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- This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 9 years, 1 month ago by
I have been seeing a guy for a few months now. Initially, he was extremely easy to talk to, full of answers, opinions, and general conversation. Lately, whether it’s a meaningful conversation or if we’re talking about the book I’m reading, he avoids answering me at all costs. For instance, if he says I should buy some new books and I say I need to save money, he says, “why” so I reply that I don’t have spare cash and ask why he thinks I should. Simple question yet he now turns every question into another question or just makes a blanket statement like, “girls are weird”. How does that ever answer my question? It’s to the point where it’s nearly impossible to actually have a conversation because he won’t answer anything. I’ve expressed that I don’t like it when he ignores my questions, yet he keeps doing it. Is there a reason for this and is there another way I can talk to him about it without criticizing him and making it seem like he’s failing at something?
Hi Kelly,
In the beginning men are trying to impress the lady they’re with, but if they don’t develop that loving feeling then they find ways to not impress them. Additionally, guys are not the communication specie and find too much communication boring so it could be that you might talk too much and also talk about things he doesn’t give a hoot about.
Honestly, why do you want to be with a guy that annoys you?
LOL I am laughing because this was happening with me and my boyfriend (of 5 months) about a month ago. It didnt matter what I was asking, even if it was….do you like this show on tv? he would ignore me. I got so annoyed and he soon got fed up with me saying “you never answer any of my questions” lol I had never experienced this before. But then he just went back to normal. I did learn when to ask him things and when not….like if hes deep into something hes watching on tv or playing a game…i wouldnt ask anything that would require more than a yes/no answer
I would find it truly annoying if someone was always asking me questions…
What is it you have such a need to know? Most men talk about 1/3 less than women do so it is boring for them and senseless talk. So it’s very typical for a man to simply not respond. His lack of response is probably his way of telling you to stop asking so many questions.
Save your chit chat and questions for your GF’s… and as Rebecca (above) learned, be more selective on what/when you talk with you man. Don’t treat him like a GF… women love to talk. Men, not so much :-)
I have been dating this guys almost 3 yrs now and he is at my house everyday! I have never been seen his house nor ever benpen invtied there. He avoids the question as to why he won’t let me see his house. He says he loves me but if he truely did wouldn’t he imvited me to his house? He has totally taken over my house and I don’t know why I can’t ever go to his house. Can someome explain?
Well Confused… What do YOU think is going on…?
Maybe he’s married and living with his wife, or gf…?Cinfused
He has been at my house every single day. But refuses to answer why I can’t go over there. So how can je say he loves me like he says he does? He keeps turning it around on me which I feel he is manipulating me. I know I am not at fault but he will make sure it is not him every time.
Maybe he’s homeless…
Maybe he’s married with 3 children…
Maybe he lives in his mothers basement with 47 cats… -