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- This topic has 42 replies and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
I need some advice because things have been more tense lately and I feel less confident about my relationship than I was a few months ago.
My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now. During the holidays, he invited me to spend Thanksgiving with his family, and though we didn’t spend Christmas together (his parents were entertaining his sister’s fiance’s family), we spent new years eve together and then he spent the weekend with me at my parents’ house. My parents really like him and all of my friends approve. Generally, I have been truly enjoying our relationship and feel like I’ve finally found someone who I can see myself with for the long run. Up until lately, I felt like we were on the same page.
We are both 28 years old (he is turning 29 in three weeks). He had a really long relationship during his early to mid twenties that ended badly, and then dated casually for about a year before we met. We met online and hit it off immediately. We took things slowly, and didn’t become “official” until about six months after we met.
My boyfriend is an entrepreneur and he will probably relocate his business within a year. I am also in my final semester at graduate school and trying to finalize my job plans. The problem is that I’m always the one having to ask if he has any updates on where he might be going, he doesn’t volunteer information, and I’m the only one who seems to be “planning” around staying together. I have been very open about my willingness to apply for jobs wherever he might go since I’m going to school away from home to begin with, and don’t feel very tied to my current location.
Here’s the bigger concern. Today I revisited the conversation about jobs and locations and he said “I don’t really think you should be planning your career around me because we aren’t engaged.” My jaw literally dropped. Does this mean that he doesn’t plan on getting engaged to me in the future?! My impression is that men and women can tell if they’re in a relationship that his potential versus one that’s for convenience.
I sort of freaked out over that comment and at some point later in the conversation, I asked him whether he would be ok being in a long distance relationship since he wants me to have my best options without him being a crutch. He said – “it depends on how long we were apart.” So I said, “what about a year.” He said he didn’t know. WTF. How can he tell me not to plan around him and then say that he might not want to be in a long distance relationship, if even for a year. It sounds to me like I’m not a long term plan. So I started crying and told him that if he isn’t serious about relationship then he’s wasting my time. He kept insisting that he is serious but he can’t predict the future and that he wouldn’t want me to move somewhere and be unhappy and then feel stuck if things didn’t work out with us.
The other consideration is that his ex-girlfriend who was a long term relationship, actually moved to be with him and then things didn’t work out and she had to move back home. I realize that this was a really terrible experience for him and impacts his current views. But I find his comments to show ambivalence towards our future as a couple who plans together and makes compromises, and it almost sounds like I’m expendable.
Like I said, I’m 28 years old. I want to get married in a few years. If this relationship is a year and a half long and he is talking about me like I’m expendable, I don’t know if I should be investing any more time. I am an attractive woman who has always had options, so I would rather start over now than feel devastated one year from now. I don’t know if I”m overreacting, but I am extremely hurt by this conversation. It ended with him saying that he loves me and that I mean a lot to him. But this conversation was extremely disheartening because I can see myself marrying him and though that we were on that track.
I am sorry. I am on his side.
He made a lot of sense to me. You too were only dating. You did his job to plan. He had bad experience and I also understand where you both come from.
He operates in the men’s world. He goes first. You should put yourself first.
If you can’t stand this situation , it is wise that you should consider leaving
I would agree with you if we were hooking up, but we are in an exclusive relationship for some time now, we know each other’s families and friends, and we are both older. How does that make any sense?
He did not promise you anything – you obviously invest way more than he did. It is irrelevant whether his loves you or not.
As a matter of fact, men can leave women they love for better career.
Please do think ahead of the relationship – if you are looking to marriage – state so next time to the new guy.
Many women learned the hard way because they think love conquers many things.
So you don’t think he sees himself marrying me?
If someone I date do not express future plans with me. I take that as face value.
Most men would not be happy about women guiding where he should be with her.
I prefer men take charge – then I express my opinion. That way you don’t always push forward – that can be tiring and he won’t feel like a man who offers you the world – his world to you.
Do you think I should break up with him?
He may likely even visited that marriage idea. He is not established. Why would he be?
You have the clock and he does not.
I want to see you having the best. But this is not the best moment for you because he is not there yet.
He may not likely visited
A man who sees a future with you, including marriage, would not act this way. If he intended to propose or marry you, he would be including you in his plans to move on his own, without you having to nudge him and ask where you stand. For a man who doesn’t plan on marrying you, yes, his comments make sense.
