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- This topic has 50 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
I’ve been dating a man for the past 6 weeks wnd last night we had sex for the first tjme. He stayed over and we did it several times him instigating every time lots of cuddling and closeness in between. He left about an hour ago and it seemed like w quick exit although his parting words were ill speak to you later.
I now feel insecure about what will happen next. He’s been very into me since the start, talking about the future, and he’s s confident man not shy at all. The sex must have been good for him or he wouldn’t have done it multiple times I would think? He could have got a cab home at any time if he hadn’t wanted to stay. He might have been a bit hungover this morning but things just felt a little different. He was quieter. Am
I right to worry?Thanks/
Free Spirit
Be confident in yourself.
Normally I am confident. I just haven’t done this sort of thing for a while. I know I need to leave it in his court now but I’ve read a lot about men doing a disappearing act after sex.
Free Spirit
Don’t worry. Firstly, know you would be just fine without him…worst case scenario,correct? The issues would be about him,not you. In my opinion, things got intense in his mind, as in he needs space to recharge. Be a cool girl and just smile and go for a walk somewhere pretty and enjoy your surroundings, focusing on you for now on.
Hi Tina,
It’s only been an hour, chill…
You’ll be ok :)Tina
It’s been more than an hour.
If I don’t hear from him tonight I suppose that’s olay but if not tomorrow that would be different behaviour as I’ve heard from him every day since we met.
Also every other date he has arranged the next one before saying goodbye.
Oh Tina, feeling your pain. Sounds like we had a similar evening last night!!! And today.
I just don’t know how other people get this right!
The guy should be thanking his lucky stars, and you should be in an excellent mood. Instead you are obsessing about him. Put the focus back on you. What do you like and dislike about him. What could have been better last night. Tell him, if you need to. Tell him exactly what you said here. “I felt you were distant as you left this morning, did I pick up on something, or was it just the hangover? My head is splitting as well..” I mean you can’t ask the dude if you have a concern, but you can have his dick inside you?
Ha ha… alia that makes it sound so simple, if only all women thought that way there would be no forums like this one!
It’s precisely BECAUSE he just had his dick inside you that you can’t start asking him for a relationship status update as he’s putting his jeans back on!
I am feeling insecure (is apprehensive a better word) as I also finally “did the deed” at the weekend. He was in contact as usual again last night, but I can’t help have a niggle at the back of my mind that says “he’s going to ghost” “he’ll do the slow fade” and it’s probably mostly to do with my huge and powerful knack for self-preservation which forces me to pick the worst case scenario so that any other outcome is a lovely bonus!!
Having sex for the first time is also a massive shift in dynamic for both people so it’s never going to be “business as usual”. It signifies a change that is either this is going to get serious, or this isn’t for me.
I’m hoping mine is the former but only time will tell! It’s out of my control so just have to wait and see how he plays the next move.
Tina I hope you heard from your man in the end?
Breathe. Love yourself. “I love myself no matter what”
Firstly, next time, do not sleep with someone you don’t know you are in an exclusive relationship with. This makes this a lot easier. It is a lot easier to say, I want to know that I am with someone who is not dating others and we are mutually growing this relationship. I usually say – I only sleep withe men who I am growing a relationship with. I love a lot of sex, but for me, it is part of a growing interaction, not recreation.
But since that is too late for that, I say he gets 48 hours max. In my experience, no man who was really into me every waited much longer than that and it was usually 24 hours.
That said, men do pull back after intimacy, so good for you that you did not contact him!!!!
Meditate as well, and do something nice for yourself…
Guys pick up on the vibe of you worrying about him leaving. I’m not sure how but they know if you’re starting to get that desperate insecure feeling and it usually freaks them out and makes them back away. Honestly you probably shouldn’t have slept with him yet if you’re feeling this way. but as its too late now just breathe. If you donr hear from him again then good riddance. You don’t want to be with a player who’s just looking for one thing. There are a ton of great guys who’d be happy to be with you so his loss!
Yeah, but if he fades, it’s his loss. If a man can’t handle a question then why do you need a man like that around at all? He should be so lucky to lock you down as his girlfriend as soon as possible. Sure it’s a massive shift in the dynamic, but should it shift to the place that’s making you anxious? Don’t you have control over how you react to the event? You should also be having as much of or as little as you want. A man is not supposed to make you insecure, he is supposed to be a welcome addition to your life, a positive force. If he is making you apprehensive, get rid of him!
I agree what you say about not needing this kind of forum. You will notice that there is no such forum for guys. I actually want to congratulate all the ladies posting here. You ladies are showing sweetness and empathy and consideration to guys feelings and are putting your own feelings as secondary. If there were more men like you, the world would be a better place. So let’s stay emphatic and nice, but lets protect ourselves by only giving our goodness to guys who deserve it, and ask for what we need, be it communication, relationship status, marriage. If the guy fades after having sex with you, he didn’t deserve to have had sex with you in the first place. So be more careful next time, and trust your intuition, when you are getting to know someone. Do ask and know where they stand. Maybe then we will be able to get rid of this forum once and for all.
