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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
Hi everyone!
I hope you’re all well.I will try and keep this short and sweet. Let me say that I already know that a work romance is a bad idea, but thought I’d ask for some advice regardless.
I’m a teacher and the guy I have a crush on starting working at my school 2 weeks ago. He is the only male teacher at my tiny school, attractive, too. So, upon meeting him, I was almost instantly attracted. We were rather awkward on the first day, but on day 2 we quickly broke the ice and exchanged contact details. He expressed wanting to start a friendship with me and I agreed. Later that night, we texted and he mentioned that if we ever end work at the same time, we should walk out together. He has since walked me home a handful of times, even today, checking in on me and personally asking if I’m ready to go. We often talk about all kinds of things on our walks, but refrain from physical contact as we are both skeptical I’m sure of things going romantic and then going wrong. One day I suggested meeting outside of work, and he agreed. He told me that he wanted to ask, but doesn’t want me to feel uncomfortable with the idea. I said I wasn’t and we agreed to meet up a few days ago.
We are the same age, but he doesn’t own his own car as yet. On the meeting day, he managed to get a car and picked me up from my place. I’m new to his city, so he drove me around for a bit and showed me some places. Then eventually took me to a nice restaurant. He knows I do not eat pork, so he told me he had researched restaurants without them and really wants to get to know more about my mind, my culture and religion. Anyway, we went to the restaurant and hit it off in conversation. Chatted away for about 2 and a half hours, until he suggested moving to a coffee shop. After dinner, I felt instantly closer to him as we shared many bonding, intimate details about ourselves. However, we still tiptoe around what is going on between us. There was no handholding, in fact, I feel like we have an invisible wall between us that we are both wary of crossing. When we arrived at the coffee shop, we spoke even more… Deep talks about things I’ve never really spoken about with others. Things like childhood, philosophies, deeper things, etc. He even suggested we meet up next time and read together at a coffee shop since we both enjoy reading. Eventually we were discussing about something on his phone and I had to lean in and we both just had our faces leaning into each other, but one of us would always pull back. As a whole, the evening made me feel good. Of course. I feel as though he has put a lot of effort and thought into this. Eventually, after spending 4 hours together, we decided that we should head back as we had work the next day. He dropped me back home and there was no kiss or any kind of physical touch. Although I sometimes feel like it’s lingering in the air.
I’m just wondering about what his actions could mean. Probably needing some validation, too. I understand that it would be best to ask him myself, but as I said, I feel like we are both afraid to approach the topic.
He was the one that suggested meeting again, actually suggested two activites. He seems sincere. I’m just confused about whether or not this is just a work friendship or if there is more. Let me know what you guys think!
Thank you.
Hi Sara. This: “He expressed wanting a friendship with me and I agreed”. So,I think you two have a friendship unless or until he makes some kind of move. Do you want to be more than friends? Can you be just his friend if he is not romantically interested.
I think if he wanted to date you but was unsure of the work situation and if dating a colleague is a good idea-he would already have mentioned this or asked how you feel. So I would just be friends. If you can’t do that because you have romantic feeling,then I would be casually friendly at work but not see him outside of work. Just start to be busy if he asks.Newbie
He could be interested, and he acts nice and attentive. And you can find out if he ask you out again.
He could also just want a friend since he is new to the school. I would just wait and see but not get my hopes up. Its way too soon to tell if there is something.
By itself im not against dating co-workers. I mean at some point thats the only place to meet new people. It can just get awkward when it doesnt work outmell
Youve spent one evening together, with maybe a little bit of sexual tension – but no physical signs of sexual interest. That sounds nice, but it’s really WAAAY too early to be getting any hopes up. Please be careful.
He could be considering romance, or he could genuinely just want to make friends. You really can’t tell. I’m guessing there’s a bit ofchemistry between you – but lots of people have a bit of chemistry and it doesn’t often work out. You still have so much to learn about him – you don’t even technically know he’s single right now. So I suggest don’t get your hopes up – this is not like a tinder date. You don’t know if he’s interested. You don’t know if he’s single. You don’t knwo if he wants the same things. And you don’t yet know if you’re compatible. He’s suggested friendship – so right now, offically this is nothing more than friends, regardless of whatever chemistry you think you have.
Dating at work isn’t stupid, but never do it casually. The benefit has to be worth the risk – you want to be sure that you know someone well enough that dating them is going to have a realistic shot of working. Because your colleagues will soon find out, and there’s nothing more awkward than everyone knowing you went on like 5 dates and slept together twice, and then it didn’t work. You can’t treat your colleagues like some guy off tinder that you never have to see again, which makes things harder.
I’d advise to take things as friends first for a decent while. Get to know each other, see if you actually have things in common. See if he actually seems to like you as a person. And if you feel that you’d be compatible dating AND you get the impression he likes you romantically, talk to him about it.
Hi everyone. Thanks for the advice, it was really helpful!
And Mell, he is single. It was one of the first things we discussed. We both told each other that we usually take our time finding romantic partners.Again, will definitely take all the advice into consideration.
“We both told each other that we usually take our time finding romantic partners.”
I interpret this as you both prefering to get to know a person before starting dating. So his behavior fits this picture. Take your time, get to know each other as friends, have no expectations. It will develop naturally from here, one way or another