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- This topic has 1 reply and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
Ended 3 weeks ago,bad breakup.
Both said some nasty things.
He is very active on social media but hasn’t deleted me.
Still on Facebook /Instagram /Snapchat and hasn’t blocked me on WhatsApp.
He posted something a week ago on his Snapchat that we used to talk about all the time and was a in joke to us
Why do you think he hasn’t deleted me?
Is there a chance he’s not wanting to totally remove me from his life?
He also still looks at my Snapchat
I’ve gone ghost the last few days.
No snaps,stopped watching his,no Facebook update etcTallspicy
Honey, he broke up with you, all this other stuff does not matter. If it is easier for you, then unfollow, unpatch, delete. He most likely does not want to look like the bad guy.
Personally I think deleting and blocking someone after a breakup is immature. Unless they are continuing to harass you after you have told them you no longer want anything to do with them. I only have blocked one ex from my life and that’s because even though he was aware I was in a serious relationship and engaged he decided to send me a picture of his manhood one night! That was it for me!! If he can’t respect my relationship then he doesn’t need to be able to reach me anymore.
And I have been through an incredibly nasty divorce where despite him getting drunk and posting nasty things about me on FB I never deleted him. But I never wanted him back either. So you can’t read into this that he’s not wanting to remove you from his life.
It will be easier for you to heal if you aren’t following him on social media and reading everyone of his posts trying to determine if they are about you or your relationship. Take a 30 day break from social media if you can’t bring yourself to stop looking at what he’s doing.
Liz Lemon
I think it’s fine to delete someone you’re no longer dating from social media. It’s not a sign of maturity either way. They are no longer a part of your life so why keep them around? Just like it’s fine to delete old acquaintances you no longer talk to or hang out with. You’re not obligated to keep anyone on social media for life just because you knew them at one point in your life (whether as a friend, acquaintance, or romantic partner).
Who knows why this guy hasn’t deleted you. I wouldn’t look for some deep subtext, though, or assume he wants to get back together. Like Tallspicy said, none of the social media stuff matters if he broke up with you. If it’s getting to you, and getting in your head so you can’t move on, you can just delete him. It’s not that complicated.
Only he knows why he hasn’t deleted you from social media.
Keep in mind you two are broken up.
I would suggest you unfollow him because this social media nonsense is going to hinder your healing process.
People spend way too much time worry about such trivial things.
There’s only one ex I ever deleted/blocked from social media, and that’s because I still had strong feelings for him. It hurt me to see pictures of him with his new girlfriend, so that’s why I deleted / blocked. All of my other exes, being connected with them on social media didn’t affect me, so I didn’t delete or block them. But I definitely don’t want to get back together with any of them. So to answer your question, I don’t think it means anything at all.
I hope you aren’t hoping it’s because you are hoping he still cares for you and there’s hope. If you want to get back with him tell him. If he refuses you have your answer…he doesnt care.
I went through the same thing. My situation was he just didnt care and it was his way of showing me I was irrelevant to him and not worth the bother to be deleted/blocked.
If it makes you feel better block him. At this point who cares what he thinks anyway.