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- This topic has 64 replies and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by
Hi all. I came to this forum because I’ve read the love advice columns for a week now and something interesting happened and I’m confused and bewildered and just wanted to ask a few questions. How often have you guys encountered men disappear out of no where and then reappear weeks and even months later? I’ve gone through 3 guys now. The first one and I broke up and moved our separate ways so I don’t really count him in this scenario. The 2nd guy pretty much used me and then threw me out like a piece of trash. It’s going on 2 months since we’ve spoken text or otherwise. I was surprised when I was going through my Facebook friends to do some “cleaning” since I had a lot of people whom I didn’t speak to on there and I saw he was still on my Facebook. I figured since he obviously wanted nothing to do with me he would’ve deleted me right away. Well he didn’t. So I did him and myself a favor and deleted him and his number so I have no contact AT ALL. We work together and the other night he came in to drop something off and tried to talk to me. I completely ignored him and acted as if he wasn’t there. Why try and talk to me NOW after 2 months of acting like I’m nothing???
The 3rd guy and I hit it off. Or so I thought. But you know how some men are. I didn’t pressure him at all. Took it one day at a time. Enjoyed the time I was spending with him, didn’t put emphasis on why or why not he didn’t text me. I just based my good feelings on the time we spent together. We went on a few dates. He admitted he really liked me and wanted us to go further with our relationship and BAM 3 days later he became non-existent. No texts. No calls. Nothing. But he was still very active on Facebook. I texted just to make sure he was doing ok and to wish him a good weekend and NADA from him. I had shorter patience with him than the other guy so I didn’t even deal with it. After a week of not hearing from him I deleted him number and him from my Facebook so I could move on.
My question is what is your opinion on why men do this disappearing act? How often do they reappear and what do you do when they do decide you’re worth their time again? I know I’m a wonderful person. People tell me constantly how great and awesome I am. How beautiful and laid back I am and how these guys are losing a gem by dumping me the way they are, but I can’t help but wonder if there IS something wrong with me. If I’m so great and beautiful and wonderful then why have 2 men in a row completely just dumped me out of no where. To be heard from or seen no more? It kind of takes it’s toll on you. I’m keeping or trying to keep my confidence up but I can’t help but feel embarrassed and humiliated. Any advice?
the thing is I feel these stupid guys pull back to see their options and then realise they miss the attention from a great girl or cant get anyone else also maybe they want to test how far you will go in chasing them
Danean – you are NOT ALONE. Many of us have been “ghosted” — repeatedly…over and over…time and time again. And a lot of us (ME!) start wondering what could be SO WRONG with us that guys would keep doing this?? But I (like you) am a beautiful, wonderful woman with so much to offer the right guy. And I know most of the other women on this site are also beautiful, awesome women and we have ALL been treated the same way.
I can’t tell you WHY guys do this, or when (IF EVER!) you should allow someone back in your life that has done this to you and then tried to weasel their way back into your life. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone – not by a long shot!
this post actually upset me as I have gone on dates before with guys etc and then they make effort and then gradually just let go etc , i have honestly started to give up but what other choices do we have? i guess we just have to wait it out and not give many chances girls so sad.
you’re not alone! this has happened to me about 10 times this year (not exaggerating) haha it seems like unfortunately it’s the norm nowadays! it’s pretty ridiculous – it’s like you can’t believe anything they say because in a few days they could disappear. I’m at the point where I’m happy & just don’t care anymore. I think they don’t know what they want and/or use us for ego boosts – soon as they feel we are into them they move onto the next conquest. These guys are seriously immature & obviously weren’t planning on investing in us to begin with, so it’s of no loss to us but I totally know how you feel! Their minds are way different than ours
Yeah. It’s pretty annoying and so stupid. And they say women play games. Yeah, right. I just hope I can find the “right one” someday. But I deleted both them on Facebook and in my contacts so I have no means of contact with them. If they decide to contact me ever again, I’m plain ignoring them. There’s no point in giving them energy. They can do that to someone else. I don’t have the patience for it. Just try and work on myself and my confidence because both of these were blows to my confidence because I felt humiliated.
It has happened to me too and I think that a lot of them have intimacy issues. Now when I look back and see all the guys who pulled a slow fade on me, they are still single and moving on from conquest to conquest (according to them). So I realized that it has nothing to do with me, it is just that they are unable to deal with real intimacy. Also I read this somewhere. Whenever you date a new guy, take it as a new experience and in no way compare him to the previous one and you might be pleasantly surprised and don’t worry, we will all find ‘The One’ for us. Just a matter of time I guess.
