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- This topic has 35 replies and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by
So I’ve been dating this guy for a little over a month. I met him in my home town when I was home from college for spring break. We are kinda long distance ( a little over an hour away from one another.) We still managed to spend 5 weekends in a row together. The first weekend I was not able to go home was 2 weeks ago but that wasn’t a problem, he texted me that weekend telling me he missed me and we stayed in contact that weekend.
Last weekend is when the trouble started. I went home for the weekend and we didn’t hang out at all. Friday night he wasn’t feeling well and fell asleep early and saturday he had plans but told me he would contact me when he was free. I ended up falling asleep when he contacted me and in the morning I texted him to apologize. No response.
Yesterday I texted him again to say how bummed I was we weren’t able to hang out and hoped we’d see each other soon. No response.
Is he blowing me off? How did things seem to change over night?
Hi Alix,
Have you both talked about what you are looking for? I know you like this dude, but 5 weekends in a row is a lot of time to give to a man who is not your boyfriend, in my opinion.
I can’t tell if he is blowing you off. It honestly just sounds like your schedules didn’t work out this weekend, so try not to stress. See if he gets in touch with you within the next few days.
Good rule of thumb…for the first 6 months of dating, especially if it is long distance, DO NOT INITIATE ANY TEXTS OR CALLS OR EMAILS OR SMOKE SIGNALS, FACEBOOK LIKES, MESSAGES, TWITTERING..etc.
Because if you do, guys tend to disappear as no one likes a needy/clingy/insecure woman.
I think he may just be busy & is not necessarily ignoring you but from now on don’t text him anymore & then you’ll know for sure
Thanks for the input ladies
me initiating a text has never been a problem in the past, its been pretty even between me and him.
I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that Saturday evening he wanted to hang out but then come Sunday and monday he is ignoring my text messages.
Oh and Pollyanne we have not talked about what we are yet. I was hoping to have that conversation last weekend but then I never saw him :/
I know it sucks to be ignored, but you have no idea what could have happened between Saturday evening and today. If he was wanting to see you Saturday, my guess is it has nothing to do w you. He could be dealing w some heavy shit for all you know – does he work? go to school?
Another thought I’m thinking is maybe he feels bad about the weekend, especially since you sent that text voicing your disappointment. He might be giving it a few days for you to ‘get over it’, so to speak. I think you will hear from him again, just don’t get too stuck in your head ;)
The texting was even and now it is not. You are alone texting. I say lean back and date others…you have not known this guy long enough to know what he is thinking.
As of now i’m going about life assuming I may never hear from him again.
I am not interested in reaching out to him again without hearing from him first.
It’s unfortunate if this is the way things end but what can you do?
Thank you for all the input!
Come on, being ignored is being ignored is being ignored. To NOT respond to a text is 9 times out of 10, INTENTIONAL. Maybe he’s upset that you fell asleep and he’s acting like a little b*tch about it… Who knows???! But I would just wait it out. I’m sure he’ll come around & text but maybe detach a little & take a step back. I don’t see a problem with not contacting me for a couple days, but blatantly ignoring me is a completely different story. BUT I agree that after the first text maybe you shouldn’t have initiated another. But SIX MONTHS Mistral???! Lol. That’s so intense!! I agree that you should leave it to the guys to initiate interest at first, but after the intent is made clear, I’ll text whatever I want whenever I want. Lol. Maybe I’m just impatient but if I want to see you, I’m probably gonna just say so *but I don’t recommend this, I’m just saying. Lol
It takes so little for a guy to think your needy. I never initiate texts or phone calls with a guy that is not my boyfriend. I don’t want to give them the chance to say I’m needy or desperate. A few years ago, right after breaking up with my boyfriend, I went out with a guy, twice. A guy that was way less attractive as I was. He blew me off after what I call the “two night stand” a few months later he sent me a message on a online dating sight. He said, “I really miss hanging out with you.” I said he should have thought of that when he dropped me, and to f@@k off. He then said, “ok, but btw, the reason I pulled away was because you seemed desperate.” I blocked him, I was completely over it by then. But the only thing I could think of that I did was to try to get in touch with him after A couple days of not hearing from him. I never initiate contact.
