Would you continuing see a guy who seems unsure?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Would you continuing see a guy who seems unsure?

  • This topic has 25 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Alexis.
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  • #454052 Reply

    I have been seeing this guy for about a month now and I thought things were going pretty well. We have been on multiple dates all of which he suggested.

    Last night we go out on a date and we got into a conversation about where we are. He basically told me that he sometimes feels really romantically towards me and that he is falling for me, and other times he feels like it’s not so romantic and more friendly.

    We are so alike that he said it is like being on a date with himself, but he obviously feels more for me than just friends because we have more than that, he just doesn’t know if he will ever get to the point where I am at, because I am way more invest in him. He also said since his last girlfriend he seems emotionally detached.

    We left it that he still wants to continuing hanging out and getting to know me, and he would hate to just see me go. He said he wants to get to that point because he knows I’m a really good fit for him.

    So we kind of left it it is up to me if I want to still see him then we will hang out. He text me on the way home last night, but I didn’t respond. I’m not sure how to take all of that really. I know we have the potential to be something amazing, but I’m not sure if it’s worth waiting around to see if someone may start to get those strong feelings? I don’t know what to do

    #454053 Reply

    @Amelia: It has just been a month and he was very honest with you, which is nice because it is important to have clear communication channels. Get to know him, go on more dates and if he is really fond of you then he will lock you down at the earliest. I’d say give it a couple of months and then see where you stand.

    #454059 Reply

    Hello Amelia,
    I have been with a man before who was “unsure” and I can tell you it’s the worst place to be in. I never really knew where we stand or what he wants from me. It’s both difficult and painful and you don’t know if they’re just string you along.
    However in your case it has only been a month and while I’d say most men know quite early what they want from you, maybe give it a little more time to see how it goes? Not too long but just a little longer and go on more dates and if in few weeks to a month he still doesn’t know then maybe it’s not the man for you as after that long time he should have some kind of idea of where he sees this going.
    Wish you luck :)

    #454060 Reply

    That much* time

    #454078 Reply

    Being unsure in the early stages is quite normal. He doesn’t want to move at a fast pace, and this is actually a good sign. Someone who wants to lock you down too early could have sketchy motivations. (Sociopath, insecure, conman etc) You both need time to get to know each other and decide if a commitment is really a good idea.

    This guy seems like he is quite interested in you and may be starting to develop feelings. He’s been honest with you about where he stands (another good sign.) So my advice is to just keep dating and see where it goes, but don’t become too emotionally invested unless there is a good reason to. Make your goals about dating to learn more about him and see if he’s really a good fit for YOU (not the other way around.)

    Keep living your life and dating other men until things get more serious. It’s important to date others so you don’t see this guy as the “only option” which can have the effect of making you feel like you’re losing something if he doesn’t choose you. Remember, if in the end it doesn’t work out, it just means it wasn’t a match. Then it’s onto the next possibility. Have fun on your dates and stop worrying!

    #454084 Reply

    I thought this too, but I think bringing it up to me made me feel not good enough. Things seemed to be going okay but now he is making me doubt everything.

    He also said he has been into girls before really quickly so he is concerned that he just isn’t getting to that point with me. I feel like when you know you know? I mean, sometimes he said he just doesn’t feel the spark and it feels too comfortable and not exciting enough. He actually described as how he could imagine feeling with someone after being married for years.

    All of this although honest made me feel pretty bummed out. I actually cried a bit on our date. It was stupid but we slept together a week ago and I don’t just sleep with anybody. I thought we were both at the same point and felt good enough about us to do so. I feel such an idiot now because I had no idea he felt this way.

    I don’t think he just used me for that, because we have only done it once and he has taken me out since all on dates, so it isn’t like every time he wants to meet up he wants to come over if you know what I mean…but he even said he doesn’t know what his problem is because he knows I’m s right for him.

    #454105 Reply

    Your feelings of being “good enough” are coming from you, not from him.

    When you start putting out needy vibes and don’t feel good about yourself, this KILLS attraction in a guy. Nothing wrecks a potentially good relationship faster than insecurity. If you’ve had some bad experiences in the past, you could be bringing that into your present, which is only going to create more of the same.

    Work on yourself so you can go on dates with him and relax, have fun. That’s the person he wants to date, not someone who is constantly wondering where things are going.

    #454114 Reply

    I once dated a man that thought that you had to be on fire to like someone. The problem with these types of relationships is that they will always have to feel this way. When he broke up with me he said that our relationship was the most real he has every had with anyone and wherever he was became home if I was with him. It is impossible to sustain infatuation. If he is looking to feel that way forever then that is something you have to think about. This is not because you are not good enough. Continue to see him if you like him. If you start to understand that he needs to fell infatuated all of the time then decide from there. Someone recently said to me that all marriages that last start with romance and turn to friendship as the years pass. I like to think this is true. You started comfortable. That may also scare him.