You have nothing to be humiliated about, this is one of those situations where it’s definitely 100% them not you.If they don’t have the decency to let you know it’s not working for them, just count your blessings that you didn’t end up in a relationship with someone who hasn’t got that level of common courtesy and move on to finding someone who has way better manners and integrity.
Aww.. don’t feel bad about yourself over these guys and their lack of character.
This happened to me months ago and I question myself daily as to what was wrong with me. When a guy does this it’s not about you it’s a reflection on them.Since then I have learned to be mindful of who is allowed in my life, I take my time getting to know someone, and I live my life in a way that if a man stays or goes I will be just fine.
They say misery loves company!! LOL But really I think most of the ladies on this site have gone through this and it does get really frustrating when you have several happen in a row. I know it did with me also, but the thing is everyone is not going to be a fit. I mean it happens to me the other way around too. I will meet a guy and he’s nice enough but there just isn’t a spark or chemistry and he keeps pursuing me but I’m not interested. I may go on a couple more dates just to make sure I’m giving him a chance but then either I start doing the slow fade where I’m not as responsive to his texts/calls or I’m not as available and he realizes I’m losing interest or if he doesn’t get the hint, then I tell him straight up that it’s just not working for me. Dating is a process. You could date 3 more losers in a row or the next guy could be “the ONE”!!
Just keep reading on this site. Make sure you’re not making any of the classic mistakes you see on here when you get into a relationship and continue to work on yourself. The right guy is going to come along….
Let me tell you a story that might make you feel better. I met a guy online, we talked for two weeks, just really connected and had an AMAZING first date! We dated for about 9 weeks and everything was wonderful. I met his kids, hung out with his friends. Then all the sudden he starts pulling back, not initiating texts, not waning to see me as much. So I look and see he’s active on the dating site, yet can’t respond to my texts. Then he tries to call me one night after I hadn’t heard from him all day when he would normally text me like 20 times a day. I ignored the call. The next day he calls me and tells me that he knows I’m way more into him than he is into me. And he doesn’t want to hurt me. That I’m such a sweet person, beautiful, smart, funny, successful, a great catch but he just doesn’t see himself ever falling for me. OUCH!! So I started dating other guys and we kept in touch as friends and all the sudden he’s getting jealous when I talk about the guys I’m dating. He realizes he made a big mistake and wants to try again. This is like 2 months after he broke up. We try again. I’m moving into a new house and he’s helping me move, working in my yard, painting furniture with me, just really engaged in the relationship. I’m planning my son’s birthday and he’s wanting pics of all the food and stuff I’m making. Just totally into me and my life. Texting me like all day everyday. Seeing me whenever he can. Then lo and behold all the sudden another few weeks into getting back together…radio silence. He totally ghosted me!!
A friend of mine had been wanting to set me a friend of hers, but I had been putting her off because I was seeing this other guy and things were going so great. Long story short,I had a date with NEW guy just 10 days after OLD guy had left my self esteem in pieces all over the place. The date was amazing!! Chemistry was off the charts, sparks, flirting, and let me just say NEW guy was WAY hotter than old guy. Not only that but he was more successful, and a better fit and we’re STILL dating!! He’s STILL amazing!! So the wrong ones ghost on you for a reason!! Chin up Buttercup!!
Hi Ladies,
First and foremost, this is not a reflection of you and your character! This is a reflection of the men you have crossed paths with and their bad behavior. You are absolutely beautiful, amazing, loving, caring creatures and you continue to be all of this even when these creeps ghost themselves out of existence. Please don’t let their poor judgment cloud how you see yourself. Remember that in order to be ready to find love and be in a healthy relationship it starts with you loving yourself first. If you truly love who you are, you are not going to let any relationship define how you feel about yourself and you are going to walk away from these creeps knowing they never deserved a second with you. They were lucky you gave them a second thought to begin with.Thanks to online dating (along with the club/bar single scene), we are now able to open our possibilities to meeting new people and potential suitors. The good news is that we have a bigger pool from which to choose from, right? We get to be more selective! The bad news is that we now have to subject ourselves to that many more creeps too, and they’ve upped their game because they now know there’s more competition so they have to learn to come on strong, say all the right things to make us fall for him and not some other guy. Then they get to become selective, because they’ve already grabbed your attention and you’ve already begun to write off other guys because you have your sights set on this one guy. He’s now in control. This is where you can make a choice. You can take control. You can decide whether or not this guy is worth your time and investment and make him work to earn your love and trust. The right guy will step up without hesitation. He will do whatever it takes to be with you because you are the one for him. You will know this because his actions will scream louder than his smooth talk. He will wine and dine you, he will court you, he will move mountains for you. And you will know without a doubt that this one guy, out of all the creeps you’ve crossed paths with, this guy is worth your time and attention. You see, these guys are already weeding themselves out of the picture. They are already showing you their true colors, they have ulterior motives, and they aren’t worth your time and efforts. They are freeing you up for finding the right guy when he comes along. Ever had the bad timing experience where you meet a fantastic guy filled with possibilities but you’re tied up in a relationship that ends up going nowhere? By declaring “next!” you are freeing yourself up for finding the right man for you.
