you about it, and have a conversation. Other than that, he does not owe you anything.
I’ve talked to some friends and read some articles so I’m somewhat inclined to believe that he’s just trying to get over me faster and cover his pain. Honestly we were the best of friends when we were dating and we would go on breaks sometimes but still always see each other. But the relationship got really stale and we were a boring couple that rarely had that “spark” of a new relationship. It was both of our faults I guess and we got too comfortable with each other I suppose. He wasn’t doing a lot of things that I think a guy I date should do, and I probably wasnt being the best gf either. I think that he just needed this girl to give him the extra push of strength to be “done with me” maybe?
We both sorta knew that it wasnt working out (at least not right now). I think its probably a combination of things:
1.) he needed to move on and it would be easier to be done with me if he was with someone else because then what else would stop him from hanging out with me all the time?
2.) He rarely shows his emotions when it comes to sadness and pain, so I think he’s just trying to get over me. He’s doing the typical guy “post breakup” stuff like drinking excessively and now trying to couple up quickly with a random girl. He doesnt talk to his parents or friends about our relationship stuff. He’s told me that when he gets sad or mad, he just sits in his room alone and tries to think of other things.
3.) He’s told me that he still cares about me and has even gone back and forth between me and the new girl. He’s told me that he wants to get back together and that we could work it out, but he has taken it back later.
4.) I’m sure this new girl is more appealing to him right now than me because they are in the beginning stages so that means he doesnt have to really do anything for her yet. With me, since we had been dating for 3 years, he knew that I expected him to spend time with me and spend time talking to me and be open with me. With her, everything is on a surface level. He doesnt have to get deep with her, hes not obligated to do anything for her, & he can still be free to do whatever he wants. All they really do together is party, hookup, and go on the occasional date. He’s told me that he’s not even sure if he wants to officially date her yet but that he’s really into her right now. I personally thought that he should take some time to himself before he gets into a new relationship with anyone else.
5.) To me, the excessive postings on fb of pictures of her just tell me that he is really trying to get over me. If he REALLY liked this girl and was actually trying to get to know her for the sake of getting to know her, then he wouldnt need to post pics on fb for me and everyone else to see especially 1 week after he breaks up with me. Its like he’s trying to say “Hey world! I’m moving on! Look i have proof! I went on date with a girl I’ve known for a week so that means I’m moving on!” He also posts like a MILLION pictures of him drinking with his “bros.” To me that’s basically another memo to the world that he’s “free” of me. Like I said before, he normally never even uses fb.
6.) He’s told me that he will never forget me and that he’s not throwing out anything that I’ve given him in the past and he’s not going to delete pictures that we’ve taken together.
7.) Also he’s told me multiple times that all his friends think I’m really hot and that they’ve said to him that if we ever break up, I would have a new bf instantly since they all think I’m so “hot” and nice or whatever. I’m sure that must have taken a toll on him. If someone told me that about him, I would be under pressure to prove that I would be the one moving on first… IDK.
The other day, he told me that he does not want any contact with me anymore. He said that he wants to give it a real shot with the random girl so he can’t be distracted by me anymore. On monday, he told me all this but ended up making out with me and cuddling before he left for good. I am nervous that he will forget all about me and start dating her soon!I know that it would not be good for him in the long run since he will find himself in the same position he was with me: he was yearning for his own space and doing his own thing. Once he starts dating this other girl, then he will never get that freedom to truly be on his own and independent since there was no break in between me and the random girl. That’s the only way I think he will ever truly heal.
Although I would like to have a bf, I am somewhat looking forward to being independent and free to make any choice that I want to. It is somewhat liberating. Unless I found a guy that I REALLY liked, then I dont think I would want to be tied down.
Brutal truth time, sweetie. You are making up a whole story to make yourself feel good. The story may be true, it may not. There is a high chance he is already over you given your history. It is all fictitious to make you feel better. You really have no idea what is going on for him. But, more importantly…
And makeing out with someone who is telling you that they have to stop speaking to you…. This is not a good sign. You know what you say to someone like that…. I am a human being with feelings. Do not talk to me until you are sorted out and single again. Goodbye.