    #454117 Reply

    This man is being honest with you in a way that I have found few men to be. He’s laying his cards out the table and saying that he likes you but isn’t willing to move too quickly. Let him have some time, not a lot of time but even another month might help define the relationship a little more.

    I think feeling needy or a little emotionally vulnerable at times is natural but it’s the way you approach these feelings that is important. Instead of needing a clear cut response from your guy work on the need to become a stronger, more satisfied person yourself. Fill your life with as many activities as you can so that you’re not waiting around thinking about him and eagerly anticipating the next stage of your relationship. I definitely understand the difficulty of wanting to define a relationship but just be patient for a little while longer.

    #454133 Reply

    I’m sorry to say this, bit i think he doesn’t feel a lot of chemistry. Maybe that will change, but i highly doubt it. Its not your fault or his, you cant control chemistry. You also had the talk where he felt you are more invested, so now that is clear, you are better off to see what he does and also date other people.

    #454136 Reply

    Yeah. I am confused as to why he wants to keep seeing me when he is so unsure. He said if we don’t continue seeing each other he will really miss me. I don’t think his feelings will change either. I just wish he would have not said anything at all and we could have kept dating without me now being aware of the doubt he is having

    #454145 Reply

    He was very honest, so listen to that. As to why he wants to see you, people like company. But anyway, i could be wrong, just see what he does.

    #454156 Reply


    It would have been deceptive of him not to tell you how he feels. I am glad he was honest.

    Chemistry is not a basis of “good” enough or not “good” enough.

    I think I would tell him that I would like to take a break from dating him. Take a couple of months away from him so he can clarify how he feels for you.

    This will determine if he feels strongly enough to continue with you…you want someone strongly attached….we all do. Set him free for a few weeks – if it is meant to be it will not do any harm.

    #454162 Reply

    It is very true that infatuation is impossible to maintain, guys and everyone has to relax after a while and then living in reality usually ends up in a horrible breakup.

    I think it is a very good sign that he is so honest, albeit a bit too honest and possibly hurtful to you. I do not think that it is a bad sign this early that he is a bit unsure, most men are a bbit unsure at this point.

    Did he say anything about chemistry? Perhaps I misread what you wrote but I did not see that he said there was no chemistry. At the same time it is not good if he sees you as himself and a friend, I have had that and we actually ended up as very good friends but I also felt he was just that.

    What I am wondering about is why he thinks you are more invested than him? Do you show it in different ways? Do you tell him you love him, write him many messages and the like? If so I would pull away. At this point pulling away is a good idea anyhow.

    But I would not necessarily cut contact, it depends on how much contact he initiates and wants to see you. If he does, I would give him a bit more time.

    Again we may say that he is emotionally unavailable, perhaps he has unfinished business with his ex or at least he feels that way, this is the only thing that concerns me along with him feeling emotionally detached. These things are reason for concern as you may end up being the rebound relationship for him.

    Just wait a bit longer and address the issue a month later if he keeps reaching out. In the meantime, act more independent, free, less readily available, etc.

    #454164 Reply

    Yeah he does know i am invested in him, it’s pretty obvious to read between the lines. He feels some chemistry i think. I know there is huge physical attraction. He also really likes my personality. He just said that i am an amazing girl, sweet, kind, funny, but sometimes he just feels the spark isn’t there and he has felt it already with previous girls by this point. He says we have moments he really feels it, and then other times it just feels too comfortable and he doesn’t feel it.

    He said i want to keep seeing you because i do like you and enjoy being with you, and the thought of not seeing you anymore makes me unhappy and i’d miss you (at this point his eyes filled up), and it made me really confused as to why the thought of not seeing me brought him that emotion if he is unsure.

    So i said to him do you just want to be friends then, and he said it wouldn’t work because we are more than friends, but he doesn’t want to keep leading me on and then say in 3 weeks not have the feelings still and i’m even more invested. It’s a really tough call.

    #489221 Reply

    I am currently in this situation. What did you do? What ended up happening Amelia???