You’ll hear from him again. Just do to him before he does to you. You’ll feel better.Dauny
I mean, after that I never initiated contact. The guy I’m seeing now is somewhat of a player. I generally do not initiate contact. I never make it easy to see me, but I have, embarrassed myself when I was upset, mostly by email, sometimes by text. Once, I thought he stood me up, when it turned out he didn’t, and I called him and left progressively more upset voicemails. He texted me his phone had died. I begged him not to listen to my messages.
The best thing you can do is avoid initiating contact unless he has truly committed to you.
I mean, after that I never initiated contact. The guy I’m seeing now is somewhat of a player. I generally do not initiate contact. I never make it easy to see me, but I have, embarrassed myself when I was upset, mostly by email, sometimes by text. Once, I thought he stood me up, when it turned out he didn’t, and I called him and left progressively more upset voicemails. He texted me his phone had died. I begged him not to listen to my messages.
The best thing you can do is avoid initiating contact unless he has truly committed to you.
Lauren Conrad said it best, “As soon as you stop thinking about them, they’ll send you a text message or they’ll call you because they know you just stopped thinking about them. It’s like a radar.”
This idea of being “desperate” or “needy” is something that drives me crazy about men. Just because I enjoy spending time with you and want to initiate hanging out I’m “needy” I bet they have friends who hit them up to hang out all the time but never think they’re being needy.
James that quote is perfect, it describes my ex bf perfectly!
I need some opinions. Initially I was thinking if i didn’t hear from this guy i was just going to leave it alone and try and move on with my life. However, now that its coming up on about a week that I have not heard from him I feel like I want some answers.
Im really just hurt and baffled. I truly feel that he made a decision overnight that he never wanted to talk to me again and I don’t understand. How do we go from Him trying to hang out Saturday night to Sunday he no longer is speaking to me?
Not just that but our “relationship” prior to this was something that i considered a little too good to be true ( i’m pretty pessimistic when it comes to men) so I don’t know what to do. Im having a harder time moving on than I anticipated and more than that I’m having a hard to understanding how someone can just decide to disappear from your life without saying anything to you.
Thoughts, suggestions?
When someone goes silent, they are asking for space, they need some time to themselves and they will reach out to you, when they are ready. I never hold it against anybody, but it does bother me if the guy I’m sleeping with does it. Still, he is only human and who knows what he is dealing with. I have myself needed space on many occasions from my friends and a boyfriend. Sometimes you just have to give it to them and wait for them to come around. They always do, 100% of the time you will hear from them again. I assure you.
Alia that is very true! Rest assured he will come back, but don’t wait around for him! Best thing to do is keep busy and do fun things that take your mind off of him.
Thank you Alia and Sasha.
Sasha you’re right I need to keep busy and remember to have fun! Since this happened i’ve been spending a lot more time with friends and that helps!
Alia I hope you’re right that he needs space and reaches out when he’s ready, even if that means he’s telling me he can’t see me anymore. I just want an explanation :(
I think this is all hitting hard because I went through something similar with my Ex boyfriend this past summer and it’s bringing back old feelings.
You’re very welcome Alix! And believe me, I know exactly how you feel. It really sucks to be ghosted, and it leaves you with so many questions and no answers. But it sure says a lot about the guy’s character. You deserve someone who doesn’t just disappear on you for xyz reason with no explanation. If I were you, I would just take his silence as closure and move on.
You’re probably right Sasha. I’m really sick of getting my hopes up about a guy just to be let down :(
I agree, I hate when I’m accused of being needy or “desperate” as one guy put it, well maybe I was desperate to have been upset by that particular loser when he told me his match membership ended the next day, after we had sex he told me this. Then next day he’s revised his profile, new pics. So, try to contact him, and he blows me off. Yeah, I acted insecure AFTER, he lied and blew me off. And the word “needy” annoys me. Everybody is needy. Guys get needy when they think you might be blowing the off. I mean they make big fools out of themselves too,
Calling someone needy is just silly and hypocritical.Sasha
Alix I know it may be hard but please do your best to keep your head up! A good mindset to have is just because a guy let you down, doesn’t mean the next one will. And Dauny you hit the nail right on the head, guys can be VERY needy too if not more than us at times! Especially when they think you’re ignoring them!
