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Why would a man who I’ve talked to several times and was planning on coming see me, block me?
At the end of our conversation a few days ago hew said he was still planning on coming. I can’t think of anything I’ve done wrong.This is not a fly by night kind of guy. He seems very stable and seemed sincere. I am baffled.
His GF / Wife / SO caught him…
don’t be baffled , it happened to me so many times. In fact it happened quite recently, this guy was even sending me videos asking about my day etc and then the next day he blocked me.
It seems like this is what some men do these days, but to me he was either in relationship , maybe when he was talking to you his partner was away or she checked his phone and he blocked you.
Or he wanted some ego boost , got it and was never really interested in meeting you in real life. Another option is he could be a catfish assuming that you have met online.
Either way I wouldn’t read too much into itLiz Lemon
You said you “talked to him several times”. I assume you’ve never met?
People do this all the time on the internet. There are plenty of flakes out there who flirt and indulge in virtual/fantasy interactions, but have no intention of meeting in person.
You said he seemed stable and was not a “fly by night” kind of guy, but you don’t know that. You don’t know this person! You have no idea what he’s like. He’s a stranger.
Don’t take it personally, it has nothing to do with you. If he resurfaces, which he very well might, I wouldn’t engage with him as he’ll just pop in and out like this and waste your time.
And don’t get emotionally attached to guys you don’t know. A person can tell you anything, it doesn’t mean it’s true. You don’t know someone until you’ve spent time with them in person and gotten to know them in various types of situations/circumstances. That’s why folks should date a person for several months before committing to a relationship- to get to know the person.
This is why you need to set your expectations, and trust level at ZERO, or -1, if you’ve never met them in person. Only over time, as you spend A LOT of real time together should you be giving, or take away, trust digits. He should have been at or below zero, so when he blocked you, you would have just said “This is why I NEVER trust anyone I chat with on the internet.”
All he did was show you who he really was, not who you wanted him to be. This is why its dangerous to put too much blind faith or trust in human beings that you’ve never met because you have no intel, information, or facts to work with in order to determine someone’s true character.
Like they say “Talk is cheap” but “The Proof is in the Pudding!”
To answer why would not help you as there are too many to list so it’s impossible to know which one he used. If it makes you feel better, you could make one up, such as: 1) He’s a Catfish; 2) Married; 3) Bi-polar; 4) Unemployed and killing time; 5) Fill in the blank.
I’m pretty sure there was no significant other at the time, but his profile did say currently separated. I’m pretty sure this woman is not in his life, but maybe he is a mess.
I think he has been separated for about a year, because he went back to his hometown and rented a house for a year which was ending in July. He said he was excited to see my profile and wanted to come visit me since he was thinking of moving to my general area since it is so beautiful here. He wanted to rush the visit a little.. He said 2 weeks, I said a month, but that seems like no bug deal. Then this morning, I was blocked..
What is wrong with him? Why couldn’t he just text and say he decided we weren’t a match?
Lane, I just read your comment. I intuitively know this stuff.. not to trust anyone I don’t know. He just seemed so real and sincere. I’m thinking maybe he has issues. He’d better figure them out, we are both older. He seemed so together…
Kathy, you’ve read this happening so many times on here that I’m actually surprised you’re so surprised by it. Age is only indicator of how many years you’ve lived on this earth—has nothing to do with a person’s character. Even us old people can still be duped.
Liz Lemon
It surprises me that you’re shocked by this. Ask yourself why you would have so much blind faith and trust in a person you’ve never met?
You’re not even sure if he has a significant other or not. You think he’s been separated for a year, but you’re not sure. He’s a complete stranger but you were willing to have him come visit you for 2 weeks? Were you going to let him stay in your house? Surely you see what a terrible idea that is.
Like I and others have said, people on the internet do this all the time– they match with someone, start chatting, make plans and then *poof*, they’re gone.
Let this be a lesson for you, if anything. Don’t be so trusting until you’ve met a person and know them, no matter how “sincere” and “together” they seem.
Liz Lemon
Also a huge red flag: a guy who is a total stranger rushing a visit, saying he wants to come visit you because he’s thinking of moving to your area. Him saying that right away should have made you uncomfortable, not excited or interested.
Chiming in with another vote for, this happens with online dating all the time and it’s nothing to do with you. He’s done you a favor, since if he’s willing to do that to you before you even meet, he’d be no better in a dating situation that was further along but you’d be more attached. I’ve never had ANY luck with separated men. I’ve only gone out with a couple because I try to avoid them for a reason (and the ones I have gone on dates with just didn’t mention it before we met), and they’ve never had the emotional stability for a healthy new relationship no matter how put together in life they otherwise appeared.
LOL – “currently separated” – there’s your answer. He was either never “separated” or they are no longer separated. STAY AWAY FROM “SEPARATED” GUYS!!