First, these guys probably are not in a positions to settle down so they are what we refer to as “time keepers” or “time wasters”…they are essentially playing the field and the moment it starts getting serious they go POOF.
Second, they reappear to get their ego stroked. What I mean by this is they want to test to see if you’re still into them. They have no desire to get back with you, so don’t give them the satisfaction and glad you ignored him.
Mine has done it twice in the past couple of months and I responded with SILENCE. Needless to say it drove him nuts while I’m perfectly content not having him in my life:-)
I really don’t understand the games though but I guess we aren’t meant to understand lol. I know you shouldn’t compare one guy to the next, but it’s kind of hard not to if it’s happened time and time again. I’m worried about opening up to anyone else again and I know that I will end up pushing people away because of it, but I just can’t stand this feeling of being ghosted on time and time again. But at least I know I’m not alone in this situation…
Agree with you Lane. I knew this guy. its now been 3 years. kept appearing and disappearing. the min it luked we were discussing more stuff getting closer, he wld ghost. and just when I wld forget he would reappear. my mistake probably is responding whenever he reconnected. plus the thing is he was always polite and well mannered. i knew he was also just as attracted. so could never understand why he kept ghosting. whenever i wld ask he said always had some excuse mostly that hes busy. he wld never ever admit he dint want any real intimacy just wanted to be a distant presence in my life. very frustrating. anyways I finally decided to take things in my own hand and push things. he cldnt handle and went underground again. that was just last month. he hasn’t resurfaced aftr that. even if he does resurface, i wont bother. enuf is enuf..
Looking back over my dating life (I’m in my 50s now) I would say that I haven’t really experienced too much of this. Lack of commitment yes, and not being in contact because we were fighting, but never experienced the “everything was going great and then he ghosted” syndrome.
Why do so many other women have this problem and I don’t? Here are some possible reasons:
1) I don’t depend on men I’m dating to fill a void in my life. I like being alone, and I like to go out and be with friends. If there is a man in my life, that’s great, but if not, it makes no difference to me. Some of the happiest times in my life were as a single person.
2) When I’m in a relationship a man is not the centre of my universe. Sure, I have feelings for him (may even be crazy in love) but I don’t want to spend every minute of the day with him. Men who expect me to text or phone constantly are irritating, because I don’t always have time for that, especially when I’m working. Ditto for seeing him, I can’t be together all the time. There has to be a balance in life.
3) If a man wants to be with me, he’s going to have to work for it. He has to make an effort in terms of planning dates, being attentive, being romantic. He has to pursue me because I don’t chase after men. Even if he does all the right things, there’s no guarantee that he’s going to get what he wants unless I want it too.
4) If I develop feelings for a man (and vice versa) I expect him to make a commitment — first to exclusivity and then BF/GF, and eventually to living together. The right man is going to want to be committed to me. If he can’t manage that (I don’t care what the reason is) then I walk away — sooner rather than later. Sometimes they’ll come back later wanting to make a commitment but it might be too late if I’ve moved on. If a man “doesn’t want a relationship” he won’t be dating me. I’m not into FWB or hookups. He’s going to find that out on date #1. If that scares him away, good, that’s what I want! The right man is open to the possibility of a relationship.
5) If I’m dating a man and it isn’t serious (no commitment yet) then I’m open to dating other men. Not sleeping with them mind you, just dating! It’s important to keep your options open so you don’t start to think the guy you’re dating is the only guy in the world (one-man-itis).
There’s more, but I think you get the picture.
There is something else I wanted to mention here… it’s kind of been bugging me lately as I read posts on here, especially about ghosting.
Ladies, when you’re dating a man (esp. in the early stages) he owes you NOTHING. He’s under no obligation to keep seeing you, just like you don’t have to keep seeing him. This is regardless of how great you are and what a wonderful time you had doing x,y,z. He doesn’t need to provide any justification as to WHY. If he’s not feeling it or it doesn’t work out for WHATever reason, it would be nice if he would tell you that, right? So you could move on with dignity. But a lot of guys have had bad experiences when they tell women the truth, so they’d rather ghost and avoid all the drama.