    #499964 Reply

    I’m in the same boat as you Amelia. I did the same as you and had a talk, very long talk, with the guy I was seeing. His response was “everything was happening too fast too soon” and he even admitted to being scared. So we both decided to dial things back a bit. But I will tell you, for your own sanity, I would just think of him as a friend and do your own thing. Don’t reach out, don’t do anything. Try to leave it alone and detach yourself a bit from him. The feelings may never go away, but the ball is ultimately in his court. He’s the man, therefore he should be pursuing you and waiting on you. Not the other way around. And even if/when he does, take things very very slow. Still see him in your mind as a friend and have no expectations of him. If you start having expectations, it puts a lot of pressure on the situation and things will start to get out of control once again. I would even go as far as not having sex with him because that would only complicate things even more. More importantly, you’ll be able to see him more clearly, talk to him more comfortably and confidently. Take your time and do you. As a woman, it’s best to be with a man that is assertive and sure about being with you. If you enter a relationship with a guy who’s fickle and wishy-washy, it will just end with you in tears. Do yourself a favor and just do you. Hope that helps. :)

    #500063 Reply

    He doesn’t seem ready to date after his break up. If he’s telling you he’s emotionally detached because of his ex – and that he doesn’t feel romantic sometimes and that you seem more invested and he’s not sure he will get to the point you are at – he’s basically telling you he’s not ready for a relationship. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO HIM.

    From my experience, for a man to fall in love with you he DOES need to have some kind of infatuation towards you in the beginning. Guys need that feeling – to experience the longing for you – that’s why sometimes when you walk away, they realize they love you and want you back. This feeling can happen in the beginning during the time in between dates for a guy who’s head over heels.

    I wouldn’t want a guy who wasn’t really into me. I’d tell this guy that you are looking for love and it doesn’t seem like the two of you are on the same page. I’d walk.

    #500065 Reply

    LOL, I just looked at the date of the initial post – the poster is probably long gone from this site. Well – that’s what I would have done. I wonder what happened in the end.

    #721142 Reply
    Mary Mary

    I have been with a guy for about 4 years. He has been separated from his wife for over 2 years and has 2 kids. He claims he wants us married but he wouldn’t take the bold step simply because he is treading softly. I am a single mum of1. To think I would have been married to this guy back in the years because we have been secondary school mates but for religion and tribe I backed out because my mum won’t have any of that. Now the biological clock is ticking fast. What do I do? What bold step can I take to make him uncomfortable enough to know if he will move forward or remain stagnant

    #721162 Reply
    Unsure girl

    I feel like maybe he feels he needs a bit more time?

    With my current boyfriend, he told me on our fifth date (this was after 1 month of going on dates, 2 months since we first started talking) that he saw me as someone he would want a relationship with and that he was ready to be my boyfriend.

    I on the other hand wasn’t sure. Not because I didn’t like him, but because I had dated guys with whom things did not go particularly well so I wanted to take things slower and told him I liked him but I wasn’t where he was yet and that I wanted to get to know him a bit more.

    Following that we went on a couple of more dates when he asked me again how I felt about it. I was ready then and told him that I was ready to take this forward.

    Maybe give him a little bit of time? Have fun and go on dates with him! Until then, also consider yourself single and meet other guys. Give other guys who ask you out chances cause you never know who else you might find.

    If even after you’ve given him time he’s not ready, then I’d call it quits. I wouldn’t personally let it drag onto more than a couple of months.

    Good luck!

    #721223 Reply

    After 4 years, and a previous marriage and kids, a guy should know what he wants.

    If he isn’t ready to take this to the next level, I’d very calmly explain I’m not interested in keeping the status quo, without further commitment.

    You have to be prepared to walk away if he doesn’t want what you want (in a reasonable time frame).

    And just because the bio clock is ticking that doesn’t mean you have to settle for him. I would NOT get pregnant by him either without further commitment/marriage.

    #721321 Reply
    Indian Diva

    Amelia give yourself priority !

    Don’t wait for him to accept you or wait for his green flag …if he is unsure take it as he is not even half way through and can take a turn apologizing and saying he tried. I would highly recommend to very politely tell him that please take your time and be very honest that you cant date casually and will look around too since you are not “excclusive”.

    I know exactly how you feel but time to take the chords of your heart and life in your hands :)

    #721339 Reply
    Better off single

    I am confused as to why he wants to keep seeing me when he is so unsure–

    Because he is attracted to you.

    It’s surreal when you meet someone of the opposite sex who is a lot like you in so many ways.

    Pull back and let him take the lead keep talking to other men until he decides you’re who he wants.

    #721380 Reply

    To respond to the original question here-from 2015!, “where it sounds like the guy is unsure. My impression is he is thinking she “ticks all the boxes,so that is why he wants to see if he/they can make it work-BUT something is missing for him. So,my take is he wants it to work because he understands/sees that she is a great girl,a good match etc. but he is just not “feeling it”. So,the bottom line is that he wishes,hopes it can work but really ,it is not going to.

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