I have a business colleague who wasn’t getting along with his wife and she moved out. I heard from a mutual friend he went online dating and met someone and had an LDR with her for 3 months. When it came time to fly to meet her, he suddenly vanished on her because he told our friend he was in love with her and wanted to marry her (never having met her) but was afraid of being hurt so pulled back. In actuality, his wife decided to move back in and he didn’t want to hurt her. He doesn’t want to be with his wife anymore but they have children and he’s going to wait to leave her until the last child gets out of high school, which is 5 years from now. I was shocked. This is someone I know well on a work level and I believed had a lot of integrity. This only came out because I mentioned to our mutual friend he was having a tough time because his wife had moved out – this friend was utterly shocked because they were unaware he was married and heard this whole story from him over 3 months about how he was lonely and getting online hoping to meet the love of his life and did. He told this mutual friend flat out he was SINGLE. I filled our friend in on the part that his wife moved out, was moving back in and he planned to end the marriage later instead of now. We were both absolutely floored at what radically different stories he told. (And I’ve met his wife so I know he really is married and was having all that trouble.)
People do some very strange things.
You may never know the truth. You really have to approach online dating with a great dose of health skepticism until you’ve actually met the person and you’ve dated them and they’ve behaved consistently for at least 3 months, and even that is no guarantee they’re for real and telling the truth.
Kathy Howell
Yes, I think it might have something(maybe a lot to do) with emotional instability. Liz, he was coming in 2 weeks, not staying two weeks. And he was staying at a hotel. I would never let anyone stay at my house.
I guess I was fooled because he seemed so sincere, and at this age I am pretty intuitive. Though I guess you can never access someone’s stability level right away. That is absolutely true. And yes, this “separated” thing means a man is not together I guess. I have only dated one other separated man, and he was not together..
Ah Kathy, they call it ‘Cloaking’ these days, when someone not only stands you up for a date but goes ahead to block you on every platform you communicated on and can reach them so It’s like they never existed and were a figment of your imagination.
The rule thumb if a guy doesn’t wanna meet up or flakes on a meet up, you’re either a side chick, a second/third option, or he’s just not that into you.
Always assume a guy is talking to 5 other girls or even more when you guys are still talking and vibing so he can make a u turn.
Unfortunately, it happens all the time, with men of all ages and professions.
It has happened to me in the past, well this one didn’t block me, he’s alive, well and doing him, but he just stopped speaking to me and when I contacted him I was even met by even more silence. In my case we even met. He ticked all the right boxes and seemed sincere and honorable and ‘together’
I was confused,vexed and shocked. But after I got my head out of his ar*e, I began to see that he wasn’t that perfect as I initially thought, he had a bunch of red flags which I mistook as interest and he told a few lies which seemed negligible at the time because of the hormones but in retrospect were a red flag.
Anyway, I concluded that he just wasn’t that into me, and it’s okay. It set me free to meet with more cool guys. It also taught me not believe the hype and put guys on pedestals they don’t deserve.
What he communicated to you with his actions was, he doesn’t deserve you and he’s not reliable or trustworthy.
agree with what liz has posted. you really don’t know him. or you can say you only know what he has told you about himself. there are so many time wasters online and many of them come across as genuine. next time you must do a basic search of the men you meet online. these days most genuine people usually do have an online presence. if its difficult for you to verify and in case of those men who dont live near you, you need to be very careful and look out for red flags. just forget this guy and next time be a little more watchful for the fake ones. block him and move on.
Liz Lemon
At least you know the truth now. He may reach out again with a flimsy excuse, these types sometimes do. The best thing is to just ignore and block him if he does.
Sorry you had to learn the hard way. AngieBaby is right that you need a healthy dose of skepticism when online dating, you can’t trust people right off the bat. A person has to demonstrate that they’re trustworthy and sincere over time, and in person. It doesn’t mean you should be cynical and assume every man is a liar, but you have to be careful. And yes to everything that’s been said about dating separated men– that’s just a bad idea overall.
I never ceased to be amazed – and amused – at the land speed records guys break setting up an online dating profile after the end of a relationship or marriage. I have a lot more respect for a guy who says he took some time for himself or took some time to grieve and heal after a relationship ending. That’s rare though. Mostly it’s guys who believe the adage “to get over the last one get another one under you ASAP.”
Almost always the separated guys are the clueless walking wounded. They are used to having a woman around, having regular sex, etc and they miss it so they kid themselves they are ready to move on. They don’t get it until they hook some poor woman into believing they’re serious about her, they’re really over the last one, specifically with her, and then when it gets real, they cut and run. They talk a really good game. And mostly it’s not meant to intentionally mislead. But it doesn’t matter – that next woman they were in hot pursuit of gets hurt. I”m glad this happened earlier rather than later, if it was going to happen. And it was. Sorry you got burned Kathy.
I don’t know how old are you and how long you’ve been single but that’s online dating for you. Never take it too seriously or get attached to the men you text. Because one day they are super keen the next day they aren’t.
Also some men I spoke to … when I stopped replying because I’ve lost interest, they blocked me even though I had no intention to contact them again . Some people are just weird and there is nothing we can do about thatKathy
I have been dating a long time and have on and off online dated a long time too. I was just sure this guy was not a faker. I think he was just fickle and changed his mind, and probably thought nothing of blocking me… Even though he seemed so nice.
“Almost always these separated guys are clueless and the walking wounded”. If I’m being kind, I think this could be the description that probably applies to him!