Now the question is, is this ok with you? Sounds like it’s not; you’ve reached a point where you’re sure you want to marry him and he isn’t even planning to include you in his major plans for the future. You’ve also been together for a year and a half, so if he wanted to marry you, he would know by now. Sounds like he’s decided that he doesn’t and the excuse of him moving away will be a perfect opportunity for him to end things.
I’m really sorry but after 18 months, I would also want to be part of someone’s long-term plans. I wouldn’t expect “if things don’t work out with us” to even be a consideration after that amount of time.
Wow, Gemini. That is exactly what I was thinking. I am so disappointed right now and I know that one year I would feel 30 times worse.
Hannah! I used those exact words – I said, “why is that even crossing your mind if you are happy right now?”
I feel so crushed right now.
I think you should spend sometime to decide what you want.
He says he loves you at this moment.
You have to really spend time on your own and figure out what is best for you. He said – you too not engaged. That indicates you are free to do best for yourself, career and family.
You have all the power here to create a better life for yourself because he choose not to be too involved at this moment.
You can’t make a case for yourself unless you are sure what path you want to take.
Talk like someone with confidence about her direction because at the moment he wants no responsibility of that. Don’t hand over your responsibility unless someone asks for it. Always take care yourself first.
And if you decide to breakup, please don’t create too much drama. It will take you longer to heal.
One door close is another open door.
I will give it a few days. I will have to break up with him if he isn’t as invested.
Thank you everyone for your advice.
It shouldn’t be hard to tell a this point if he wants a future with you, I for one would not conceder continuing a relationship in which after a year and half he does not see you in his future.
I am in a relationship with a man for what has been a year and so, there is not doubt in my mind that he sees me as part of his future, why? because when he talks about moving to another stated he makes sure he conceders places where i would also go to, we talk of our plans for next year, and I am always first and center in his plans.
I also know how it is being with someone that does not see a future with you (my ex was that way) he avoided talks about future, or marriage, and when he did talk about the future I wasnt included.
Don’t waste your time with someone who doesn’t include you, if he really did love you there would be not questioning “if” there was a future with him.
He’s backtracking and saying that he doesn’t want me to plan around him because there’s so much uncertainty – he couldn’t even tell me where to apply because he doesn’t have the location locked down yet. It would either by NY or CA. …But he originally said that A) we’re not in engaged, and B) he wouldn’t want me to relocate and then be unhappy if things didn’t work out. I really don’t have a good feeling about where I stand. He’s making it seem like I”m overreacting, but like dt2413 said, plenty of people who have been together as long as us or even shorter make future plans together. The guy will actively talk about it if the woman is important to them, and won’t encourage her to make plans that don’t consider how he can fit.
You need to show some serious backbone here. Start planning your own future and take a giant step back from this relationship. He is taking you for granted and you need to stop allowing that. Tell him that you understand his concerns, and that you will make a decision on what is best for you.
This guy isn’t serious about you. Sorry to be blunt, but he’s not. Since you’re looking for something serious, I would break up with him and move on. Men know in a year if they want to marry the woman or not, especially at your age. This doesn’t mean they will engage a girl in a year, but they make it clear when they have serious intentions. Best of luck finding the wonderful guy who also wants a future as do you!
Everything else that has happened between us, and our dynamic gave me the impression that he saw me as someone he could possibly marry. This whole “don’t plan your life around me” really caught me by surprise and really broke my heart. I am so shocked and hurt.
I agree. At our age, things move faster than they do at 25. Guys are more inclined towards starting families because all of their friends are doing it. I know that he wants to get married– he is not the anti-marriage type, which I’ve dated in the past. So the fact that he would say “don’t plan around me” at this junction is just very negative to me.
It’s funny because I read some articles and posts online where people said that women shouldn’t move to follow a man unless there is a commitment. But most of those situations involve a woman giving up a job and uprooting her life. In my case, I already live somewhere random that isn’t my home town, and I am in a transition period where I can choose where I want to start my career. It’s actually a good situation to be in for our relationship. I can’t believe that someone who doesn’t want a long distance relationship doesn’t want me to make efforts to remain living in the same area. I’m going to sleep on it and give it a few days, but I think I have to break up with him.