Sometime the man is playing games and wants to test your interest in him by dropping back and then seeing if you want continue dating him and/or are more interested. IMO he’s only going to play this game if he’s summed you up already and thinks he can get away with it.
When you’ve only been on a few dates with a guy, that isn’t a “relationship”. You’re simply testing each other out and getting to know whether or not it’s a good fit. That process can take quite a while. During this time, one or both of you may have noticed some qualities in the other that they don’t like, sometimes they are deal breakers, sometimes not. This doesn’t mean there is anything necessarily wrong with you! It’s just not a match.
A lot of women who are afraid of being dumped, ghosted, used etc put out vibes of insecurity and neediness. This alone can cause a guy who was initially attracted to be repelled. You may not think that they know what you’re thinking but they do — they pay attention to your behavior and body language!
So my advice to you is to stop worrying about ghosting – take every dating opportunity as it comes. It’s just a chance for you to get to know someone better and have a good time. If something develops, great, if not then move on.
My question is why is it that we women tend to be attracted to those type of men. The men that are putting themselves out there and showing that they are clearly wanting us- I feel less attracted to 90% of the time…. Damn it!!!!
So, is it about wanting what is a challenge- it seems the really attractive men draw us in to boost their ego and they know it! Difference is, we (I) am really attractive too but I know I don’t play that game. Someone said that men accuse us women of playing games, HA! They taught us if that’s the case.
One thing- in response to the person that says a few dates is not a relationship- TRUE!!! Totally agree, but its the guy that says How much he wants to be with you and is so interested in you and suddenly he vanishes… and its almost scary fast- but it seems so genuine that you let your heart get sucked in by his sincerity that seems so real. Its THAT jack-ass that likes to play with your heart… its like he tries to pull you in and it all sounds so real. Then he vanishes. That’s why I have dealt with… get real. If I’m dating someone and not sure about it, I tell him where I am at- its called respect.
In the interest of fairness I do have something to say for men too. Let us say they want to date you…they ask you out and put time and energy into getting to know you…you are attractive, smart, clever and etc. So they date you to see if you are the “one”…but alas, at some point they realize no you are not who they are seeking. Hmmmm….what to do?
Do they tell you? That might cause drama…
Or do they just go poof and that will be that….
That is why Greenie makes great points…do not give your emotions early…spend your time sizing him up and figuring out who he is…..that takes time. When women jump in emotionally without the man jumping in (and a man can tell every time) then she risks heartbreak.
Slow your emotions way way down…let him emotionally lead and be waaaayyyyyyy ahead of you.
I can relate to you so much. I’ve had the same problem and I keep being attracted to cold & distant and emotionally non available men, like my own dad was when I was growing up. I am 51 and have been divorced for 3 years and all the guys I have been with are not worth it, and I am not attracted to those who are into me because they are too short, bald, fat, conservative or they are not just my style, and the problem is that I tend to compare them to the last guy I have been with, a tall younger Latino who speaks and knows my language and culture, and I also speak Spanish and lived in Latin America. At the beginning, it was wonderful, we’d go for coffee, ride our bicycles, have great conversations and great sex, etc. then he started disappearing on me and ignoring me after 6 weeks and he keeps acting this way. It got to the point where I see him once every 3 months. I could not bear the thought of having him completely out of my life, but I am trying to see my other options getting to know other guys. I know I am very attractive for my age, I have conversation and I have a lot to offer, I like to spoil my man and I am good in bed, but I always end up with the wrong guy and it gets frustrating.