Hi there,
I met this guy at work and he begged me for my number..but at the start I was reluctant as I’d started a new job and new country ect so he made me promise to call him..
A day or so later he came back to me asking why had I not called him and this was at my work?!
About 6-7 weeks later I texted him asking how he was..then he asked me out ..he told me he was separated and has 2 small children..I asked him 3 times was he separated,that he was allowed to date ect as I wanted no drama..and no upset to be caused.
Everything was going really well in the start he would call asking me out told me how much he really liked me,that he wanted to introduce me to his friends ,even asked me did I love him,he insisted in meeting my best friend I lived with offered to help me move..showing interest texted called insisted in helping us to move even..
Then once i had moved I said that it would be nice if we could go on a day date somewhere , and he agreed on the date all was well..I never pressurised him at all this is 4 sure.
Then he didn’t reply to my texts I sent 2 asking if he was okay n’d called once..then I stopped as he didn’t reply…
Retaining my dignity I have since not texted or called.. No response but wanted to know if all was well.. Maybe a small explanation .But shocked as he was so forward by the things he had said to me before!he even was saying things like could you imagine what our kids would look like ..even at the time I was like wow ..that’s intense I even said darling ..we’ve only just started dating??but all the same thought it endearing.
Then poof he just dissapeared??after 2 months this man just dissapeared?!im confused as I never brought up marraige,babies, or anything like this!
Soo confused by his behaviour as I was causious but always kind..
I think of him from time to time and wander if I will ever hear from him again?
I thought about the things that I had said to him and if I was a nag or chased him or somehow scared him off..I thought and rethought again..to this day I am baffled ..
Time will tell as I am busy in my life but reading some of these other stories I realise I am not alone..
Maybe he got in to fast and deep and realised ..then ran?frightened scared by his own actions
Who knows?Alix
Something that i’m learning more and more about men is that they seem to say XY&Z to woo us. The guy I was dating who disappeared was so attentive when we were dating and did really nice things for me. Once they (men) decide they want out for whatever reason they vanish. What I’m trying to figure out is if the things these men say and do when trying to catch our attention is sincere or just a ploy to get us in bed. Maybe this varies based on the man, i’m not sure.
What makes me angry is that ever since my guy disappeared i’ve been reading a lot of articles about this vanishing act guys do and a lot of them seem to be justifying this by listing the possible reasons men disappear and end by saying “you’re better than him, move one.” Yes I agree i’m better than him but I also think I and all women deserve the curtesy of a men giving us an explanation and not just leaving us hanging.
I’m feeling too much that we live in this world where men can come and go as they please and women who are left to feel hurt and confused when they disappear are just suppose to get over it and move on to someone else and trust that they won’t do the same disappearing act.
Another common thing i’ve been reading is that women tend to put all their eggs in one basket (i.e. we get our hopes up about the man were seeing) and that we should’t do this. My question is if monogamy is what you’re looking for and if you’re dating a man who appears to be treating you well how are you not suppose to get excited about him?
I know this is long but i’m a little frustrated that it seems to be normalized that guys can just disappear without a trace when I think its a very cowardly thing to do.
Anyone else have any thoughts on the matter?
Yep I agree with what you are saying here there’s a lot of the above going on.its strange how all of us end up thinking like (it must have been something I did..to make him leave)..it’s not normal!
Fair enough if you have put your self out there saying that you want no strings attached ect.
But what are you supposed to do ?not believe or trust anything a man tells you?and to go around suspicious all the time?!
Also when he repeadatly is telling u he isn’t looking for a fling and wants a relationship,and wants you when you’ve asked him are you sure??and you’ve asked all the important questions what do you do?you trust and pray he is being honist right.
And we are busy working women…I do not have time to date several men at once I just want to focus at one at a time?
I work 6 days a week 12 hrs per day…
And frankly none of the behaviour above is normal …does anyone else agree? -