Neither of us are seeing anyone else… He was talking about a gig we can go to in march. We actually spent so long talking on Sat night that when he kissed me I forgot that was even something we might do (possibly not the best way of putting it, what I mean is we were so engrossed in conversation I forgot it was a date)… And I felt that it was the right next step.
We haven’t discussed being in a relationship (although he has said “in this relationship” twice in a banter-y way as part of an ongoing joke). Yes I could have waited another week, month, longer, but as has been said before surely if he was/is going to bail after sex then he’ll do it anyway regardless of the waiting, so surely better to find that out early on (obvs not 1st date).
Anyway he text last night. If he’s sticking with previous form I expect to hear from him tonight with word of the next date. If I don’t well I know he’s not the sweet caring interested guy he’s been pretending to be and I will have dodged a bullet!
alia – you are mistaken. There are lots of forums out there for guys as well. If you google, you will find and you can read their questions and answers as well.
OP – I would suggest thinking positive thoughts. Also only have sex in the future when you don’t care of the outcome. Either because you know that he will never fade away (because you have built an emotional bond) or that all you were looking was a fling.
Sass – I have noticed that when you think negative, usually its a way of getting back to you. Its like telling the universe that this is what I would really want and then you shouldn’t be surprised if it happens. Read ANTs and try to redirect your thinking to positive ones. If you get this anxious then you shouldn’t be sleeping with him but wait till a time when you know you will not get anxious.
also just to add, the only time I have waited longer to sleep with someone was with my first boyfriend when I was 17!
Since then I’ve had three long term relationships and in each case i slept with them 3 or 4 dates in.
This last weekend was date 4 and six weeks after the first one.
Ok Sherri so help me – should I be thinking wow that was amazing, can’t wait for the next time, I know he’s going to call me tonight…
Not trying to be facetious I just know I am a naturally negative person so help me out with how to change that outlook a little?
You completely missed my point. I know there are guys forums out there, but women obsess about different things and this particular website we are on are trying to change that, to empower women albeit it is not always successful.Anyway, Sass, you are in a relationship whether the dude likes it or not. You are in a relationship (albeit it is not defined yet) and it will take time to develop and what you both want this relationship to be. And you may end up on the same page, and then it will have a long term potential. Right now the relationship is young. Let it develop naturally and get to know this guy. Always remember who you are and why you entered it in the first place. Keep the checks and balances why you like or dislike this guy. That you slept with him, shouldn’t be the deciding factor to prolong your relationship; if you don’t like how he is treating you, even if it is just missing out on follow up communication, do let him know and if it doesn’t change, walk away.
Sass – You need to be thinking. So ok that was great sex (if it was). What else do I like about this guy? I should definitely try this position the next time …. oh boy what should I wear the next time (in and out of the bedroom). Also hmmm he seemed to really like it when I did this …. that’s great ….
Also not trying to rain on your parade. But you yourself said that your long term relationships did not work out and that those guys were _______ (fill in the blanks). The reason why I ask girls to go slow is so that their hormones do not get all twisted in their mind and they are able to see the RED FLAGS which would not allow them to fall into those crappy relationships in the first place.
I have a guy friend who always sleeps with women early on and that screws up his thinking process. Time and again I have asked him to go slow. So he recently started dating a girl in early Jan and he has wowed not to bring in sex till date 10. I have told him to stop seeing the girl if he doesn’t feel that they are compatible and not to continue seeing her just because it is just a few more dates till date 10 and that with a new girl he would have to start all over again.
I totally agree with alia “That you slept with him, shouldn’t be the deciding factor to prolong your relationship; if you don’t like how he is treating you, even if it is just missing out on follow up communication, do let him know and if it doesn’t change, walk away.”
But how you say it is also very important.
Ok well let’s just see what he does next then. He was as normal last night so I suppose no reason for him to deviate now. He has been textbook so far, I should give him some credit…
Regarding the 10th date rule. I completely agree. It’s not the rules that matter, it’s the people involved. If the people are honest and forthcoming and open, and act on their feelings, and do the right thing, who cares when they have sex. They will work it out and no one will be hurt/ offended. It’s the insecurity that ruins things. Insecurity is a delusion, it makes people not themselves. If people give into their own insecurity, it guides their actions instead of the pure good heart.alia
But what about you? Take the focus away from what he might be thinking, and what do you think? If you think he acted disrespectful, and it’s not just your insecurity talking, why tolerate it? So from a place of an impartial third party observer, watch it like a movie. Did he act with integrity and respect to the woman in the picture?Sassperilla
No he didn’t act disrespectful at all, far from it.
Sass, I have to disagree with you here. Waiting time for sex does matter. If the man is sure to disappear after sex, keep him waiting will save you from being played because he won’t wait for months to just get sex; even if the man isn’t just looking for sex, keep him waiting for sex until you are in a committed relationship will bring out the best in him.