I wish I knew about this term before I got back in the dating scene.. I am 24 yrs old and after only having been in one previous relationship I had never heard about ghosting until I was ghosted just recently my self… It sure does hurt like hell.. I felt as though my heart had been ripped out of my chest even though we had only been dating and going out for seven weeks! As Myki explained above this guy was the one that initiated everything and made me fall in love with him before vanishing out of thin air! And Yes Greenie you are right in saying that after only dating in the initial stages it is not a relationship however if the guy initiates everything and makes you fall for him in the early stages as my guy did and told me he is happy to have me in his life etc before vanishing then of course an explanation is needed. It is plain and simply wrong to do this to a fellow human being ! Unless you have been ghosted before then you do not know how it feels! I would not wish this upon my worst enemy! It has definitely forced me to be more cautious during the initial stages of getting to know somebody and really it has made me believe in the actions speak louder than words. I have learnt that a man needs to show through his actions if he does really care about you and that words can mean absolutely nothing. I do believe that majority of these men actually mean what they say in the beginning and are actually into you however in saying that it is just as easy for these men to move onto the next woman. I felt as though he made me fall in love with him and as soon as he knew I was, he disappeared and stopped all contact. Whilst it has been an incredibly painful experience with heartache comes wisdom and I have learnt a lot. I am not going to let this negative experience put me off, I am just going to be more cautious and wiser. If I feel this bad after only knowing someone for seven weeks then I can only imagine the pain of having known someone for a longer period of time and having this happen to you! Time heals everything and we will get through this even when we don’t believe we will as i have been feeling of late but day by day I am feeling better. Ladies please don’t feel alone with this, there are so many of us experiencing the same thing! Seek therapy if needed and don’t let yourself go through this alone… I have also found researching the term ghosting very helpful in my healing process. Don’t let a bad experience put you off from getting back out there! I never could imagine that what felt like at the time the best seven weeks of my life could turn out so painful however I do feel sorry for these people who do this as they obviously are highly insecure and have a lot of issues!
Happened to me a few times. I think it’s easier to ghost, then to tell someone, that sorry I’m going out with someone else, or I like someone else better. People often go out with more then one people on dates, so that’s my best answer. They just simply don’t want to give another chance, spend/ waste more time, they are impatient etc.
Why they usually reappear/come back? They couldn’t get far with the other person besides us, or they changed their mind somehow. Or they are just bored.
I did ghost a couple of times, the reasons were I either got disappointed suddenly in the last date with someone, or I found out something discharming, or the guy disappeared and reappered all the time, so I blocked him/stopped wasting any more time.
Don’t look for answers obsessedly, just focus on yourself, your family and friends. If you ever feel doubts, or something’s missing, it’s a “no go”.
This has happened to me before, I met a guy on Facebook back in Fall of 2014 we would message back and forth he would always hit me up, we finally met and had a really nice first date but the thing that I or other people couldn’t get was he spent so much time with his best friend which was a girl and he claimed they were just really close friends, we weren’t dating but I was hoping that it was gonna eventually lead up to that so I left it alone for now since we weren’t serious. We kissed and fooled around we hung out the 3rd time and he just acted different more distant with me I couldn’t figure it out after I went home I would hardly ever hear from him anymore he stood me up 4 times and kept making excuses he wasn’t texting me back anymore I wasn’t hearing from him anymore he was ignoring me he went from acting so sweet and into me to just disappearing he finally hit me up and admitted that he didn’t see us going anywhere and that he only saw us as a temporary thing and that I needed better. My heart broke I felt like it was my fault that maybe it was something I said or did that made him change his mind. He was practically impossible to reach anymore I was going crazy and obsessing over it, the more he ignored me the more I wanted him to talk to me. Finally found out that he was a junkie, a heroin addict and so was his girl best friend through other people I wanted to help him but he wouldn’t let me in so I finally left him alone, and the whole 5 months I left him alone I couldn’t stop thinking about him I finally saw him again at a friends funeral and he hugged me but avoided me the rest of the time like he was intimidated to come near me, I hit him up on Facebook afterwards and told him I wasn’t mad and still cared, my mistake…he messaged back and lead me on again acting like he still cared I got caught up again and asked him if he wanted to just ever hang out and he ignored me so after that I told myself that I was done and tired of his b.s. and started going out again and talk to other guys, so I did and I got into a relationship about a month later I fell in love and realized how dumb I was before for making excuses for the kid for being a jerk to me. 3 months later he hit me up responding to my message saying that he wanted to hang out and made more excuses to why he hasn’t gotten back to me and still cared for me, I was nice to him but I told him I was over it and didn’t want him anymore. He then hit me up 8 months later trying again and I told him still that I was over it. They disappear and reappear again bc we let them, they disappear when they get bored and reappear to test the waters with you to see if you still want them, total ego boost for them its all it is they don’t want you they just like to know they are wanted even if it’s with people that they don’t want. We all go through it.
I meant to say fall of 2013. Sorry lol
I really dont understand whats the big deal here, the Guy didnt force you to feel what you feel for him, that is on you and on your control. If he disaperaed , then let him, that alone shows you his true cowardly colors. You are better off without him. Never want a guy who doesnt want you. Want yourself and respect yourself more. If they show up after that, If you really wanna give them another chance, and only after a fue apologie, Tell them right now you r not free, and so you ll hit them up, If and when you are, and so they ll just have to wait. That puts you back into the drivers seat, but still, dont expect much to come out of it! A serious Guy, is a serious Guy. We only make it complicated in our Minds.